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The real meaning of "Ignorance of the law is no excuse" ๐Ÿ”—

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Two aspects are important to consider here. First is that the law is necessarily arbitrary; in this sense knowledge or ignorance of the law is irrelevant - the knowledge of the Judicial apparatus and its personnel is what is actually important.

The second aspect is necessarily a corollary of the first. Namely, that anyone with sufficient knowledge can structure their behavior to make otherwise unlawful behavior entirely legal. In fact, the entire economy and political apparatus is dependent on this mechanism to function, because without it there would be no effective heuristic for identifying opposition to the state (the actual purpose of all judiciary and enforcement apparatuses).

For example, it is highly unlawful in 99.99% of the country to pay a stripper to fuck you. It's 100% legal everywhere in the country to fuck a stripper, and then make it rain on them when they go onstage at some time before or after. While this looks a hell of a lot like money laundering, good luck proving that without written or recorded conversations attesting to that. The only thing that is truly unlawful is good record-keeping and poor operational security. The state wants only smart "criminals" operating; like knows like.

If it weren't for this fact, pretty much every marginal business (read: 80% of business) would go bankrupt. Unprovable accounting control fraud, while resulting in the occasional Enron, is also the only reason that taqueria down the street has a profit margin after sales and other taxes. Taxation is the primary motivating force behind fraud and various other distortions in the economy.

Rampant control fraud is also why tons of people who are otherwise useless have jobs rather than are yet another SNAP/SSI recipient. Corporate Managers looking for more direct reports to fuel their promotions who are willing to fudge performance reviews to protect dead wood likely take off a good 10-20% of the unemployment rate all by themselves. This also allows them to protect the actually productive people when layoffs finally come due to economic conditions entirely out of the manager's control.

Of course this naturally comes with corrosive effects. If your business relies on control fraud to be viable this implies the optimal amount of shrinkage is nonzero; preferably some fraction of the taxation otherwise avoided. This is because any mechanism you can use to identify sources of shrinkage can also be used as a means of assessing your "true" tax burden. As such, those mechanisms are routinely omitted as "cost saving measures".

This is what is behind most complaints of being unable to staff businesses. Untrustworthy people cannot be allowed anywhere near decision making. Even if they don't steal directly they'll do other stupid shit that's liable to get them to turn stoolie in desperation.

Nevertheless, if you have to scale a business you just have to swallow that bitter pill and adapt. If you've ever wondered why "mushroom management" (keep them in the dark, and feed them shit) is so common, it's because it's an adaptation to these realities. Managers call these sort of interactions with employees "baby talk", as it's most commonly employed on young and idealistic employees. Anyone who can't see thru it is clearly not suited for anything beyond toiling. Similarly, anyone who "looks like a criminal" (read: non-beta) can't be trusted.

Which brings me to the "heuristic for identifying opposition to the state". Much like corporate, governance has had to scale far beyond its actual ability to employ coercion and maintain some semblance of their preferred order without a hell of a good filter. Viewed through this lens, the reason why some things are "unlawful" and others not becomes immediately clear.

For example, why has every single attempt to roll out a "cashless society" (read: no bearer instruments of any kind) failed so spectacularly? Because if there is no clearly identifiable activity such as "withdraws and deposits large sums of cash routinely" to narrow down your list of potential malefactors, there is no option besides a full index scan to increase revenue or suppress organized "subversive/criminal" activity. This is why bearer instruments such as cash (read: non-refundable) remain allowed in the physical world but ruthlessly suppressed in the digital realm.

The commonly used excuse by the payment processors for their official oppression of things like sex work is the prevalence of chargebacks. This makes sense to a degree, as drunk idiots who don't realize their wife reads the bank statement will always exist. Nevertheless, there is no technical reason even under traditional digital finance systems that nonrefundable transactions can't be supported. The fact that they don't is because the government explicitly prohibits such as it allows anyone to unprovably be an Unlicensed Money Transmitter.

To be fair, it's not exactly smart to engage in a transaction where one fat finger can increase the order of magnitude of a mistake. This is why I'm still astonished that digital transactions (such as with a credit card) aren't by and large subject to escrow. It's also worth noting that one of the important functions lawyers tend to serve is that of escrow. Much like with your taxes, having legally protected client confidentiality allows a great deal of otherwise questionable activity to be beyond proving it isn't entirely above board. This is tolerated because lawyers are almost never threats, but the biggest boosters of the state that exist.

If there's any moral to this story, it's that two wrongs don't make a right. The deadweight loss to the economy due to the impossibility of valuing things correctly thanks to rampant and tolerated control fraud is quite large. All equity you acquire is necessarily a pig in a poke. As such, there's no "free lunch" -- investing in businesses you aren't personally involved in to a degree you can see through the bullshit is simply gambling. That's the real meaning of "ignorance of the law is no excuse".

Caveat Emptor.

Draft protests in Kiev ๐Ÿ”—

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The families of the drafted understandably want their sons and fathers to come home. This is likely the beginning of the end, as when these kinds of protests are not listened to, they usually escalate to draft riots the moment a major setback occurs in war.

BONUS: Time Magazine essentially comes out and says it: the war is lost.

Large amounts of Israeli casualties in the Hamas offensive: Friendly fire ๐Ÿ”—

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Pretty normal stuff. Interesting that wasting hostages is SOP though:
Blumenthal also emphasized the role of Israelโ€™s notorious โ€œHannibal Directive,โ€ requiring that Israeli captives must either be killed or rescued to avoid allowing them to be used as bargaining chips
Meanwhile the Biden Regime has ceased openly advocating for genocide, so that's something I suppose.

EU proposal on "Chat Control" also a conspiracy and scam ๐Ÿ”—

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Good chaser to the previous article. Sounds like a full court press against your liberties, as always with the gangsters running the modern state.

UPDATE: EU Commission caught red handed astroturfing for this bill.

Hiring in the Post-Floyd order ๐Ÿ”— 1697557785  

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As observed, massive discrimination against white men, who form the vast majority of the skilled labor pool. And people are mystified why labor force productivity is going into the toilet.

IRS thinks it can get 289bn in "back taxes" from Microsoft ๐Ÿ”— 1697557654  

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Good luck with that, lol

F-35 readiness at 1/2 ๐Ÿ”— 1697557578  

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Not only can they not find contractors to repair this turkey, I'm sure the readiness reports themselves are fraudulent. Likely 9/10 of these things are boat anchors.

Cops running rackets in Minnesota ๐Ÿ”— 1697556362  

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Pretty much the norm in every single city in the USA. Fascinating to see any newspaper dare to say it out loud; I'm guessing the byline is in for a world of hurt soon.

How Mossad failed to see what was in front of their face ๐Ÿ”— 1696879399  

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Shoulda looked at having a GAN too, lol

Israel occupies al-aqsa, gets a Jihad ๐Ÿ”— 1696711405  

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Fierce fighting and further escalation. Outcome remains unclear.

Canadian diplomatic row over Sikhs getting whacked ๐Ÿ”— 1695918868  

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Response is about as expected; what are the Canadians gonna do? Go over there and spank 'em? Please.

The Mothership: Let's send advisers to Ukraine ๐Ÿ”— 1695747617  

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"Without risking escalation"

Meanwhile in chicongo: Rather than fix crime, just do breadlines to fix grocers fleeing ๐Ÿ”— 1695746992  

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Any excuse to steal

SEC now selling database of everyone's trades to other spooks ๐Ÿ”— 1695746894  

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I'm sure they wouldn't dare find anything suspicious about the carlyle group or any other elites. They will however find a way to use it against the punters.

Boomer homelessness on the rise ๐Ÿ”—

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The wages of inflation. Meanwhile, those who can are finally retiring en masse, making our ongoing recession worse.

Jack Poulson: Good new OSINT guy ๐Ÿ”— 1695745857  

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Very interesting articles on his substack.

First artificial embryo created ๐Ÿ”— 1694111038  

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1% yield. This will no doubt improve with time. We shall see whether the authorities can restrain themselves from growing slaves as the demographic crisis worsens.

Grayzone gets "the treatment" by the banksters ๐Ÿ”—

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It's obvious these firms, when not enthusiastic collaborators with our fascist vampire regime, are being leaned on to the point of "you will be crushed and driven out of business if you do not comply" judging by the persistence and effectiveness of ChokePoint. Legally, everyone has a right to raise money for any lawful purpose, even to pay for legal defense against crimes you deliberately and obviously committed. The only legal leg these shit bags have to lean on is wartime emergency provisions against "aiding the enemy" of whom there are none, as there is no declared war, just "enemies" lists made by the gangsters and warlords of the alphabet agencies. The fact these firms can legally say "put them on the OFAC shit list or fuck off" and don't tells you all you need to know here. The "money transmitter" license laws are the relevant sword of Damocles they use as a club against any who dare.

State Dept: 0 connection to reality as usual ๐Ÿ”— 1693482806  

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High on farts

Viva Millei ๐Ÿ”— 1693482758  

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Here's hoping things work out.

On Post-Liberalism ๐Ÿ”— 1693333991  

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But if we recognizes this as the true sickness that ails usโ€ฆ well, the post liberal narrative rings lackluster. It is not Locke or Jefferson that has robbed our lives of significance. The post liberals could drive the Woke out of public life, annul the words โ€œlife, liberty, and the pursuit of happinessโ€ from the public memory, and re-Christianize the entire public sphere, but the essential problem would remain. As long as America is divided between managers and the managed; as long as her culture honors distinctions between experts and the average; and as long as her citizensโ€™ daily lives are decided by rules and regulations made by bureaucrats living far away, then the malaise, atomization, and enervation that the post liberals mourn will continue apace.
Largely mirrors my thinking for many years. The problem remains centralization, and systematic suppression via coercion of all attempts at privately establishing an order of subsidiarity.

Escaping only so far ๐Ÿ”— 1693333396  

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In the stories of the modern fairy realm we see the seeds of stagnation. Protesters who occupy Zuccotti Park without the faintest notion of what their occupation should accomplish, political parties that seize all branches of the government without a plan for governing, Ivy League students pretending that they are not, in fact, eliteโ€”all of this flows from a culture that can articulate the anxieties of the overmanaged but cannot conceive of a healthy model of management. We cannot suffer ourselves to imagine righteous ambition even in our fantasies. Responsible leadership is not possible even in our fairy world. Little wonder so few strive to realize it in the real one.
On why every story nowadays is the same

As predicted, the semi sanctions on China are worthless ๐Ÿ”— 1692977647  

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This belief that the guys over on Formosa don't have family on the other side of the strait, and manufacturers willing to poach them, is 1000% delusional.

On the Niger situation ๐Ÿ”—

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Would these โ€œgood guysโ€ โ€“who have the โ€œNeoCon blessingโ€ of Victoria Nulandโ€” lead a genuine grassroots movement against U.S. imperialism? The answer is obvious!
lol. Doug Casey understands the ultimate end here is for warlords to steal more.

Prigo Whacked: what now? ๐Ÿ”— 1692879220  

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Also, it seems clear to me that the next time a high level internal spat in Russia happens there wonโ€™t be any backing down or compromises. Now everyone knows that itโ€™s either total victory or death. So, there wonโ€™t be anyone challenging the government in any way unless theyโ€™re ready to go all the way. It seems glaringly clear to me that weโ€™ve missed yet another off-ramp in our headlong descent into chaos and eventually internal civil war within Russia.

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