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The Doge 🔗

Grayzone gets "the treatment" by the banksters 🔗

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It's obvious these firms, when not enthusiastic collaborators with our fascist vampire regime, are being leaned on to the point of "you will be crushed and driven out of business if you do not comply" judging by the persistence and effectiveness of ChokePoint. Legally, everyone has a right to raise money for any lawful purpose, even to pay for legal defense against crimes you deliberately and obviously committed. The only legal leg these shit bags have to lean on is wartime emergency provisions against "aiding the enemy" of whom there are none, as there is no declared war, just "enemies" lists made by the gangsters and warlords of the alphabet agencies. The fact these firms can legally say "put them on the OFAC shit list or fuck off" and don't tells you all you need to know here. The "money transmitter" license laws are the relevant sword of Damocles they use as a club against any who dare.

State Dept: 0 connection to reality as usual 🔗 1693482806  

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High on farts

Viva Millei 🔗 1693482758  

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Here's hoping things work out.

On Post-Liberalism 🔗 1693333991  

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But if we recognizes this as the true sickness that ails us… well, the post liberal narrative rings lackluster. It is not Locke or Jefferson that has robbed our lives of significance. The post liberals could drive the Woke out of public life, annul the words “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” from the public memory, and re-Christianize the entire public sphere, but the essential problem would remain. As long as America is divided between managers and the managed; as long as her culture honors distinctions between experts and the average; and as long as her citizens’ daily lives are decided by rules and regulations made by bureaucrats living far away, then the malaise, atomization, and enervation that the post liberals mourn will continue apace.
Largely mirrors my thinking for many years. The problem remains centralization, and systematic suppression via coercion of all attempts at privately establishing an order of subsidiarity.

Escaping only so far 🔗 1693333396  

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In the stories of the modern fairy realm we see the seeds of stagnation. Protesters who occupy Zuccotti Park without the faintest notion of what their occupation should accomplish, political parties that seize all branches of the government without a plan for governing, Ivy League students pretending that they are not, in fact, elite—all of this flows from a culture that can articulate the anxieties of the overmanaged but cannot conceive of a healthy model of management. We cannot suffer ourselves to imagine righteous ambition even in our fantasies. Responsible leadership is not possible even in our fairy world. Little wonder so few strive to realize it in the real one.
On why every story nowadays is the same

As predicted, the semi sanctions on China are worthless 🔗 1692977647  

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This belief that the guys over on Formosa don't have family on the other side of the strait, and manufacturers willing to poach them, is 1000% delusional.

On the Niger situation 🔗

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Would these “good guys” –who have the “NeoCon blessing” of Victoria Nuland— lead a genuine grassroots movement against U.S. imperialism? The answer is obvious!
lol. Doug Casey understands the ultimate end here is for warlords to steal more.

Prigo Whacked: what now? 🔗 1692879220  

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Also, it seems clear to me that the next time a high level internal spat in Russia happens there won’t be any backing down or compromises. Now everyone knows that it’s either total victory or death. So, there won’t be anyone challenging the government in any way unless they’re ready to go all the way. It seems glaringly clear to me that we’ve missed yet another off-ramp in our headlong descent into chaos and eventually internal civil war within Russia.

Magnetically actuated, cheaply mass-producible artificial muscles 🔗 1692737945  

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One of the last major obstacles to really good robotics has been a lack of precisely this.

Cuba: Trying to go cashless 🔗 1692735231  

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Good luck with that, the economy would totally collapse without "sin factura, por favor"

Boston Dynamics finally did something useful: stretch 🔗

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Here's hoping it gets all the sticky-fingered fuckers making shit disappear off loading docks out of a job. Meanwhile the boss is busy trying to figure out how to teach the bots how to man lines, likely with LLMs. Currently all spot is good for is remote manipulation, which is necessarily limited.

Bong institutional collapse taking its toll: Orknejar considering anschluss with Danemark once more 🔗 1692725445  

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When your .gov is just gangsterism running a bust out on existing services, don't be shocked when things stop working.

NY/LA sissy hypno of asset managers has finally failed 🔗 1692643131  

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Turns out nobody wants to be a bugman crushed by taxation after all. Who'da thunkt???

Why Ukraine won't be a second South Korea 🔗 1692289153  

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Korea was a useful beard for the Japs, so it prospered. The Poles have no need for such things; Ukraine's ultimate fate will be misery followed by partition.

LK99: Just copper sulfide impurities 🔗 1692216325  

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Did anyone learn anything? Time will tell.

Surkov and "Generation P": the Kremlin machine 🔗

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The funny thing is that the West itself couldn’t keep Surkovism going for long.

The nihilism ended up being too much. And so, they had to create new causes and religions like SJWism and the Climate Cult to give the moral busybodies purpose and a means by which to harass normal people. These same types would be chest-clutching, Jahowa-worshipping, witch-burning Puritan church-ladies in another century. Not everyone can be a drug dealer and a house-flipper like Surkov envisioned. So, even though he is a genius propagandist, apparently, all he really did was copy post-Cold War America and now Putin’s people are belatedly realizing that America has moved on and their trendy progressive views from the 90s and 00s are considered literal fascism. Really, these clever masters of the universes are now the butt of a joke that they don’t even understand. They thought that no one cared about anything anymore! They convinced themselves and the rest of the country to not care either! And now what are they to do when they’re suddenly set up to be this century’s great moral foil to the heroes on their sacred anti-Amalek holy Crusade?

Pelevin says that power rests on bayonets and now the Moscow elite all stand a chance of getting sodomized by bayonets before this is all over. I may not be a high-brow art guy myself, but I can say that the situation that the Kremlin finds itself in now is what I would categorize as “fat people falling down stairs” levels of funny.
Rolo just knocks it out of the park here. Read the whole thing!

Pakistan: Back under military control 🔗 1692027478  

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Of course, US fingerprints are all over it, as expected.

Witch Hunt: The dem campaign to Martyr Trump may just get him re-elected 🔗

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Meme Magic becoming real RE "Punished Trump"?
Although Trump’s legion of enemies in the political and media firmament would probably regard Rall’s reaction as incomprehensible, the point he is making is a very simple one. In recent years, enormous numbers of Americans, possibly even a considerable majority, have come to regard our country’s ruling elite establishment as their deepest, sworn enemy. The massive vilification of Trump in such quarters indicates that those elites fear Trump as their most dangerous foe, so many voters may eventually conclude that the enemy of their enemy is at least worth a casual vote on the November ballot.
Ron's quite clearheaded to see the ultimate consequences:
I fear that all too many democratic or semi-democratic governments around the world will now eagerly seize upon the innovative electoral strategy pioneered by our own Democratic Party and henceforth use judicial means to eliminate their political rivals....

America’s political system is facing an enormous crisis of legitimacy, perhaps just as serious and potentially fatal as the one that brought down the old USSR in the early 1990s. Our horrendous budget and trade deficits seem permanent but clearly unsustainable, we recently suffered the highest inflation in four decades, and three years ago we experienced the worst urban rioting since the 1960s, as well as the largest spike in the national homicide rate since record-keeping began. We have spent the last eighteen months fighting a losing proxy-war against nuclear-armed Russia on Russia’s own border, astonishingly reckless behavior that would have been unimaginable at the height of the old Cold War. The Covid epidemic took more than a million American lives and last year I argued that the calamity was closely analogous to the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster that played such a major role in the collapse of the Soviet Union a few years later.
Events certainly seem to be trending to a Weimar style collapse; The race communists will start shooting once SSI payments exceed the $2k in asset limit (and make nobody eligible) I imagine.

Why we can't have nice things 🔗 1691698240  

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Spoiler alert: IQ is involved

Moldbug on Hanania and the "classical liberals" 🔗 1691697944  

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Au contraire. The Chief Justice of the United States is not stupid. He knows that there is no way to end race communism with a court order. The fact that it took over the country—the public sector and the private sector; federal, state, local and corporate—not only without any legal approval, but directly in contradiction to civil-rights law—which not only is colorblind, but requires colorblindness—tells us that no law and no court order has the power to defeat this terrible force.
Banania clearly has not yet read either "The constitution of no authority" or Prof. Hasnas' "Impossibility of the rule of law". His response here is reformist pablum that fails to address the core point (above) entirely. The take that he's a weasel with no strong views whatsoever that is angling for beltway jobs seems about right. This is not to say Molds himself is anything special; He's reheated Hoppe with a side of impregnating ethots, lol

Sanger: Wikipedia run by CIA 🔗 1691162298  

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I mean it was obvious the spooks are all over it. Otherwise why would the core editor cabal be a bunch of pedos?

Obama: Still in the drivers' seat 🔗

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Insofar as one can be, at least. I mean, he's 100% aligned with the permanent state so of course they recognize him to be authority. Tons of other gems in here.

Feds hound Jim Larkin to death 🔗 1691023840  

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RIP. Nobody can say for sure why a man ends himself, but their vile railroading of him must have had quite a sizable part in his decision.

LK99: The room temperature, ambient pressure superconductor? 🔗 1690914400  

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Looking increasingly like it. Amazing news for fusion, and many other areas.

Invar now fully understood 🔗 1690487184  

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Hopefully this allows for the creation of allows with even less thermal expansion/reduction. If we could make flexible seals that are invar, space flight would be massively improved.

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