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Anatoly on how he got disillusioned by the Russian Right πŸ”—

Upon realizing that the Russian regime was a blood-soaked kleptocracy wearing white-guardism as a skinsuit, he did what most people do and doubled down on his hopes. When the reality of systematic falsification of all such metrics became unavoidable, he finally capitulated. In the "hitted too hard way", unfortunately; he sees western liberal internationalism as the way out. He does not yet realize we have the same exact problem. Our system is also a murdering kleptocracy wearing an ideology as a skin-suit to cover for their systematic theft. It's nice that he sees things like the "network state" (which are just re-heated Doug Casey from the 80s) as the way out; ultimately anarcho-capitalism is the only system actually compatible with our ultra-networked future.

Pfizer gets wrecked πŸ”— 1702923838  

Gee, maybe you should have worked on the actual public health crisis in the country like Eli Lilly.

Indian Federalism destroyed πŸ”— 1702923353  

No state allowed to have more autonomy than any other, which is to say Delhi's autonomy (e.g. none at all). "Surely centralizing won't cause a civil war this time, ignore all lessons of history"

On the FED's nacking of another crack at a 100% reserve bank πŸ”— 1702922316  

From the "It's a big club and you ain't in it" file

The left's take on the overconsumption crisis πŸ”— 1702921134  

They of course forget entirely that .gov policy comprehensively punishes saving and capital formation, while encouraging profligacy. Then they of course demand gibs as the solution. Look, this is entirely driven by Women, who spend 80% of the money in the economy despite earning ~40% of it. The globalization of the sexual marketplace has driven their expectations to the moon, and men won't tell their wives the magic word 'no', as this is commonly grounds for divorce to not keep up with her delusional wants. The savings rate will not recover so long as inflation & buying female votes is the 2 step .gov solution to perpetual reelection.

The anti-trust crusaders hit a nerve πŸ”—

The pentagram "not asking no questions" RE the ownership of defense contractors is so that the same mobbed up names don't show up in every single transaction. This is actually striking the root of the real problems in US politics. I suppose the Intel aristocracy has finally decided it's time for hot war against the organized crime faction that achieved apotheosis in the 80s. I suppose this is to be expected, as the parties have gone from being heavily infiltrated by both sides to increasingly polarized. I suppose some of it is well meaning, as the rapacious looting of our criminal oligarchy certainly fails to deliver concrete results beyond financial irregularity.

25% of filled jobs this year: government jobs πŸ”— 1702317212  

Screaming recession indicator

The big bang never happened πŸ”— 1701801415  

As anyone who read WJ Sidis' 100 year old book knew already. The difference is now the cosmologists have data screaming at them to look at the wide open holes in their theories they have neglected up to date.

On the state of the Russian Oligarchy πŸ”—

VVP pinkie swears he won't tax those creeps if they de-offshore their operations. Any of the oligarchs with brains will scurry back to Israel and cut their losses, but it appears for now their greed is getting the best of them, as he's offering the carrot of seized western assets. The "stick" of a subsequent oligarch dinner where they are all taken out and shot if they don't pay taxes comes later (if at all, as RU patriots suspect).

Wharton does the math on the fiscus πŸ”— 1701797670  

As we've mentioned here before multiple times, the feds are "on borrowed time". If they can't get spending under control (spoiler alert) the end comes much sooner than 2050.

Trump II campaign promises sounding pretty natpopped πŸ”—

How very lincolnesque of this yank. If he actually pulls a nazbol attack off against the USSA's bioleninist regime, he'll be our man of steel(ing things). Stalinist purges but with "your fired!" BLAM! on national TV. Ha! as if. More likely, the ship of state will simply continue to list for the next 20 years until we default.

Milei wins in Argentina πŸ”— 1700497956  

The only election in recent memory with any hope on offer. We shall see whether it is a false one for Argentina soon enough.

The Whistleblower-Industrial complex πŸ”— 1700174323  

SEC's tip line: we only listen to former SEC people and their buddies. Like all financial regs, it's just making the scams worse.

Draft protests in Kiev πŸ”—

The families of the drafted understandably want their sons and fathers to come home. This is likely the beginning of the end, as when these kinds of protests are not listened to, they usually escalate to draft riots the moment a major setback occurs in war.

BONUS: Time Magazine essentially comes out and says it: the war is lost.

New House Speaker: Warmonger πŸ”— 1698688589  

Calls the Russia - China - Iran alliance the new "Axis of Evil"

Large amounts of Israeli casualties in the Hamas offensive: Friendly fire πŸ”—

Pretty normal stuff. Interesting that wasting hostages is SOP though:
Blumenthal also emphasized the role of Israel’s notorious β€œHannibal Directive,” requiring that Israeli captives must either be killed or rescued to avoid allowing them to be used as bargaining chips
Meanwhile the Biden Regime has ceased openly advocating for genocide, so that's something I suppose.

Otpor guys spotted in Georgia πŸ”— 1698156061  

Doing precisely what one would expect, of course. Despite the Georgian Dream party doing several things to please the Americans over time, this is of course the reward. As usual, there is no negotiation possible with the USA, as only slavish obedience to insane demands is tolerated.

EU proposal on "Chat Control" also a conspiracy and scam πŸ”—

Good chaser to the previous article. Sounds like a full court press against your liberties, as always with the gangsters running the modern state.

UPDATE: EU Commission caught red handed astroturfing for this bill.

Travel to EU states about to get even more tedious πŸ”— 1698078602  

USA still in the habit of using its' vassals as a laboratory for tyranny, I see.

Hiring in the Post-Floyd order πŸ”— 1697557785  

As observed, massive discrimination against white men, who form the vast majority of the skilled labor pool. And people are mystified why labor force productivity is going into the toilet.

IRS thinks it can get 289bn in "back taxes" from Microsoft πŸ”— 1697557654  

Good luck with that, lol

F-35 readiness at 1/2 πŸ”— 1697557578  

Not only can they not find contractors to repair this turkey, I'm sure the readiness reports themselves are fraudulent. Likely 9/10 of these things are boat anchors.

Cops running rackets in Minnesota πŸ”— 1697556362  

Pretty much the norm in every single city in the USA. Fascinating to see any newspaper dare to say it out loud; I'm guessing the byline is in for a world of hurt soon.

How Mossad failed to see what was in front of their face πŸ”— 1696879399  

Shoulda looked at having a GAN too, lol

Israel occupies al-aqsa, gets a Jihad πŸ”— 1696711405  

Fierce fighting and further escalation. Outcome remains unclear.

25 most recent posts older than 1696711405
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