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Mexico: The real winner of the Ukraine war 🔗 1709920586  

Thanks to the LNG export ban.

The great taking 🔗 1709674961  

Good boil-down of why "Fraud is the Fundamentals" in the bust-out economy. Of course they're writing inventory as collateral and then never disclosing that it's been sold entirely. If you don't pay your bills, your gross is your net.

NYTimes on the SBU being a creature of US intelligence 🔗 1709144172  

Which they allege has perhaps slipped the rope with their terrorist shenanigans. Yeah right, just like the Israelis, eh? In any case one particularly interesting tidbit:
Often, the C.I.A. briefings contained shockingly specific details. On March 3, 2022 — the eighth day of the war — the C.I.A. team gave a precise overview of Russian plans for the coming two weeks.
People sometimes ask me how all this works in practice. I figured it out after Sibel Edmonds' revelation that there were entire departments basically run by foreign intelligence orgs in the FBI. Think about the incentives. Atop of "keeping your enemies close", having alien spooks around is quite useful for de-fanging any domestic opposition to your agency. Sure it will result in shocking betrayals of national interest, but the agencies have no interest whatsoever in that.

The Kremlin is heavily infiltrated by western spooks for the same reason our guys are heavily infiltrated by our erstwhile "allies". Having the CIA in their hip pocket is a large part of the reason the Russian oligarchy remains invincible. There was a similar relationship between RU and UA, which by all indications continues to this day. The Ukranian spook aristocracy is profiting massively playing these two saps against each other.

Google's "Emperor's new clothes" moment 🔗

The end result is that just as Microsoft could, shielded by years of a Windows monopoly, delude themselves into thinking they had an iPhone killer, Google could, shielded by years of a search monopoly, delude themselves into thinking they had not just the right but the obligation to tell users what they ought to believe.
Gemini is a stinker, because the new socialist man it wants to be (and by extension its user) is impossible. All that can happen is "nice-guy-ism" run amok; everyone let's hide our flaws so everybody likes us amirite???

BONUS: From the same author in 2016:
Indeed, given their power over what users see Facebook could, if it chose, be the most potent political force in the world. Until, of course, said meddling was uncovered, at which point the service, having so significantly betrayed trust, would lose a substantial number of users and thus its lucrative and privileged place in advertising, leading to a plunge in market value. In short, there are no incentives for Facebook to explicitly favor any type of content beyond that which drives deeper engagement; all evidence suggests that is exactly what the service does.
The evidence is now out that the social networks indeed are the most potent political force in the world, and have been largely forced to pull the spook aristocracy's wagon. It's no coincidence that this developed hand in hand with the authoritarian police state built post 9/11. We now have the same old situation, but the "interest groups that care deeply about outcomes" are the lawless spook agencies.

It's worth noting that despite their shocking betrayal of user trust that all the flouride-heads are still addicted to the 'gram. Just like in the 60s and 70s we had shocking exposes on Project Mockingbird et al, it did not matter. TINA. The cost is worth it -- the aggregators have allowed the mittlestand to compete with the big boys.

The final solution to the rightist problem 🔗

On the growing awareness of the Jewish role in world problems, and it's consequences for the right. 100% agree that the issue is just hacking at branches, when striking the root (total illegitimacy of the state) is what's required. So what if our elites lie like a rug about the lollercaust? They lie about everything else too.

Author's other recent article is good too, the gist being Jews: quit hittin' yerself. Unz's latest suggest that perhaps he should take his own advice. Patient, heal thyself.

Cheap, fast nuclear pressure vessels 🔗 1708629660  

Thanks to figuring out how to weld with a fuzor.
UK company Sheffield Forgemasters welds a full-size nuclear reactor vessel in under 24 hours instead of the usual 12 months.
As transformative a technology as the open hearth or bessemer converter.

The ultimate in Sniper/Ballistic tech 🔗

LiDar wind speed detector. Given the size of the unit (a large ruck), it doesn't have utility for anything that isn't truck-drawn. Could be put on a drone to augment squad weaponry though. Indirect fire as accurate as "smart bombs". at 1/1000th the cost. Would be great to sell to shooting ranges to spread the word about the tech to gunnies.

Digital Purdah as the cure to GOTIS 🔗 1708451833  

On the terminal affliction of our era. Social media is the apotheosis of the tabloid press. The fact that people aren't ridiculed for reading this shit like it's the Enquirer is beyond me.

State lets Congress know whos boss 🔗

If GEC wants to put conditions on disclosure, can we put conditions on paying taxes?
Taibbi asking the important questions, finally. See here for how the spook state actually rolls.

BONUS: Scott talks with Matt on this

The best take yet on the Tucker Carlson interview with Putin 🔗 1708100573  

The real reason for the migrant flood 🔗 1708091771  

It's not to create a huge Rent-A-Mob for the DNC, though I'm sure that's a nice side-effect come this winter. It's really about allowing DIE quotas in corporate to be adhered to. Replace the retiring boomers with immigrants and chop off the rungs of the ladder for young Americans. Corporate prefers having people they hold the sword of damocles over, keeps them from questioning the braindead decisions from management.

Erik Prince: Ackshually, colonialism is good 🔗 1708085439  

While he is correct that the Bantus probably will never govern themselves correctly, thinking that means we need to take back up the "white man's burden" is just as stupid as being woke. Who cares if the residents of some shithole country try to flood into this country? Just don't give the bums handouts and arrest them if they have neck tats or other signs of criminality. Seemed to work in Hell Salvador for Bukele. Problem solved without needing some dumbass foreign adventure to waste money on. Am Con is being retarded here by running this kind of pap, though the byline suggests the author is a britbong, so I can't be surprised by this.

Oh noes, the men are becoming more conservative 🔗

Look, it's real simple. Women are the recipients of huge subsidy by men both through taxes and the resultant transfer payments and voluntary contribution. Gals naturally want more of this, and vote for it in droves. Men increasingly see this as a bad deal. Liberal men would prefer a more egalitarian arrangement where women in fact walk their talk of being independent and equal. But the vast majority of men are suckered in by the false argument by conservatives that this deal used to work (hint: it has not within living memory. Conserve what?) The liberals are right here. The traditional family is dead and buried and not coming back. Single motherhood will be the norm, and men ought not be held liable and forced to parentally invest. Men will all be raised as defective women and everyone feels instead of thinks. Society regresses to the mean, and we all live like Indians. The end.

BONUS: Articles like this sum up why the right wins the hearts and minds of men in this case. Can you imagine anything even remotely this entertaining from the limp-wrists on the left? Maybe if they grew a sense of humor they'd have a chance.

Meanwhile in Japan: State-Run dating Apps 🔗 1707860375  

Surely the government wouldn't use knowledge of the people I hook up with against me right??? I find it fascinating that the commentary from Japanese themselves on it weren't along those lines; their propaganda really is great.

Bank Panopticon update 🔗 1707496419  

The "Turn-Key totalitarian" machine slowly comes online. People will be truly shocked when it absolutely roars to life and no one, no where is safe.

On Wang Huning 🔗 1707494954  

Wang elaborated on these ideas in a 1988 essay, “The Structure of China’s Changing Political Culture,” which would become one of his most cited works. In it, he argued that the CCP must urgently consider how society’s “software” (culture, values, attitudes) shapes political destiny as much as its “hardware” (economics, systems, institutions). While seemingly a straightforward idea, this was notably a daring break from the materialism of orthodox Marxism.
Of course, it's all about mental models, and always has been. When people install defective ones, bad outcomes happen. Orthodoxy (right-thinking) is the only way to lead to Orthopraxy (right-doing). Ironic that the CCP got political tutelage pilled; no wonder the KMT sorta kissed and made up in the latter day.
Meanwhile, he believed that the modernization of “Socialism with Chinese characteristics” was effectively leaving China without any real cultural direction at all. “There are no core values in China’s most recent structure,” he warned. This could serve only to dissolve societal and political cohesion.
Of course this is bad, the default mode of humanity is to do as little work as possible to maximize the time you can devote to being totally awful to one another.
“The real cell of society in the United States is the individual,” he finds. This is so because the cell most foundational (per Aristotle) to society, “the family, has disintegrated.” Meanwhile, in the American system, “everything has a dual nature, and the glamour of high commodification abounds. Human flesh, sex, knowledge, politics, power, and law can all become the target of commodification.” This “commodification, in many ways, corrupts society and leads to a number of serious social problems.” In the end, “the American economic system has created human loneliness” as its foremost product, along with spectacular inequality. As a result, “nihilism has become the American way, which is a fatal shock to cultural development and the American spirit.”
This is basically how Jhayant Bhandari describes India; every man for himself.

In any case, Wang's Self-Strengthening movement 2.0 will likely fail for the same reason it did during the late Qing period. Like the Indians, they too are mired in the exact problem he sees in the USA, but worse and for many more generations.
Despite all his and Xi’s success in draconian suppression of political liberalism, many of the same problems Wang observed in America have nonetheless emerged to ravage China over the last decade as the country progressively embraced a more neoliberal capitalist economic model.
Rapid social mobility as enabled by extreme economic growth will necessarily upend the sexual marketplace, which is the ultimate driver here: "What's the script I as Joe Blow have to follow for good happy success and reproduction???" There is no such script, and can be no such script so long as there is such rapid change. Things have to work themselves into a new equilibrium of functional mental models before the situation improves.

Gang Weed Conservatism update 🔗 1707494336  

While I still don't agree that this brand of "right wing authoritarian" potentially represented by Thiel, et. al is in any way shape or form "good for you," it is interesting to see both that Trump may have been successfully compromised by this faction via Ramaswamy (and that some other high profile tech billionaires seem to be joining this faction now).

Kingpilled still hasn't quite put all the pieces together yet however. Tesla's role in this isn't about semiconductors, but about the lithium batteries, and is an excellent cover for a covert fusion bomb program, which doevetails nicely with the launch vehicle and satellite network operated by Musk. A take over by this faction won't look like the kind of RW autoritarianism that they want, but more like the oligarchy of the La Le Leu Le Lo, brave new world style.

John Walker RIP 🔗 1707416398  

Pour one out for a real one

Zelenski finally fires Zaluzhny 🔗 1707416314  

"Surely firing one of the major figures aligned with the Banderite faction that put you in power will have absolutely no reprecussions"

Kinmen Islanders want bridge to mainland, demilitarization 🔗 1707416105  

USA: Did you forget to consult someone? As always, USA is the obstacle to peace.

EU to give Hungary the Polish treatment 🔗 1706729077  

Gotta get everybody with the program before the new weltkrieg

Axis of Resistance forces dunking US forces 🔗

Fancy CIWS installations that can shoot down two objects before requiring a complicated multiple minute reload are basically useless versus drone swarms or even large rocket salvos. This is also assuming that the readiness reports weren't fully falsified and the CIWS were broken or unloaded, as the outpost in Jordan hit likely did not expect any action. Both the Army's extreme level of corrupt practices and braindead doctrine will get a lot of boys killed if this nonsense escalates into a full blown war with Iran.

On the true origin of the Jews 🔗 1706637742  

The "Hannibal's Revenge" argument seems the most convincing. The Phonecians/Carthaginians dumping Molech for Yaweh makes a lot of sense, especially given where the big Jewish revolts in the Roman Empire happened (mostly north africa).

Navy now trolling for dropouts 🔗 1706637572  

MacNamara's Morons part II. Just go straight to child soldiers and admit the DC ghouls are no better than african warlords.

War college morons think the not war is an abyssinian war analogue 🔗 1706637390  

In reality it was the US invasion of Libya, Iraq et al that made a mockery of the bogus organization that is the UN. Similarly, the big steaming dump DC just took on the ICJ just underlines and bolds this.

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