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NYTimes on the SBU being a creature of US intelligence πŸ”— 1709144172  

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Which they allege has perhaps slipped the rope with their terrorist shenanigans. Yeah right, just like the Israelis, eh? In any case one particularly interesting tidbit:
Often, the C.I.A. briefings contained shockingly specific details. On March 3, 2022 β€” the eighth day of the war β€” the C.I.A. team gave a precise overview of Russian plans for the coming two weeks.
People sometimes ask me how all this works in practice. I figured it out after Sibel Edmonds' revelation that there were entire departments basically run by foreign intelligence orgs in the FBI. Think about the incentives. Atop of "keeping your enemies close", having alien spooks around is quite useful for de-fanging any domestic opposition to your agency. Sure it will result in shocking betrayals of national interest, but the agencies have no interest whatsoever in that.

The Kremlin is heavily infiltrated by western spooks for the same reason our guys are heavily infiltrated by our erstwhile "allies". Having the CIA in their hip pocket is a large part of the reason the Russian oligarchy remains invincible. There was a similar relationship between RU and UA, which by all indications continues to this day. The Ukranian spook aristocracy is profiting massively playing these two saps against each other.
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