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Wharton does the math on the fiscus πŸ”—  Tue Dec 05 2023  

As we've mentioned here before multiple times, the feds are "on borrowed time". If they can't get spending under control (spoiler alert) the end comes much sooner than 2050.

Trump II campaign promises sounding pretty natpopped πŸ”—
 Tue Dec 05 2023  

How very lincolnesque of this yank. If he actually pulls a nazbol attack off against the USSA's bioleninist regime, he'll be our man of steel(ing things). Stalinist purges but with "your fired!" BLAM! on national TV. Ha! as if. More likely, the ship of state will simply continue to list for the next 20 years until we default.

Milei wins in Argentina πŸ”—  Mon Nov 20 2023  

The only election in recent memory with any hope on offer. We shall see whether it is a false one for Argentina soon enough.

The Whistleblower-Industrial complex πŸ”—  Thu Nov 16 2023  

SEC's tip line: we only listen to former SEC people and their buddies. Like all financial regs, it's just making the scams worse.

Draft protests in Kiev πŸ”—
 Mon Oct 30 2023  

The families of the drafted understandably want their sons and fathers to come home. This is likely the beginning of the end, as when these kinds of protests are not listened to, they usually escalate to draft riots the moment a major setback occurs in war.

BONUS: Time Magazine essentially comes out and says it: the war is lost.

New House Speaker: Warmonger πŸ”—  Mon Oct 30 2023  

Calls the Russia - China - Iran alliance the new "Axis of Evil"

Large amounts of Israeli casualties in the Hamas offensive: Friendly fire πŸ”—
 Mon Oct 30 2023  

Pretty normal stuff. Interesting that wasting hostages is SOP though:
Blumenthal also emphasized the role of Israel’s notorious β€œHannibal Directive,” requiring that Israeli captives must either be killed or rescued to avoid allowing them to be used as bargaining chips
Meanwhile the Biden Regime has ceased openly advocating for genocide, so that's something I suppose.

Otpor guys spotted in Georgia πŸ”—  Tue Oct 24 2023  

Doing precisely what one would expect, of course. Despite the Georgian Dream party doing several things to please the Americans over time, this is of course the reward. As usual, there is no negotiation possible with the USA, as only slavish obedience to insane demands is tolerated.

EU proposal on "Chat Control" also a conspiracy and scam πŸ”—
 Mon Oct 23 2023  

Good chaser to the previous article. Sounds like a full court press against your liberties, as always with the gangsters running the modern state.

UPDATE: EU Commission caught red handed astroturfing for this bill.

Travel to EU states about to get even more tedious πŸ”—  Mon Oct 23 2023  

USA still in the habit of using its' vassals as a laboratory for tyranny, I see.

Hiring in the Post-Floyd order πŸ”—  Tue Oct 17 2023  

As observed, massive discrimination against white men, who form the vast majority of the skilled labor pool. And people are mystified why labor force productivity is going into the toilet.

IRS thinks it can get 289bn in "back taxes" from Microsoft πŸ”—  Tue Oct 17 2023  

Good luck with that, lol

F-35 readiness at 1/2 πŸ”—  Tue Oct 17 2023  

Not only can they not find contractors to repair this turkey, I'm sure the readiness reports themselves are fraudulent. Likely 9/10 of these things are boat anchors.

Cops running rackets in Minnesota πŸ”—  Tue Oct 17 2023  

Pretty much the norm in every single city in the USA. Fascinating to see any newspaper dare to say it out loud; I'm guessing the byline is in for a world of hurt soon.

How Mossad failed to see what was in front of their face πŸ”—  Mon Oct 09 2023  

Shoulda looked at having a GAN too, lol

Israel occupies al-aqsa, gets a Jihad πŸ”—  Sat Oct 07 2023  

Fierce fighting and further escalation. Outcome remains unclear.

Canadian diplomatic row over Sikhs getting whacked πŸ”—  Thu Sep 28 2023  

Response is about as expected; what are the Canadians gonna do? Go over there and spank 'em? Please.

The Mothership: Let's send advisers to Ukraine πŸ”—  Tue Sep 26 2023  

"Without risking escalation"

Meanwhile in chicongo: Rather than fix crime, just do breadlines to fix grocers fleeing πŸ”—  Tue Sep 26 2023  

Any excuse to steal

SEC now selling database of everyone's trades to other spooks πŸ”—  Tue Sep 26 2023  

I'm sure they wouldn't dare find anything suspicious about the carlyle group or any other elites. They will however find a way to use it against the punters.

Boomer homelessness on the rise πŸ”—
 Tue Sep 26 2023  

The wages of inflation. Meanwhile, those who can are finally retiring en masse, making our ongoing recession worse.

Jack Poulson: Good new OSINT guy πŸ”—  Tue Sep 26 2023  

Very interesting articles on his substack.

First artificial embryo created πŸ”—  Thu Sep 07 2023  

1% yield. This will no doubt improve with time. We shall see whether the authorities can restrain themselves from growing slaves as the demographic crisis worsens.

Grayzone gets "the treatment" by the banksters πŸ”—
 Thu Aug 31 2023  

It's obvious these firms, when not enthusiastic collaborators with our fascist vampire regime, are being leaned on to the point of "you will be crushed and driven out of business if you do not comply" judging by the persistence and effectiveness of ChokePoint. Legally, everyone has a right to raise money for any lawful purpose, even to pay for legal defense against crimes you deliberately and obviously committed. The only legal leg these shit bags have to lean on is wartime emergency provisions against "aiding the enemy" of whom there are none, as there is no declared war, just "enemies" lists made by the gangsters and warlords of the alphabet agencies. The fact these firms can legally say "put them on the OFAC shit list or fuck off" and don't tells you all you need to know here. The "money transmitter" license laws are the relevant sword of Damocles they use as a club against any who dare.

State Dept: 0 connection to reality as usual πŸ”—  Thu Aug 31 2023  

High on farts

25 most recent posts older than  Thu Aug 31 2023
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