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The Doge πŸ”—

Moldbug on Hanania and the "classical liberals" πŸ”— 1691697944  

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Au contraire. The Chief Justice of the United States is not stupid. He knows that there is no way to end race communism with a court order. The fact that it took over the countryβ€”the public sector and the private sector; federal, state, local and corporateβ€”not only without any legal approval, but directly in contradiction to civil-rights lawβ€”which not only is colorblind, but requires colorblindnessβ€”tells us that no law and no court order has the power to defeat this terrible force.
Banania clearly has not yet read either "The constitution of no authority" or Prof. Hasnas' "Impossibility of the rule of law". His response here is reformist pablum that fails to address the core point (above) entirely. The take that he's a weasel with no strong views whatsoever that is angling for beltway jobs seems about right. This is not to say Molds himself is anything special; He's reheated Hoppe with a side of impregnating ethots, lol

Sanger: Wikipedia run by CIA πŸ”— 1691162298  

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I mean it was obvious the spooks are all over it. Otherwise why would the core editor cabal be a bunch of pedos?

Obama: Still in the drivers' seat πŸ”—

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Insofar as one can be, at least. I mean, he's 100% aligned with the permanent state so of course they recognize him to be authority. Tons of other gems in here.

Feds hound Jim Larkin to death πŸ”— 1691023840  

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RIP. Nobody can say for sure why a man ends himself, but their vile railroading of him must have had quite a sizable part in his decision.

LK99: The room temperature, ambient pressure superconductor? πŸ”— 1690914400  

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Looking increasingly like it. Amazing news for fusion, and many other areas.

Invar now fully understood πŸ”— 1690487184  

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Hopefully this allows for the creation of allows with even less thermal expansion/reduction. If we could make flexible seals that are invar, space flight would be massively improved.

IRS deals with their backlog in the most ass way possible: just throw the unprocessed paper returns in the trash πŸ”— 1690482235  

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LOL, paper returns still winnin'

The recession is on: .gov strangulation of the real economy πŸ”— 1690308935  

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Extreme spending coupled with extreme indebtedness, while it can juice in the short term, will increasingly strangle the economy under the weight of interest payments. This is why hyperinflations inevitably happen, as the dose of spending must necessarily escalate perpetually to avoid this strangling effect of ballooning interest payments crowding out all other activity. Hyperinflation does so as well, but not right away, so it is of course the easy choice.

Yet more wondering why Exit is the only choice for the young, and online is the place to escape to πŸ”—

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These people are thick. Of course people want to escape. One wrong move socially means potential imprisonment, expropriation or at best exile from your situation. The problem is that we live in a damned police state and raise kids in a regime of zero tolerance.

If the only world you are allowed to live in, the only game you can play is fake and gay; don't be surprised when people take their ball and go home rather than playing. Sure it misses the mark, and real life is quite fulfilling. Doesn't change the fact that it's precisely the turds whining about the new generation that authored or did nothing to stop the system they suffer under.

It's beyond hilarious to see people who should know better (the study about how people and animals do drugs when life is hopeless is rather well known, after all) not understand this. Greedy capitalists can't slang dope to the kids if they don't want it in the first place. If you aren't making the world they live in a better alternative, you are part of the problem.

Russia's Descent into Weimar democracy continues πŸ”— 1690136136  

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The outlawry of the "angry patriot ghost faction" brings to mind Hitler's rebuttal to Otto Wels in the reichstag on the passing of the enabling act. Going Vae Victis on a huge subset of the domestic population has far-reaching consequences.

White Man's Ghost Dance πŸ”— 1690135923  

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The younger generation figures out .gov is the enemy, and wants you dead, your kids raped and in a gulag. They have yet to understand the only path to victory is simple; just keep breathing in and out longer than the bad guys. The libertarians are right, Exit is the only thing that ever works. You already see this with the internal migration amongst the states; when the tyranny centralizes and is made mandatory nationally we'll then see a brain drain followed by an East German lockdown.

Anti-Lab leak paper known to be false when emitted by authors πŸ”— 1689960797  

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Surely people defending covert biological weapons research wouldn't lie to me!

"Jawboning" defense against social media censorship likely to remain alive and well πŸ”— 1688598282  

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Seems like a trend of having nominally positive rulings for freedom with no actual impact on the bureaucracy's behavior. I've largely concluded that the Judiciary is essentially powerless now.

Bongs considering adopting American Governance πŸ”— 1688577527  

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Author correctly recognizes that the fundamental instability of their constitutionless system is the core strength. The trouble of course that has lead them here in the first place is that "the people suck", or more correctly their elites do. As such their system does need fundamental reform in such a way that it no longer produces the human refuse currently filling Parliament.

Patriots in Control! πŸ”— 1688574115  

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Frankly, if the peasants could just learn about these psy-ops in general and understand the frequency with which they are employed by the social engineers over and over and over again with almost no variation, maybe just maybe, something would finally change for the better in the world because they wouldn’t fall for obvious scams so easily and drag us into them as well.

But I am not holding my breath.
Great insight that Z/Qanon stuff is just good ol' "Operation Trust" run by a bunch of thieves running a bust-out which ends in national suicide. War as always, remains a racket.

Nigel gets debanked πŸ”— 1688571261  

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ChokePoint goes worldwide. Life in the USSA and it's latter-day warsaw pact

SCOTUS fails to overturn Affirmative Action πŸ”— 1688408463  

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As expected. The only actual solution is to overturn the execrable CRA.

On Wagner's Mutiny πŸ”—

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Lukashenko once again proved himself to be the only competent politician in the Slavlands
Basically the Tuvan Gangster Shoigu decided everyone had to be his minion. Wagner and the Cossacks told him to take a hike. The podcast with James Corbett is great.

How modern Raytracing works πŸ”— 1687539063  

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By cheating with AI denoise.

The $52,000 trash can πŸ”— 1687533343  

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Pentagram business as usual

The Juice starts a-flowin' for the election πŸ”— 1687533211  

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Let the bailouts flow. Probably gonna be long till the election.

DGSI: Tech literacy is terrorism πŸ”— 1687467893  

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Any and all tools useful for citizen resistance against l'etat depredations will always be subject to villification by said rascals.

The Christian imperative of political decentralization πŸ”— 1687223451  

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A 2023 "what then shall we do?"
We can conclude, then, that an obvious objective for Christian politics in the coming years is to check or even reverse the process by which expressive individualism has gradually supplanted the traditional understanding of the self and of social relationships in the law with a new understanding that is incompatible with orthodox Christianity.
Nice to see more coming around to the Inner-Light-enment being the core heresy at work here in the USA, mostly since the 70s. What it boils down to is that people instinctually get that malum-in-se things are always coercive destruction of agency. What the progs don't understand is that the church is as concerned with you doing this to yourself as it is to others. This is why it's so upset with suicide, abortion, transexualism etc. Massive destruction of your possible future for a mess of pottage.

From there the article is a pretty straightforward defense of subsidiarity which should be familiar to the readers of this site.

The Rise and fall of the american energy grid πŸ”— 1687222127  

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I remember around the turn of the century TXU's public plan being "lol just let shit fall apart, add no new capacity while we get to be parasites".

Vtubing for Dummies πŸ”— 1687188853  

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Show up as duke next stupid meeting you have to go to

25 most recent posts older than 1687188853
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