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The Doge ๐Ÿ”—

France and Italy align against Germany ๐Ÿ”—

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Huge Development, likely fatal to the EU. Germany remains delusional and does not realize their former masters still lust for their territory and have huge debts that can't be paid any other way. If they don't wise up soon and re-arm, they are in for a rude awakening.

More of the Biden Mandates get smacked down ๐Ÿ”—

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I of course don't expect them to go to SCOTUS, as that might touch the third rail of why EOs, PDDs and administrative law is considered lawful in the first place. We shall see.

Eurodollar futs invert ๐Ÿ”—

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Yet more deflationary signs. I too expect J-Pow to unload the toxic waste on FED balance sheets, but not hike ever.

Best Buy misses because of shrinkage ๐Ÿ”—

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At this point I am cynical enough to buy the idea that even the coddling of criminals by dem DAs is just them talking the book of party elites who want everything to be ordered from big tech

Thierry Meyssan on how many times Foreign intelligence have tried to have him whacked ๐Ÿ”—

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I remember reading about a few of these when they happened. I hope he doesn't get too much more of "the treatment" back in his homeland.

Ukraine Threat continues to escalate ๐Ÿ”—

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Very concerning in light of the point Ron Unz makes regarding what historically happens after literati purges in the USA.

FED suddenly worried about inflation ๐Ÿ”—

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Moar like "concerned about dem prospects in 2022". Regardless, FED actions guaranteed to be either too much or too little because that's how central economic planning works.

Stripe becomes publicani ๐Ÿ”—

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Tax farming for fun and profit

Building a bridge to Meta-Rationality ๐Ÿ”—

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This is one of the most important essays I've read in quite some time. The author's how to think real good explains exactly why a praxeological approach is required to achieve real AI. This has made me realize praxeology is the first metacognitive model -- it's synthesis of methodological dualism in response to Mises' brother's monism was my bridge to metarationality. His thoughts on boomeritis really hit home for me. The passage therein is quite apt:
Our actions are called forth spontaneously by the situation we find ourselves inโ€”not rationally planned in advance.
The impossibility of socialist planning is simply a specific case of the impossibility of the frame problem. Which means prices are the solution to AI too. Rather than attempt to find a closed form solution, build an ordinal mapping of preferences and rank (prices).
Action is driven by perception, not plans.
This is literally the action axiom.

On the bimodality of selection pressure ๐Ÿ”—

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Great Essay. Sturgeon's Law is really just an observation of this effect rather than a cause.

Meanwhile at Yale ๐Ÿ”—

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The brain rot in our elites remains terminal

SLS remains a total waste of money ๐Ÿ”—

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Along with the rest of NASA

Ethiopia update ๐Ÿ”—

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The state department has whipped up the Oromos into supporting the TPLF again, dooming Ethiopia once more. The WHO is running guns to the TPLF too, another black mark on the UN.

Rowhammer: Still no mitigations that work ๐Ÿ”—

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DRAM manufacturers remain a lazy cartel

NYT clutching pearls about 3D Printing ๐Ÿ”—

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Article is obvious and hilarious propaganda. They don't even ack that they're checkmated out of the gate, likely because the lazy POS tasked with vomiting forth this sewerage didn't even look. The "firing pin strike marks look like police badges" conclusion was where any sane person can't suspend their disbelief.

In the end all this is going to be used for is as a club to shut down the gatalog, and as ammo for imposing licensure on websites.

Stoller sums up the problem in shipping: Too big to Sail ๐Ÿ”—

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In other words, mega-ships like the Ever Given are a new phenomenon that are tied not to economic logic but to the consolidation of ocean carrier lines and their ability to offload risk onto counter parties. As Jensen observed, without the consolidation, โ€œships would likely not have grown above 12,000-14,000 TEUs [twenty-foot equivalent units].โ€ So weโ€™ve moved from a grid with lots of different size ships owned by different lines that could dock in lots of ports, to one dominated by hundreds of mega-ships that can only go to certain ports, all controlled by a de facto small cartel. The game in the business is to acquire market power and then use mega-ships to offload costs onto others and block new entrants.
The shipping cartel has become as dangerous and stupid as OPEC. Which means eventually this problem should solve itself, as one carrier would inevitably defect. Save for one important fact. Interlocking directorates; they're all essentially owned by each other to a degree.

I should perhaps write down my case for single-container submarine shipping.

Donbass heating up again ๐Ÿ”—

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Ukies desperate for it's coal.

Chrome decides to restrict view source ๐Ÿ”—

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Press-to-test mode bullshit

RIP Pater Tanenbraum ๐Ÿ”—

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Heinz, the operator of acting-man.com is dead. A real shame, he was a lion among us.

Italy finally throws in the towel on the COVID scam ๐Ÿ”—

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Turns out 97% of the deaths were just "with COVID" rather than "because COVID". As has been said since the beginning. The problem is the epidemic of fat asses.

On the next european war ๐Ÿ”—

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The reason there has been no European war outside the Balkans since 1945, after all, has nothing to do with the European Union. The reason is that the United States and the Soviet Union enforced peace on the quarrelsome subcontinent at gunpoint, and backed it up by occupying most European nations with their own troops, tanks, and planes. Neither imperial power, however, could maintain its presence indefinitely. The Soviet Union was forced to withdraw its troops from Europe by 1989, as it lurched toward its own collapse two years later. The United Statesโ€”well, letโ€™s just say that the recent events in Afghanistan demonstrate, for those who are paying attention, that a similar series of events is already well under way here. I donโ€™t think that too many more years will pass before the United States no longer has troops in Europe, or anywhere else outside its own bordersโ€”if, that is, it still exists as a nation, which is anyoneโ€™s guess at this point.
He gets that the EU is just a latter day HRE, and equally useless.
Unfortunately for the future of Europe, nobody there seems to have gotten the memo that the US is going to bits. Thatโ€™s a problem because there are two very good ways to make war happen. The first is to be arrogant, blustering, and unwilling to compromise. The second is to be militarily weak. The European Union is both.

If Serbia, letโ€™s say, decides to adjust its current borders in its own favor the way that Azerbaijan did a little while ago, by force of arms, is the EU prepared to try to counter that on the battlefield? If not, the EU may never recover from the loss of prestige; quite a few people remember what happened in the 1930s when the League of Nations failed to back up its demands with anything stronger than verbiage. (Spoiler: the League of Nations no longer exists.) If the EU does interveneโ€”well, then itโ€™s up to the fortunes of war, and those may not go the way the EU thinks they should. One of the least remembered stories of the First World War is that in 1914, in the opening phases of the war, the Austro-Hungarian Empire launched its armies into Serbia in an attempt to conquer that tough and mountainous little country, and got driven back across the border in utter humiliation after a series of stinging defeats. Just how well the EU would survive a comparable embarrassment is anyoneโ€™s guess.
Srpska stronk.
ungary is roughly half its historic size, and thereโ€™s quite a bit of talk in that country about readjusting those borders, too. Poland has similar issues with its post-World War II borders, and is in the midst of a considerable military buildup. France has just signed a mutual-defense pact with Greece, committing each country to come to the otherโ€™s aid in war against any other country, whether or not that other country happens to be a member of NATOโ€”and of course France and Britain are getting increasingly bellicose with each other over fishing rights and a flurry of other issues. All this is still being conducted in the language of diplomacy and public relations, but if you know the history of Europe between the two world wars, you know how this movie ends.
My personal bet is on the Greeks and Irish starting shit.

Producer prices up 20%+ ๐Ÿ”—

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Damn. Santa clause IS coming to town. I guess my call that "this is the crack up boom" near the start of the pandemic is in fact vindicated.

The data's in: Inflation gonna be transitory ๐Ÿ”—

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Because a crash got baked in thanks to schlockdown

Conviction over steel testing on subs: idiot was just lazy ๐Ÿ”—

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Would be heroic if it were sabotage, but nobody in the machine ever sticks around long enough to get that hacked off.

Ray McGovern: RussiaGate in retrospect ๐Ÿ”—

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Great interview about the lie that went round the world.

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