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The Doge ๐Ÿ”—

Yarvin's back ๐Ÿ”—

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And in good form after the passing of his wife. He makes a powerful case that "I just want to grill" is the reason monarchy happens. We see this at every level of the economy (it's why full-time employment is a thing), and the idea of an ancap future is essentially this sort of corporate feudalism fully embraced. This is the core dispute with the syndicalists, who insist not having worker ownership simply builds the oligarchy that installs oppression. This seems to build a strong systemic case against dilution of ownership in a firm, much like with the old monarchies rejection of gavelkind in favor of winner-take-all inheritance.

Latest round of Diplomatic tit-for-tat: Visa restrictions ๐Ÿ”—

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Travel between US and Russia now will be incredibly difficult. Tensions can only go up from here.

CDC now lowering PCR threshold ๐Ÿ”—

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For vaccine caused infection. LOL, PCR tests are the perfect technology to manipulate a "pandemic"

Generals to DNI: Quit lying plz ๐Ÿ”—

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LOL, will never happen, USA will remain world laughing-stock

MIT Study confirms: distancing, masks useless ๐Ÿ”—

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Opening windows works lots better, but we don't dare do that cuz some of the fatties might get hot or cold, waaaaaa

Greenwald dunks on Bertrand ๐Ÿ”—

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Yet another disgusting propagandist of the Goldberg mold exposed. Like with Goldberg, they will only be further exalted from here.

Rollo on the situation ๐Ÿ”—

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Internalizing the new realities of the global sexual marketplace on both sides will be required to address the demographic crisis blue-pill old order thinking has brought us.

Mexico outlaws Junk Food ๐Ÿ”—

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They at least are correctly identifying the culprit in the pandemic. The ban won't work, now you'll get FATTY cartels. Reminds me of the old UCB episode:

The case for coming deflation ๐Ÿ”—

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Good reason to "sell in may and go away". Wolf's take is also similar.

Brexit: basically no economic impact ๐Ÿ”—

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Like everything else, any impact it could have had was swamped by the dopey overreaction to a cold.

Maher on the Schlockdown ๐Ÿ”—

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I had a feeling that anyone who was friends with Carlin would know right away this stuff was horse shit. Glad he feels safe enough to actually say this now, is a good sign.

As expected, schlockdown world destroyed upward mobility ๐Ÿ”—

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Replaced with downward mobility

Pentagram making clandestine burn pits in poor neighborhoods ๐Ÿ”—

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It's for the children

Oregon: Masks forever ๐Ÿ”—

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Let's institute prog sharia

Ukie war sensibly called off ๐Ÿ”—

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The old Georgian PM let the Ukie PM know "this is how they get you" RE US shenanigans.

Ukies: Admit us to NATO, or we're gonna make nukes ๐Ÿ”—

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I have serious doubts the machinery from the soviet days still works well enough to actually pull it off. It might be they smartly squirreled some of it away during disarmament, but I doubt it stayed what way given their 100% corrupt system.

Biden to Withdraw from Afghanistan on 9/11 ๐Ÿ”—

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UPDATE: Of course it was a lie.

Greenwald on the woke corporate borg ๐Ÿ”—

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Just like the bureaus, it's all smokescreen to distract from their actual activities.

Criticism of the woke borg gets kid thrown out of college ๐Ÿ”—

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Do you want taquiyaa? That's how you get ketman.

Yet another blog post ๐Ÿ”—

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I'm on a roll baby, aaaaaaaaaa

USG: The No Judgement Zone ๐Ÿ”—

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I have been wondering for the last month or so about the nature of the new order, as described so well in Rollo Tomassi's 4th work, The Rational Male: Religion. A good interview of Anna Khachiyan crystallized this for me (though this should be abundantly obvious from Rollo's existing body of work in retrospect):

What weโ€™re really talking about here is a shift in governance styles: from the โ€œprohibitiveโ€ paternal superego which sets the parameters in advance and punishes you in kind if you defy or violate them, to the outwardly โ€œpermissiveโ€ but latently punitive maternal superego, which enforces no terms or boundaries ahead of time but retaliates arbitrarily and disproportionately after the fact โ€” in part because it doesnโ€™t know what it wants until all is said and done. Roughly speaking, this describes any number of events that can be filed under the #MeToo movement and/or โ€œcancel culture.
The consequences of this societal shift to a Maternal governing ethic over the last century has had far-reaching consequences; religious changes are but one aspect of this transformation in our society.

The important questions left to me are:

  1. Is our government's change into a faceless, unaccountable bureaucracy a cause or effect of this shift to maternalism?
  2. Can Market Anarchy (or any other alternative to our oligarchy) address the system's hysteric karen-ism which prevents good governance?
For anyone who has seen familial dynamics at work, this becomes quickly clear. It's just a side-effect of our society's transformation. If Breitbart was right about anything, it's that politics is always downstream of culture.

In our world "As below, so above" eventually becomes the rule. Like our families are now, the government is largely rudderless and on autopilot due to lack of strong male leadership. It's not for a lack of trying, but mostly because of Threat Point at the individual level. Similarly, we see restrained to non-existent male frame at the macro level out of fear they'll be cancelled or worse.

As such it should shock nobody that our government has become faceless, unaccountable and beyond incompetent (acephalous, really). When it's not brainlessly applying edicts coming from long dead politicians like the vacuum from Idiocracy, it's hysterically overreacting and thirst trapping congress (notice my program senpai uwu). Imagine an ahegao face mask covering the face of humanity forever.

It really makes sense why .gov is so relentlessly hostile to "family values" when you understand the dynamic of how it works in practice. The bureaucracy are subs to the 365DNI gangster trigger pullers at the pointy end of the state. You end up with a spectrum from BTK government when evil has to get done (as that's the most gorilla pimp response demanded by the hysterical) to ineffectual Karenism when it's time to do "good"; scolding to win favor with their peer clutch (but not do much else).

In short, hurry up and burn them babies at Waco, days of our lives is on.

You may have noticed that neither approach is good governance. Nevertheless, most current phenomena make a lot of sense under this framework.

  • Of course you can get a jury to indict a ham sandwich and send it to the chair. "High-Tech Lynching" by Impossibly hungry judges is the norm in the courts.
  • Of course we got the most hysterical and useless response possible to a virus with a 99%+ survival rate for the healthy.
  • Of course we are diplomatically insulting most nations of the world with "not accepting yes for an answer" as a sort of shit-test writ large.
  • Of course we are flipping out over white nationalism that has killed less than a handful in living memory, while the power elite are sitting atop pyramids of brown skulls right now.
There are many more examples practically anyone can think of off the top of their head. We should expect non-stop hysterical overreaction to anything that provokes fear or outrage, and total neglect of anything that doesn't fire up the hamster wheel (such as anything which actually materially improves our lives, as that's boring shit). He talks like a fag too, your honor.

Can we fix it?

The betas who built our civilization certainly can't. They are fucked so long as they have more to lose than gain by doing the unpopular and boring work of improving our lives in the face of opposition. Their future is either become John Galt or Sisyphus.

The only path out left is internalizing game; Pimp or Be Pimped. The government would not hysterically overreact if it had a strong leader providing the rock of stability it needs. Instead, they would actually fall into said leader's frame, and get validation from accomplishing his mission of good governance. Rather than being mindless, purposeless and nihilist bureaucrats whose only thrill comes from corruption, they could actually do something good for once in their pathetic lives.

Which leads inexorably to Moldbug's (and my 90 year old Grandma's who lived through FDR's reign) conclusion. Regardless of what you call it, the only way to make the current system actually achieve good governance is with a dictatorship. I of course think this is limited thinking; why do we need to preserve the system at all? Beyond keeping the peace I can't think of a great reason.

So the questions then become: Will this system degenerate to the point where market (or other?) alternatives can just gradually replace the system peacefully? Will that system actually correct the underlying issue preventing said paternal governing ethics from taking root?

Given lack of strong male leadership, the former can be taken as a given. Practically everyone capable of righting the ship at this point is so disgusted with the system's pervasive bias against them they would rather pop a cold one than lift a finger in its' defense. At this point, vengeance is reason enough.

So, will market anarchy result in both paternal and maternal governance organizations? This is obviously the case; many paternalistic organizations persist to this day despite the overwhelming trend in corporate. What really matters is which will the market choose? This is where I am pessimistic.

A single look at the freely chosen preferences which our search algorithms (e.g. big tech) reflect back upon us show outrage bait and hysterical nonsense gets the best engagement even from men. Granted, much of this is thanks to public schools teaching our boys to be defective women (and vice versa. Egalitarianism, yay!) However, this means that the new dispensation will likely backslide faster than your head can spin.

At the end of the day, I don't actually see an answer other than the one offered by the various "Masculine Empowerment Networks" out there in the red-pilled world. None of this gets better until men get game, and impose frame in their lives comprehensively. That's actually a hard problem, so don't expect it to get solved unless there is literally no other way to get laid. ...Which to be fair is essentially how things are working out by and large.

There's your white pill for the day. Your Welcome (TM)

An unintended? consequence of lockdown: accelerated cultural homogenization ๐Ÿ”—

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Another good progrockfarmer interview with Romanian author Alex Kaschuta:
Millennials & Zoomers, especially the urban ones, are another species entirely and are for all intents and purposes about as mindwormed as kids in the West, especially after this year in the screen bunker. It's not surprising. They're just as attached to the global dopamine mainline streaming out of the US as everyone else. Even the kids who, for some incomprehensible reason don't speak English, get the same slop one trough down the waterfall in all the Romanian copycat Youtube & TV shows and dimestore influencers.
The interview with Anna Khachiyan is also good:
What weโ€™re really talking about here is a shift in governance styles: from the โ€œprohibitiveโ€ paternal superego which sets the parameters in advance and punishes you in kind if you defy or violate them, to the outwardly โ€œpermissiveโ€ but latently punitive maternal superego, which enforces no terms or boundaries ahead of time but retaliates arbitrarily and disproportionately after the fact โ€” in part because it doesnโ€™t know what it wants until all is said and done. Roughly speaking, this describes any number of events that can be filed under the #MeToo movement and/or โ€œcancel culture.

progrockfarmer interviews Greenwald ๐Ÿ”—

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Iโ€™d respect it more if it were consciously cynical. The fact that these imbecilic media cretins and career State Department and CIA functionaries actually believe themselves when they say that theyโ€™re deeply offended by the repression of Putin or the CCP or Iranian mullahs or Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro โ€” right after they get off a call about the latest U.S. arms shipments to the Saudi monarchs or cash transfers to Egyptian despots or support for a coup against the democratically elected government in Bolivia โ€” is frightening. How could anyone believe that the U.S. actually opposes domestic repression? That kind of self-delusion means humans can get themselves to believe literally anything. Thatโ€™s more frightening to me than if they were knowingly lying for power.
In which Greenwald shows he really gets it. Bravo.

Best "Attacking the left from the left" article in a while ๐Ÿ”—

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Or perhaps this new taste for censorship is an indication of Democratic healthiness. This is a party that has courted professional-managerial elites for decades, and now they have succeeded in winning them over, along with most of the wealthy areas where such people live. Liberals scold and supervise like an offended ruling class because to a certain extent thatโ€™s who they are. More and more, they represent the well-credentialed people who monitor us in the workplace, and more and more do they act like it.
Excellent work. As such, it has the BlueAnon kooks in full 360 head spinning mode.

New blog post ๐Ÿ”—

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On how the US is shooting itself in the head with it's tax policy

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