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Teo Greenwood πŸ”—

Joe Biden: Deficit Hawk πŸ”—

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Lulz, only shows how confused Biden is and how deranged Trump is.

Feel Good story of the week: ATF Agent Tased by Cops πŸ”—

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Sometimes two wrongs do make a right.

FIB: Yeah, we actually have Seth Rich's laptop πŸ”—

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lol, as usual these cretins are all about covering shit up, not investigating anything.

CAPE ratio at 1929 levels πŸ”—

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Woke Capital: Not working out for the Woke either πŸ”—

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Duh. That's because they are using it as a stick to enforce "shut up and work," not because they actually believe any of this horseshit.

Automation's impact: Less chiefs, not indians πŸ”—

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Makes sense given what industrialization did to wealth holders in general. The more complex the capital structure, the smaller the amount of holders who will be able to keep it all together. The most competent will use the new tech to outcompete the rest.

Political Illustration πŸ”—

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Government is a crime gang, so no surprises there

Wenzel: Only clout chasing can save us now πŸ”—

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Or, as Vin Armani puts it, magic.

On China's existential angst: Involution πŸ”—

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So-called involution is not merely a question of whether or not competition is fierce, but whether you get anything out of it. People know full well that the results aren't what they desire, but they still want to compete. They don't know other ways to live if they're not competing, and if you quit the competition, you're left facing moral pressure.
It's really the same everywhere. A "social contract" that's always been bogus. What you are told (you will get you a loyal spouse and prosperity) is obviously false, and people who are still blue-pilled are going to face much anxiety thanks to this. They can have fun being plow horses for a corrupt system:
The most subversive, explosive message you tell the Chinese people is something different. It goes like this:

The Party is a racket. The guys at the top are not any different from the ones you deal with at the bottom. The Party exists to make sure their kids have a spot at the front of the line no matter how much more your kids deserve it. You are not forced to call Xi all these fancy titles because it will help him restore China to its ancestral glory: you are forced to do all of that so Xi Jinping's daughter gets into Harvard and his family racks up homes in Hong Kong. All of the taxes, the censorship, the ridiculous rules and regulations, the blustering about war, the hero-worship and the propaganda, the detention centers and the cameras -- it is all a racket. You live a slave so that someone else's children can get ahead.
Kinda like here. We all live and die so a bunch of parasites can enjoy the DC cocktail circuit.

USPS data shows SF depoulating πŸ”—

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Completely as expected

TicketBastard going all in on the CV19 surveillance state πŸ”—

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Gotta have your vaccine before you can see a concert, lol

Lifter Opinions Matter More πŸ”—

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Some solid magic here

Silk Road BTC now moves out of the old Wallet πŸ”—

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Interesting that it happens on the election, given the FIB ultimately were the ones to seize the operations. I've long suspected either an informant or FIB employee actually had access to this wallet and were just waiting until "the time was right" to access it.

USA: Now helping the Taliban πŸ”—

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LOL, if anyone needed any more reason to believe that "it doesn't matter who we fight."

The real war is against the US populace. Gotta keep em poor and enslaved.

Nature: We may be making conscious brainlets in the lab already πŸ”—

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I mean, if they are concerned about the ethics, I'm sure they'll eventually find the solution of using people condemned to die which can be used for these kinds of brain in a jar experiments. Not that this even is ethical in any manner, but it certainly would be socially acceptable.

Mossad steals Rona vaccine from the Chinese πŸ”—

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UK Study: Turns out the most politically active are those with Minority Opinions πŸ”—

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"Adventures of the guy who just started paying attention"

Gay Frogs: A Deep Dive πŸ”—

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As always, the truth is even uglier.

Rona kills Valiant Yachts πŸ”—

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Loved those boats. ☹

Money supply up 23% in just one year πŸ”—

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Being a "Strong Independent Woman" Doesn't actually help you get Promoted πŸ”—

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It's almost as if living up to people's expectations especially when they are unfair is the important part. People can't stop being people, unfortunately for you πŸ˜‚ (and this is regardless of your gender... woe be to those without "Amor Fati"?)

The mermin Device: what proved entanglement doesn't violate c πŸ”—

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Good history. "c" of course being the speed of light and the limitations inherent in exceeding it.

More institutional players backing up the truck on BTC πŸ”—

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Good time to hold HODL BTC.

Lefty narrative coalescing around contact tracing being the answer πŸ”—

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Why do they always choose the answer that enables the most tyranny when "misused"? It can't just be stupidity.

Also, the comparisons they draw don't mean "hurr durr we should have just done contact tracing like they did" as:
  • Not all of these examples used contact tracing
  • The ones that did had a level of cultural unity and political situation that would allow the public to trust that this is OK.
The USA has none of the unity or political stability to pull any of the listed measures off successfully, so none of the listed efforts would have worked. Greater than 10% of US society is guaranteed to evade lockdown restrictions just to spite the government regardless of whether this is safe or not. It is a very low trust and superstitious society with a germanic work ethic, so the most sensible strategy would have been to just let it ravage the population. The strong would survive. The USA is more akin to a crucible than a fortress, and the political elite of the USA were fools to not recognize this and act accordingly. Why the hell do you think an abnormally high amount of the population in the USA are on psych drugs? Why do you think 14% of people have fled to the bottle during the "plandemic"? This society is so sick that it either breaks you or forges you into one of the strongest individualists in the world. When libertarian expats have said that many other places contain "great capitalist conditions but poor capitalists compared to the USA", this is what they mean.

More on Lockdowns leading to USA becoming shitface central πŸ”—

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17% more alchohol consumption in general, 41% increase in heavy drinking by women. Unsurprisingly, $DEO and $STZ shot up a bit recently on the news, as we know who's drinking all the wine 😏

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