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The Doge πŸ”—

What does it mean to be right wing? πŸ”— 1686243442  

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Much in the same way that Ludwig Von Mises showed the distribution of scarce resources via a price system that ignores the nature of human action, and instead favors central planning cannot overcome the economic calculation problem so too will artificial hierarchies be unable to overcome the distribution of human capital, or what I shall dub as the hierarchical calculation problem. From this we can surmise that artificial hierarchies will inevitably result in the same problems as artificial price systems, with the misallocation of human capital. This seems to be indisputable then that if you accept the idea that scarce resources can and will be misallocated through central planning that human beings will also be misallocated to positions of power that they should not inhabit, often to disastrous results.
I've written elsewhere about precisely this phenomenon in the corporation, and its corrosive results. Synthetic hierarchies are fundamentally what produce all the bizarre pathology described in "Moral Mazes" (the single-elimination ass-kissing tournament).

The UAF situation: not looking good πŸ”— 1685919859  

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Sounds like their C3I and logistics are FUBAR and systemic control fraud abides. This is not an army that can win; Very reminiscent of the French army in the run up to WWII. Betting the farm on fortifications and ignoring the corruption in the organization to their own peril.

Military Integrity: A contradiction in terms πŸ”— 1685832103  

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On the systematic control fraud present in all branches of the service. Basically nothing about operational readiness can ever be believed.

Kayfabe πŸ”— 1685827272  

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Software engineers will remain low status and of ill repute so long as lying and glad-handing is incapable of effectively motivating computers. It used to be this way in the Prussian military too; no amount of bullshit will stop a bullet.

Bahkmut postmortem πŸ”—

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Its hard not to conclude this has shattered the Ukranian ability to project force. The lessons of Brusilov, Mordacq and Bruchmuller remain relevant in a world of hard counters. The Russians are one of the few who are not squeamish about using penal brigades when a thing can be done by blood alone.

BONUS: USG isn't exactly squeamish about it either, they just don't talk about it.
To be fair, an all-dreg military is about the only non-dysgenic choice so I can understand the appeal.

Review: Lying for Money πŸ”— 1685712774  

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When I say "Fraud is the Fundamentals" this is what I mean

Autoimmune causes of Mental Illness? πŸ”— 1685628908  

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Groundbreaking work. Glad to see actual progress here after so much failure.

Greyzone reporter gets "the treatement" in Bongistan πŸ”— 1685551159  

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Spy hysteria in full bloom on the other side of the pond.

Slobber Ukraine πŸ”—

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If the USA was serious about "Slava"ing the lives of the Ukranians and Rus in general their policy would be very different than it is now. USG is supporting the Ukranian state which is unworthy of the sacrifice of even a single Ukranian.

Guns need men to fire them, and America is the most attractive place for people to migrate to. It would be straightforward to drain both belligerents' manpower pool with immigration policy such that combat operations are not viable. This is one of the core reasons the Soviet Union collapsed; the Berlin wall was the poster child for this. When a nation has to become a prison of serfs to keep things together its army quickly becomes incapable of anything beyond garrison duty. This is because a) that's costly and b) their best and brightest figure out quickly that an ounce of exit beats a ton of voice.

Instead what will we get? Tons of Rus boys get to enjoy the mobik to hamburger pipeline. Hordes of these young men that go fey will destabilize the region for a generation. All the contractors selling $31 million dollar blue tarps here will get away with it scott free, further damning these places to corruption. Millons of acres of land will be poisoned with heavy metals, and generations of people will end up missing legs thanks to landmines. Don't make me get Billy Mays out here, because just wait, there's more.

Anyone who thinks war through quickly figures out the worst peace beats the best war. People don't think it through because that would require a certain bell curve to be a standard deviation to the right of where it actually is. The discourse as such is deoxylated "military intelligence". If the above sentence requires explanation, here's your sign.

America could play a non-malign role on the world stage. That would require a level of intelligence that is clearly not here.

Hell, they can't even manage competently malign! USG may have the best weapons systems on earth, but its pearls before swine. These west point droolers hardly even use transformative weapons that are in the stockpile! They'd rather pretend these systems don't exist so they can keep zipping around in tanks and attack helicopters oblivious to the risk posed thereby. Meanwhile they waste hundred thousand dollar missiles blowing up $300 trucks rather than expose themselves to danger in these expensive boat anchors. But hey, at least they get to go home safe blowing up some shit 200km away that is as likely to be the milkman as Osama Bin Laden. I'm sure strategic hamlets will work this time. We just need to COIN harder guise.

Meanwhile the mainstream discourse is that it would somehow be "bad for America" if we don't smear such incompetence over the entire world. In reality, the reason the 20th Century went so well for the USA was because we largely allowed the war idiots to enervate themselves. Their loss was our gain. If the world descends back into chaos (which is far from guaranteed) we would be better than fine so long as we stay out of it. This of course won't happen, and China gets to laugh all the way to the banks in Taipei and Hong Kong.

The Matthew 5:5 strategy remains 100% vindicated. Stay strapped and hydrated my friends.

Why do the middle class not get in fights anymore? πŸ”—

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Yet more effects of the Internet being your "Permanent Record". Goobers obsessed with playing Junior G-Man E-Detective have prevented many companies from hiring perfectly good workers. The workers have got the message loud and clear that the job is to be a crab in a bucket.

What shocks me is that school fights have decreased too. This is despite things becoming far, far worse of a prisonlike environment than it used to be! This "Zero Tolerance" crap is just breaking childrens' spirits.

The latest in "green" energy πŸ”— 1684259895  

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Burning Tires

Why pakistan's Crises are guaranteed πŸ”—

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Like most countries, it's being run by gangsters doing a bust-out.

China in 2022 πŸ”— 1683659856  

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As usual Dan Wang's roundup is quite insightful.

Shenanigans in Pakistan πŸ”— 1683653079  

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Bankrupt government, looming famine and illegitimate arrest of the most popular pol. Dis cant go wrong. Color revolution soon? If so most suspect the military will cry to China or even make a "deal with the devil" (India) for protection.

ASML correctly notes the DUV blockade is retarded πŸ”— 1682712216  

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β€œIf they cannot get those machines, they will develop them themselves,” he said in an interview. β€œThat will take time, but ultimately they will get there… The more you put them under pressure, the more likely it is that they will double up their efforts.”
USG acts like the people in Taiwan don't have families over in Fujian, and a strong incentive to get recruited to assist the Chinese build this expertise. Invincible ignorance.

File Not Found: On a generation unfamiliar with basic indexing techniques πŸ”— 1682705267  

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N'wahs who aren't even aware there are generic indexes at work and then wondering why shit is so inefficient.

Russian Army corruption roundup πŸ”— 1682614983  

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As I've mentioned previously, they're slavic USA, which means they also have the "$35 million dollar blue halliburton tarp" disease.

Tucker Carlson, the spurned elite πŸ”— 1682614475  

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Tucker is more of a symptom of the ongoing intra-elite war. A large faction is already coalescing around the Silicon Valley VCs who realize the system ain't working. Tucker is just a shark swimming toward blood.

Why mastodon is a failure πŸ”— 1682613857  

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If mastodon is to be the poster child of the fediverse it needs to drastically simplify the requirements to run and maintain an instance. There should be a single binary, self-updating, single-user instance.
It's the tragedy of the commons. The core problem to crack is how to make the costs bearable by the users themselves.

The origin of Lager Yeast πŸ”— 1682607491  

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Hybridization thanks to Max the Great of Bavaria, who is more famous for being one of the causes of the league wars.

Tablet interviews RFK πŸ”— 1682450984  

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On his 2024 run and life in general.

Anti-Russia blockade being considered πŸ”— 1682019122  

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Such an evil measure, once adopted, will guarantee world war 3.

Race and violent crime: by the numbers πŸ”—

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This has been known for years, but people need periodic reminders that women choosing not to breed with irresponsible but attractive men is what prevents young hoodlums. So long as our matriarchy encourages what Rollo calls retroactive cuckoldry this situation will not change even with stepfathers involved, as personality is largely heritable.

Insane new mortgage rules from Fannie and Freddie πŸ”— 1682010058  

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Mortgage mills 2 da gas chamber

The Subaks of Bali πŸ”— 1682009158  

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Great example of how centralized economic planning fails, while subsidiarity and the market actually work. This is the sort of system the Syndicalists generally prefer (for good cause) and why "Market Syndicalism" is a thing amongst those who realize nonmonetary compensation is in fact one of the major means by which markets actually function. In this case, synchronized plantings increasing yields due to pest suppression is more valuable than the marginal utility of more water for the upstream planters, so they gladly release the water downstream.

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