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The Doge πŸ”—

SCOTUS fails to bring CIA to justice for being torture ghouls πŸ”— 1647463068  

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As expected. If the government says it, it must be true, right?

BAP knocks it out of the park πŸ”— 1647296520  

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As always, know your enemy. No Russian ever robbed me like Mordor's minions have.

Controlled Flight into Terrain: The west's suicidal sanctions πŸ”— 1647287813  

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Although the complexity of this situation makes it impossible to make any forecasts, consider: a worst case scenario is much much worse than stagflation. Just wrap your mind around the consequences the merely the two outcomes described above: a fair bit of famine and supply shortfalls, even potentially problems with maintaining some critical infrastructure due to chip scarcity. Some of that productive capacity loss could become permanent due to business failures.

And let us remind you….so far we are discussing only what the West has done to itself. What happens if Russia goes full Smoot-Hawley and retaliates, or engages in the passive aggressive version, as in no formal pronunciations, just supplies go to friendlies and the West gets chocked down, not 100% but enough to feel like that.

The Democratic Party is in the process of executing a controlled flight into terrain. Too bad that we are along for the ride.

Drone Powerline Perching πŸ”— 1647189469  

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Hot dog. This extends effective range of most drones to near-infinite when controlled with GSM.

University of Seville's BirdBot πŸ”— 1647188653  

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Beautiful. This will result in the most capable and maneuverable drones yet known.

LiDar now transistorized πŸ”— 1647188276  

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I want a 3D scanner on my phone!

The Automated Road Sealer πŸ”— 1647188064  

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This would be a blessing on remote Texan roads.

Deepfakes considered "more trustworthy" than the genuine article πŸ”— 1647186161  

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John Henry Eden, coming soon to an electorate near you

Computerized neuron mapping making huge strides for the crippled πŸ”— 1647186032  

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This tech should also allow fully articulated artificial limbs very soon. I imagine they'll even implement sensation at some point if they can do control.

FED Update: Too little too late, if not outright mendacity πŸ”— 1647185041  

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I actually suspect the latter, but these are PHDs...

Qaeda guys shipped to Ukraine πŸ”— 1647184862  

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Since the Kazakh thing failed, I suppose it's the only job left for these dogs of Uncle Sam.

LME "bails in" large Chinese nickel trader taking a bath πŸ”— 1647183559  

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"But understand we have crossed a Rubicon in the last few months that financial institutions and Govts can take money because they do not like that person or their activities."
Breaking fundamental trust, much like how the Central banks have done so with Russia's Reserves of late. A currency crisis is now inevitable.

The great mogambo guru has died πŸ”— 1646756434  

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RIP since February. Noticed this right as his portfolio (buy so, so, much freaking gold silver and oil) is goin' to da moon.

patio11 on the SWIFT stuff πŸ”— 1646413505  

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SWIFT is less important than people imagine, as correspondent arrangements still work. The OFAC shit list (and the paranoia about who "might" get on it) is the real problem.

Briggs on Probability πŸ”— 1646180724  

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The replication crisis, and almost all of quantum "theory" being all wet, explained simply

RIP Gary North πŸ”— 1646165024  

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The Remnant owes him a great debt.

Stockman on the Ukraine War πŸ”— 1646164933  

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Best said roundup of what lead to it all I've seen thus yet.

Yarvin goes on Infowars πŸ”— 1646164874  

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He makes a good showing. It is still a topic of interest to me what to do about the ruinous impact of succession wars (which is what ultimately ended the great monarchies).

Best realpolitik analasys of the Ukraine war yet πŸ”— 1646104126  

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ding ding ding, we have a winner

Summary of Today's events in Ukraine πŸ”— 1645836564  

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moonofalabama remains an indispensable source.

Ukraine's Deadly Gamble πŸ”— 1645825871  

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How Ukraine managed to make its position far worse than it had to be leading up to this. Spoiler alert: all who rely on or ever believe Uncle Sam are, as always, complete fools. The Ukranian regime can no more be saved than the government of South Vietnam.

So it's war πŸ”— 1645673382  

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The Ukies are gonna get the hammer. We shall see what the US response is soon. I expect a sitzkrieg for the moment.

On the NPCs posessed by the Boob Tube πŸ”— 1645670006  

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Gets quite close to striking the root. This has been going on for some time, it's just worse, more unstable and difficult not to notice because the OODA loop has tightened. The OTA updates the NPCs are getting change faster than in 1984. We have always been at war with eastasia.

DPR/LPR recognized and guaranteed by Russia πŸ”— 1645541206  

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US/EU will likely respond with suspending nord stream 2 and more sanctions. We shall see if they get frustrated enough to push the Ukies to attack and trip the guarantee.

New blog post up πŸ”— 1645197107  

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Commentary upon the current moment where we're all sanctioned now

25 most recent posts older than 1645197107
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