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The Doge πŸ”—

Eternal September in academia πŸ”—

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Like everywhere else, it's a crapflood and the only way to get ahead is to SEO rather than be interesting or correct.

Idiocracy effect measurable and real πŸ”—

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AMZN engaged in huge levels of wage theft when it comes to leaves πŸ”—

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They don't pay ADP authors as per contract either. They seem to systematically believe they can get away with anything thanks to being the size and scope of a government, and are not incorrect.

Omidyar bankrolling the WhistleGlower πŸ”—

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As expected, it's essentially a cynical talking of his own book. I had a feeling Facebook was correct to internally regard this as enemy action by competitors.

As expected from day 1, COVID is an indoor ventilation crisis πŸ”—

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Actually fixing this would have enriched blue collar America instead of big pharma dipshits connected in DC, so it isn't even considered.

FIB's manual for getting data from telcos leaked πŸ”—

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Of course it's all academic, as it's just for establishing parallel construction on the back of dragnet surveillance data they already have.

GDPR implies UTF-8 by law πŸ”—

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The march of governments essentially dictating implementation details grinds on. Expect this to get worse until full licensure is imposed. Just wait until some sheenequa names their kid πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Bunga behind bars no more πŸ”—

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Bunga BEYOND bars

DEA and their pet journos hyperventilating about meth again πŸ”—

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Like the CDC is clutching pearls about teen vaping again.

The modern world of sperm donation πŸ”—

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6'4 bums with soft-harems of over the hill women. This is the future; reversion to the mean of 1/20 men living to reproduce. Gals have made their bed voting for policies that made traditional fatherhood untenable, now they get to sleep in that bed.

OSHA looking the other way at vax injuries πŸ”—

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In the name of the mandate. Remember, when you have rulers, there are no rules.

Why the beef market has become dysfunctional πŸ”—

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The traditional mechanism for price discovery was removed, and now the most powerful force (large packers) largely get their way at the expense of ranchers. There is no functional difference from a centralized planning point of view between having a few monopolies dominate an industry or GOSPLAN.

Market leverage update πŸ”—

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Cruisin' for a bruisin' once more

China gets a FOBS, and a space shuttle πŸ”—

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The FOBS makes sense given the ABM treaty is dead. We'll see if they use the boosters to make a space station, as should have been done with the US shuttle.

Where have all the children gone? πŸ”—

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Finally, somebody who gets it. A world where children are a financial penalty rather than an essential asset to the family is one where having them is not going to happen. His understanding of the urban vs. rural divide is also spot on. He's got another essay here going into more depth. His halted revolution is a spot on description of what us techies have seen over the life of the internet.

1/5 of households zeroed out by schlockdown πŸ”—

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More coming.

Why the JFK records won't be released this month πŸ”—

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CIA ass covering will happen until the fall of the regime

Lacey Hunt on why we're not going to stagflate, but continue "Turning Japanese" πŸ”—

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The U.S. economy has clearly experienced an unprecedented set of supply side disruptions, which serve to shift the upward sloping aggregate supply curve inward. In a graph, with aggregate prices on the vertical axis and real GDP on the horizontal axis, this causes the aggregate supply and demand curves to intersect at a higher price level and lower level of real GDP. This drop in real GDP, often referred to as a supply side recession, increases what is known as the deflationary gap, which means that the level of real GDP falls further from the level of potential GDP. This deflationary gap in turn leads to demand destruction setting in motion a process that will eventually reverse the rise in inflation. In the 1970s, the economy was beset by a string of such supply curve shifts primarily because of falling oil production. Then the inflation rate did not fall but continued to march higher. However, before Paul Volcker was made Fed chair late in the decade, the Fed actions allowed money supply to accelerate steadily. During the 1970s, unlike currently, the velocity of money was stable (although not constant). As a result, the aggregate demand curve (C + I + G +X = M x V) also shifted steadily outward. This allowed the inflation from the supply side disruptions to become entrenched. Currently, however, the decline in money growth and velocity indicate that the inflation induced supply side shocks will eventually be reversed. In this environment, Treasury bond yields could temporarily be pushed higher in response to inflation. These sporadic moves will not be maintained. The trend in longer yields remains downward.

AU going to get a whopper of a Depression πŸ”—

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Thanks to the AUKUS deal souring their #1 customer, China. This will hurt the Chinese badly as well, as there is no other practical source for the amount of coal they need.

BONUS: India's ongoing economic insanity has resulted in Coal Shortages as well.

Informational Diabetes πŸ”—

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Jon Stokes has a nice article out about the modern content feed's consequences on building worldviews. Many wonder why people seem to readily adopt incredibly unhinged worldviews at the drop of a hat now, and the post was an attempt to explore that.

I have a few thoughts of my own about the subject. Most of the mitigations to this effect have to come down to forcing a context switch. When you are in a Skinner Box (which is what these are) the way to break out is to context switch.

This problem is far from new. It has simply become industrialized and mass-produced. Even during the age of radio, we had plenty of people listening to what is essentially a swamp of propaganda from multiple sources in search of tiny nuggets of truth. The interactions of these various manifolds of BS have emergent effects, one of which is the production of cranks.

The obvious solution here would be to not emit all this nonsense in the first place. Aside from the fact that this is a very expensive and error-prone (not to mention easy to abuse) endeavor, no sane power will ever stop emitting propaganda while it's competitors still can and do. It's the same reason that nuclear disarmament will forever be a pipe dream. Our emotional need for security will never allow us this.

Furthermore (unlike nuclear weapons), operant conditioning can be used without harming innocents and with highly positive effects. Therefore it should not have its usage restricted at all. At least 80% of the words on the web are this sort of Content Marketing delivered by a feed.

The most obvious solution to much of this is to simply not expose yourself to it. To a large extent, this is in fact the answer. Past a certain point, do you really need to be more informed about world events? These days I rarely read the news, and find out many things simply through word of mouth (or in chat rooms). Getting my news from my friends is great, as I know they're "full of it" at least 90% of the time.

That said, nobody's immune to the occasional recreational doomscroll through a feed. Here, limiting engagement to a time window via alarm is quite handy, as feeds are designed to keep feeding you forever. This is essentially introducing latency and loss artificially to force a context switch. Much of the reason this was not a problem with the web in earlier days was because of bandwidth limitations; you had to get up and grab a coffee for a JPEG to load, man!

Another good way to force context switching has to do with the organization of the information. Rather than a perpetually scrolling feed, a paginated output forces a periodic re-evaluation as to whether "I've had enough". Similarly, sorting content via source and thread reduces the likelyhood you build one of these strange emergent narratives, as it's not mixing contexts as much. It should shock nobody that the tools of the earlier web (email and RSS) embraced all these, as we all had better things to do and less bandwidth to do it with.

The best metaphor to sum up this problem would be "Informational Diabetes". Now that we can drink from a firehose of kool-aid this outcome should shock nobody. Given there is no informational equivalent of insulin (save perhaps for getting hammered to the point one is illiterate), moderation seems the best bet for overcoming this condition.

This is of course cold comfort, as it means we get to live forever in this world of bloated and disgusting minds. It's no longer eternal september. We now live in a perpetual Wal-Mart with Jerry Springer and WWE on every TV.

The locust swarms devastating Africa caused by the demonic war on Yemen πŸ”—

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Can't believe I missed this in 2020

Study: Kop murders routinely misclassified πŸ”—

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Read: covered up
In Oklahoma, the misclassification rate was 83.7 percent
I believe it. Oklahoma cops have a huge reputation as lawless bandits.

Why the Assange assasination plot is in the news a year after it was revealed πŸ”—

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As a way to smuggle in bogus propaganda narratives, of course

Greenwald's latest on the Facebook WhistleGlower πŸ”—

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Essay really slaps. Cites Yarvin; nobody can deny that for better or worse he's one of the great thinkers of our age. Great that he points out this person is essentially a plant by a regime operative.

Taibbi gets it: The news is a religion of pro wrestling πŸ”—

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