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The Doge πŸ”—

The case for stagflation πŸ”—

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Parallels to '73. Mish's take here. I think eventually the FED will unlawfully magick their liabilities into legal tender, but not before a big crash.

The student loans that weren't πŸ”—

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Turns out most of what are called "student loans" don't actually qualify for non-dischargeability. As always, color of law is the rule of the day.

Yarvin on the case for a coup πŸ”—

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Voice can't work on organizations which have "ass kissing" as the selection mechanism. Exit won't work because managerialism is worldwide. So, what's left? Reset.

Whitmer plot of course run by FIB πŸ”—

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Crucially, it appears that only after the introduction of the informant did any actual arrangements to commit a criminal act come into existence.

US Out of Iraq? πŸ”—

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Huge if true.

The full Tether Takedown πŸ”—

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Turns out, Haiti assasins glow in the dark πŸ”—

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Shocking no one

Japs correctly realize Taiwan vital to their trade interests πŸ”—

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They're far more likely to defend them from China than the US is.

Stryker: Deathtrap πŸ”—

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Continuing the long tradition of flaming coffins used by the US army

Feds openly admitting to scanning texts πŸ”—

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For "vaccine misinformation". Nobody really cares anymore that this is all massively unlawful and outrageous unwarranted search.

Haitian prez whacked πŸ”—

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UN "Peacekeeping" going how you expect it to

Hospital Industry still scum πŸ”—

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Shocking literally nobody. How else do you make a system work which employs so many useless bureaucrats?

Spanish COVID innovation in tyranny: get enslaved to deal with crisis πŸ”—

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As always the "democratic" state considers it's subjects property, not owners.

Now hotep militias are a thing apparently πŸ”—

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The FIB finds a way to make a militia out of everything

Who were the romans: Citizens and allies πŸ”—

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His contrast with the USA is worth noting as a chaser. Rome disintegrated when citizenship became a liability rather than a benefit; "For good and Evil" lays this out crystal clear -- people sold themselves into slavery to avoid it.

That's essentially the lesson for the USA, and we're there right now in relative terms save on one key point. American citizenship by no means has free travel or financial freedom anywhere close to the rest of the west. Massive taxes which bring 0 benefit. The only thing holding it together is the massive resource subsidy thanks to dollar hegemony. The second that ends, the USA ends because they destroyed everything else good about being an American citizen.

US moves out of Qatar πŸ”—

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Bad news for the Qatari Monarchy. They should probably consider joining the Trucial states sooner rather than later.

Tangled chains on the swingset of solipsism πŸ”—

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Good chaser to my professional content on "Process versus mission" (hat tip to rian stone):
For men, the issue is the RESULT. For women, the issue is the PROCESS.

It doesn't matter to men how the work was parceled out: the greater the challenge, the greater the achievement. Tell a man to do the impossible and he's got a good chance to do it, not because he was fair and thoughtful about who on his team deserved the best parts of the project, but because he put everyone's egos on the back burner and focused their attention on the goal.

Tell a woman to do the impossible, and she accepts that you've asked her to do what can't be done (at least by her and her team) and therefore abandons all but nominal allegiance to the result and focuses almost entirely on ensuring a fair distribution of the workload. She doesn't see a greater challenge as an opportunity for greater achievement -- she sees it as a personal attack and an attempt to question both her leadership and her ability. SHE is at the center of the equation, and by extension her team is. All that matters is that everyone was treated fairly and equitably at the end of the day, and no one can blame her if they weren't.

A result-oriented perspective on work and other issues gives men a decided advantage in business. They can simultaneously push for individual achievement and distinction AND work tirelessly and selflessly toward a common goal. Even if leadership barely acknowledges their contribution, everyone within the Male Social Matrix (a weak and anemic thing, compared to the FSM) knows that Jim screwed around this time while Bob burned the midnight oil and came up with that thing that saved the company millions. And they'll talk about it at lunch, too, or call each other out if things get heated.

But women? A process-oriented approach to work often decreases institutional momentum toward a specific goal. When the focus is on whether there are enough shovels to go around, and who has to take turns, and not on how much dirt everyone moved that day, the social friction created by this solipsistic perspective is a serious drag on performance. But even if the goal fails, women will still look on their experience as a "victory" if the way they did it was agreeable to everyone. By worrying about themselves and how to ensure fair play and a level playing field for everyone else -- and assuming that everyone else is also worrying about those things first -- women allow their solipsistic nature to cloud their perspective in business.

The beginning of the end for Northern Ireland? πŸ”—

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This was inevitable, and now it's got the NYT's imprimatur.

Yet more mainstreamers discovering redpill truths πŸ”—

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This imbalance in the sexual marketplace is not a good thing. A society teeming with lonely women and sexually frustrated men is one hurtling toward disaster. It is imperative that we, as a society, think carefully about solutions to this burgeoning crisis.
No shit. Nobody will do a damned thing about it, because the causes have a lot to do with "what happened in 1971".

The war on reality: 100% of the lockdown narrative is bogus πŸ”—

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Revealing the purpose. It was done specifically to hurt the peasantry, because they can. This is the only purpose of all our oligarchy's institutions.
Basic civil, human, and economic rights were violated under demonstrably fraudulent pretenses. The sacrifices we thought we were making for the common good were sacrifices made in vain. Unlawful lockdowns demoralized the population and ruined lives. The tragic reality is that this was all for nothing. The only way to prevent these events from recurring is to exhaustively investigate not just the origin of the virus, but every corrupt and misguided decision made by politicians, NGOs, public health organizations, and scientific institutions made since its fateful emergence.

Ivermectin's powerful anti-cancer effects πŸ”—

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No wonder the american murder association and FDA hate it

Amazon's vicious taylorism πŸ”—

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AMZN continues to dig the grave of it's reputation as an employer

On the pentagon's "Meritocracy" πŸ”—

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If you define merit as being a suck-up possessed by demons

BONUS: Speaking of demonic possession, the pentagram is fully woke now.

Washington mandates longterm care insurance πŸ”—

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Yet another screwjob paying taxes to private parties

NBER: Data shows lockdowns were for nothing πŸ”—

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Other than a power grab, of course.

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