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The Doge πŸ”—

Yet more reporters figuring out mainstream media = Pravda πŸ”—

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Someday they'll have the spine to say Alex Jones was right on this 20 years ago

French shocked, simply shocked to find Nazis in Ukraine πŸ”—

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Now give them the missiles...

More on Biogen's crap alz drug πŸ”—

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So if you look at the disease landscape not knowing the back story, things look great: the FDA just approved a new Alzheimer’s drug and now there are two more Breakthroughs right behind it! But if you do know what’s going on, it’s downright depressing: the agency approved a drug that shows no solid evidence of helping anyone (and more believable evidence of its ability to cause harm), and this mistake is allowing everyone else to jump on the same damn bandwagon with data that are no better. Put out more flags.
As always, the FDA can only do the wrong thing. Burn it to the ground.

Adam Curry with Malice πŸ”—

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Yarvin on banning CRT πŸ”—

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Of course it doesn't go far enough -- that' why it should be opposed. Just burn the damned jannisaries and get it over with.

Turns out even CPUs are crap nowadays πŸ”—

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People are just now noticing subtle errors piling up thanks to scaling to where it matters. People act like this stuff doesn't matter, but it does.

Gee, it turns out there are sex differences in personality after all πŸ”—

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Complex subjects require multivariate analysis? say it ain't so.

TROJAN SHIELD and Anom: the FIB's honeypot πŸ”—

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As always, you have to be a moron to not use open source self-hosted software.

Majority of fish biomass in deep central ocean gyres πŸ”—

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Almost 0 knowledge of their composition, as they are nocturnal and avoid nets quite well.

Swiss reject green economic suicide πŸ”—

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The young correctly see this all as a cynical ladder-pull

NATO statement on Belarus stokes Polish revanchism πŸ”—

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Sounds like they want to crack off the Cherven cities once again.

And of course the Capitol Riot was infiltrated by the feds πŸ”—

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"Just Let it Happen" continues to be SOP

Thierry: USA prepping to give Russkies a knife for the China's back πŸ”—

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A Yalta II? Sounds like things are afoot in the bureaucracy. I am skeptical that this can overcome the rabid Russia hate spewing forth from the Unis and Media though.

US warns vassals not to get uppity about big tech πŸ”—

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I suspect this will backfire

Veritas flips an H-town Journo πŸ”—

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Watch this get taken down before tomorrow morning. Nice to see people talking about how the Ad Council is essentially a money laundering via official propaganda scheme.

Indians make the covid religion official πŸ”—

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Local government religion incensed at competition

Summary of the goings on in the Talamakan and Dzungaria πŸ”—

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AKA the Uighur "genocide". Sounds like NED magicked a program for vocational education into forced labor camps. Maybe, if you buy the old "no education before liberation" communist canard our elites increasingly seem to be adopting.

Bengal has finally lifted itself out of poverty πŸ”—

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Mostly due to embracing markets, as one might expect. Higher per-capita GDP than India now.

Tax revolt in Baltimore brewing πŸ”—

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Cops sent in to crack down. How dare they demand they actually get what they are supposedly paying for.

Bong professor: lockdown forever πŸ”—

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College dean realizes "I'm the bad guy???" πŸ”—

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The ivory tower is a helluva drug

Multiple resignations over Biogen's useless new alz drug πŸ”—

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LOL, guess they didn't get a big enough sack of cash under the table

Macron hawking massive gold scam πŸ”—

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Guessing the Mali war ain't going well

Lind (mostly) gets it on the kulturkampf πŸ”—

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What we are witnessing is a power grab carried out chiefly by some white Americans against other white Americans. The goal of the new woke national establishment, the successor to the old Northeastern mainline Protestant establishment that was temporarily displaced by the neo-Jacksonian New Deal Democratic coalition, is to stigmatize, humiliate and disempower recalcitrant Southern, Catholic, and Jewish whites, along with members of ethnic and racial minorities who refuse to be assimilated into the new national orthodoxy disseminated from New York, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and the prestigious private universities of New England. Properly understood, the Great Awokening is the revenge of the Yankees.
He of course hates confederates, which is simply evidence of his reaper indoctrination by the same northern unis.

Revolver's COVID roundup is great πŸ”—

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3 article series.
A fake crisis was manufactured and used to destroy American small businesses and spiritually cripple its people
So, SOP for the yanks.

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