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The Doge πŸ”—

Inflation geting super serious πŸ”—

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Protect ya neck. Stock up amigos. That said, the worst may be behind us.

The Anglican church has completed it's conversion to Wokeism πŸ”—

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And feminism. It's somewhat sad to see the church of my youth go down this road, but given it's sorta the oversoul of the Anglo, I don't consider this to be particularly surprising.
It rejects, for example the central belief of Christianity that the death of Jesus was divinely ordained for the forgiveness of the sins of humanity: the atonement. Reddie’s Core Text states that β€œJesus died because of our sins and not for them” as a β€œsubversive agitator”, a victim of β€œimperial greed and colonial corruption”. His life was a β€œstruggle for liberation of all oppressed peoples”.
Jesus was not rebel against the law, but it's fulfillment. Those following this "rebel" Jesus should realize they're actually following the original rebel.

I guess I'm no longer Anglo. The only option left to those of us not on board is culturally convert to something else or to go old-school Saxon and call up Odin.

How science became corrupted πŸ”—

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Good article on the current moment. The clerisy has essentially achieved total victory. They've terrified the populace via the lapdog media into believing the nonsense issuing forth from their lysenkoist science cartels, all in the name of .gov absolutism. We're all China now.

Freddie DeBoer sums up the media landscape πŸ”—

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The adolescent social skill set is everywhere and has fucked up pretty much every profession.

Spectre mitigations broken using the micro-op cache πŸ”—

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Pretty much every CPU is fundamentally broken to achieve acceptable performance for code that doesn't embrace SMP

Basecamp dumps the politics πŸ”—

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Glad to see another company come to its senses.

Yarvin's back πŸ”—

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And in good form after the passing of his wife. He makes a powerful case that "I just want to grill" is the reason monarchy happens. We see this at every level of the economy (it's why full-time employment is a thing), and the idea of an ancap future is essentially this sort of corporate feudalism fully embraced. This is the core dispute with the syndicalists, who insist not having worker ownership simply builds the oligarchy that installs oppression. This seems to build a strong systemic case against dilution of ownership in a firm, much like with the old monarchies rejection of gavelkind in favor of winner-take-all inheritance.

Latest round of Diplomatic tit-for-tat: Visa restrictions πŸ”—

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Travel between US and Russia now will be incredibly difficult. Tensions can only go up from here.

CDC now lowering PCR threshold πŸ”—

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For vaccine caused infection. LOL, PCR tests are the perfect technology to manipulate a "pandemic"

Generals to DNI: Quit lying plz πŸ”—

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LOL, will never happen, USA will remain world laughing-stock

MIT Study confirms: distancing, masks useless πŸ”—

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Opening windows works lots better, but we don't dare do that cuz some of the fatties might get hot or cold, waaaaaa

Greenwald dunks on Bertrand πŸ”—

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Yet another disgusting propagandist of the Goldberg mold exposed. Like with Goldberg, they will only be further exalted from here.

Rollo on the situation πŸ”—

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Internalizing the new realities of the global sexual marketplace on both sides will be required to address the demographic crisis blue-pill old order thinking has brought us.

Mexico outlaws Junk Food πŸ”—

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They at least are correctly identifying the culprit in the pandemic. The ban won't work, now you'll get FATTY cartels. Reminds me of the old UCB episode:

The case for coming deflation πŸ”—

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Good reason to "sell in may and go away". Wolf's take is also similar.

Brexit: basically no economic impact πŸ”—

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Like everything else, any impact it could have had was swamped by the dopey overreaction to a cold.

Maher on the Schlockdown πŸ”—

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I had a feeling that anyone who was friends with Carlin would know right away this stuff was horse shit. Glad he feels safe enough to actually say this now, is a good sign.

As expected, schlockdown world destroyed upward mobility πŸ”—

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Replaced with downward mobility

Pentagram making clandestine burn pits in poor neighborhoods πŸ”—

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It's for the children

Oregon: Masks forever πŸ”—

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Let's institute prog sharia

Ukie war sensibly called off πŸ”—

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The old Georgian PM let the Ukie PM know "this is how they get you" RE US shenanigans.

Ukies: Admit us to NATO, or we're gonna make nukes πŸ”—

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I have serious doubts the machinery from the soviet days still works well enough to actually pull it off. It might be they smartly squirreled some of it away during disarmament, but I doubt it stayed what way given their 100% corrupt system.

Biden to Withdraw from Afghanistan on 9/11 πŸ”—

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UPDATE: Of course it was a lie.

Greenwald on the woke corporate borg πŸ”—

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Just like the bureaus, it's all smokescreen to distract from their actual activities.

Criticism of the woke borg gets kid thrown out of college πŸ”—

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Do you want taquiyaa? That's how you get ketman.

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