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The Doge πŸ”—

Erdogan fires CB capo for not hitting ^P πŸ”—

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Censors pearl-clutching about Spanish "misinformation" πŸ”—

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Please keep your cancer to yourself, anglo censors

USG rehabilitates Uyghur terrorists πŸ”—

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I guess we're gonna work on a muja war in the Taklamakan next.

Cutting the Ice πŸ”—

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On Russia's absolute icebreaker advantage. If US/CA had brains, they'd exploit this northwest passage made possible by technology for massive profit.

Idiots amazed cold antibodies work on COVID-19 πŸ”—

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IT IS a fucking common cold you idiots

Pepe Escobar on the election πŸ”—

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Banana Follies

Election roundup πŸ”—

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OMG, I'm dying

Big Tech sees like a state πŸ”—

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This is an incredibly good article. Probably the most important one of the decade.

Metric used by USG to claim international election shenanigans reflects poorly on USA πŸ”—

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Expected. All the sides are crooks that wanna become gangster capo.

UK Lockdown 2: Protest outright banned πŸ”—

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controlled demolition of the country

The revolt of the public πŸ”—

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The thesis is essentially that the elites are in fact dummies compared to the people themselves thanks to elite institutions no longer having the monopoly on knowledge advantage. Naturally the people are in revolt, as no sane person wishes to be ruled by their inferiors.

Mexico : Not bailing out their firms πŸ”—

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The Mexicans will become the economic success story of the next decade. This is why Texas should secede immediately and economically integrate with Mexico.


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BJP is a weaponized bastard of feminisim and trads

Thermite power generation πŸ”—

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Making and reprocessing the fuel is tremendous waste. Just get some damned batteries unless you need heat.

Pandemic: Return of the Cannonball Run πŸ”—

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God is Great

Is California libertarian? πŸ”—

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Its citizens are by and large, yes. That does not matter, however, given they are run entirely by the Chicago outfit.

Ethiopia descending into civil war over Tigray πŸ”—

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Unlike a certain much touted nation πŸ˜‰

Greenwald on the election πŸ”—

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As a person with a memory larger than a hamster, he understands pervasive election chicanery on both sides is nothing new whatsoever.
The next time Americans hear from their government that they need to impose democracy in other countries β€” through wars, invasion, bombing campaigns or other forms of clandestine CIA β€œinterference” β€” they should insist that democracy first be imposed in the United States. An already frazzled, intensely polarized and increasingly hostile populace now has to confront yet another election in the richest and most technologically advanced country on earth where the votes cannot be counted in a way that inspires even minimal degrees of confidence.
I got exposed to this early in my life -- all the volunteers counting ballots were inexplicably from the ruling party in the county, and there wasn't even pretense of chain of custody. Unsurprisingly, the local administration essentially got everything it wanted all the time.

Wall Hitters and Simps' latest trick πŸ”—

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Getting some fool to sign up for findom via having a kid. Stop bailing out these womens' stupid life choices, dopes.

Kim Dotcom loses his extradition case πŸ”—

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Sounds like he's likely to win on appeal though. Good news.

Supposed decrim in Oregon πŸ”—

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Still has fines for possession, sale. The decrim that wasn't.

Another software developer chewed up by divorce court πŸ”—

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When social order finally collapses, groups of divorced men will systematically hunt and kill the entire judicial apparatus, and for good cause.

Yanis' plan for pomo socialism πŸ”—

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Essentially: low taxes, enforced syndicalism for veiled corps, UBI and a bizarre transfer program to the third world. It's the last 2 that doom the first 2; to afford this you need huge taxation and an even more 9000lb gorilla pimp state. That will preclude lowering taxes or breaking corporate power. Try again.

South Africa update πŸ”—

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The abuses just continue to escalate. Rhodesia mode activated.

Update to "Pink Police State" πŸ”—

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The reason why transmuting the repulsive into the routine is central to the rise of the pink police state is, brass tacks, because the professional class, swelled to historic proportions by the institutionalist liberal elite, had to have something to do; increasingly, as the 21st century set in, "knowledge work" became too much a "bullshit job" in the dispiriting sense and had to morph into the "fantasy work" of the prestigious imagineer and the critical theorist. The digital invasion made it ludicrous, inefficient, and disenchanting to toil away as "an elite" at knowledge jobs that machines could do better or soon would. There was little remaining makework abstract and complex enough to occupy and sustain the large professional classes. The solution -- the manufacture of a vast and ever-expanding realm of made-up and ever more recondite woke doctrines -- was more than a godsend. It was an imperative.
If there's no ideology which makes them relevant, they invent one. After all, the elites invented their last one.

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