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The Doge πŸ”—

Fed sissy fight over regime change funding πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Great, hope they tie themselves in knots forever.

Trump EO to stop Chinese rare earth importation πŸ”—

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What are we gonna do, invade Congo to get more?

Syndemic: time to move goal posts πŸ”—

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Turns out the holocough doesn't exactly fit the definition of pandemic, so we need to actually stop the co-factors by making sure only fast food joints stay open.

Biden tax plan: Bad πŸ”—

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Creates a minimum tax on corporations with book profits of $100 million or higher. The minimum tax is structured as an alternative minimum taxβ€”corporations will pay the greater of their regular corporate income tax or the 15 percent minimum tax while still allowing for net operating loss (NOL) and foreign tax credits.[6]
Get ready for all businesses to be under 100MM in profits if this happens

Suppliers getting upset at the raw deal they're getting in the scamdemic πŸ”—

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The importing gubbmints will laugh at their suffering, as placating karens is more important than having Bangladeshis starve to death

Pepe Escobar with a great analysis of the war between the Armenians and Medes πŸ”—

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What a mess. Erdogan really is playing with fire here; an actual war with Russia means the Greeks, Bulgars and Syrians will pounce.

Crypto crackdown continues πŸ”—

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Predictably, wind taken out of crypto price sails.

China semi gap almost totally gone πŸ”—

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The sanctions will thus be meaningless, as they won't need western chips soon.

Just a few months until START expires πŸ”—

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Unlimited nuclear arsenal growth back on the table. That anyone like Trump (who lives and dies on how large cities work) supports more of these demonic human sacrifice devices is truly insane.

The pernicious effect of car seat regs πŸ”—

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Essentially the state has made kids more than 2 prohibitively expensive. I would argue it's made family formation period a massive negative ROI.

Handwriting: Helps kids develop minds πŸ”—

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So does drawing.

Truth In Accounting's State of the States 2020 πŸ”—

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The usual suspects engaged in record breaking profligacy. $10k/adult needed to make TX whole, the ship is going down folks.

BONUS: The feds somehow spent 6TN this year, double projected revenue. These people are lunatics.

BONUS II: Americans almost back to being dead broke as usual.

Mozilla: Doubling down on failure πŸ”—

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Becoming an activist rag instead of a browser maintaner, yay

Fuddy Duddies in Film hating enhancement of old works πŸ”—

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They will fail. The market wants relatable.

Frequent Flyer: Worth more than the airline πŸ”—

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Much like credit cards with "Cash back Rewards" and so forth. Emotional Investment is a hell of a drug.

Mute Cripple returned to function by a sleeping pill πŸ”—

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Wonderful to see these sorts of stories.

Palantir: Smoke and Mirrors πŸ”—

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It's the most libertarian thing ever -- give the state exactly what it wants good and hard because you know it's useless and they want it anyways.

GDP numbers in: 31.4% Decrease in one quarter πŸ”—

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Thank you #TeamLockdown for massively decreasing everyone's standards of living. When we find out later this month that we've destroyed 60% of the economy, maybe the horrifying truth will begin to set in.

More huge layoffs πŸ”—

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Things getting grim heading into the global winter of discontent

Assange court update: Unlawful spying in the embassy πŸ”—

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That would mean the government prosecuting Assange had eavesdropped on his defense preparations, an offense that would normally get its case thrown out of court.
Not the court of Kangaroo!

Starlink update: looking like it's working πŸ”—

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The SpaceX plan to fund further expansion via building worldwide internet subscription business is finally paying off.

California's Suicide continues: MEGA TAX HIKE πŸ”—

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.4% yearly bite of your net worth over $30mm, and 4% more income tax. All so they can not solve the fires, blackouts and roving bands of itinerants. I'd move out too.

DO's "Hacktoberfest": Crapflooding maintainers with spam PRs πŸ”—

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LOL. This is the kind of disaster you expect from shared hosting types

Entheogens legalized in Ann Arbor, MI πŸ”—

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Good. Heroin and guns in vending machines now.

Bad Mussel disease going around πŸ”—

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Hard out there for an invertebrate

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