This is the core of "The left can't meme". It's really due to their blue-pill conditioning and old order thinking which doesn't understand how minds actually work. If you don't understand marketing and search engines, you will be manipulated by people who do. Given their entire worldview is already installed by an establishment which does understand this, it's vital to never find out and experience cognitive dissonance.
Great to see the firm finally mature past the stunts they had to resort to in the past. Hilariously, this probably means they'll deflate a lot in this coming crash, so I'll probably pick some up. Also good to see the OEM batt mfgrs also capable of similar improvements.
The unfortunately non-binding End Lockdown resolution passes overwhelmingly in the party committee. The people have had enough; but the party is probably just doing this to have their cake and eat it too. They'd love to please the karens by continuing the lockdown madness but also secure the loyalty of the thinking people via jawboning.