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The Doge πŸ”—

FISA Court: We don't have jurisidction to publish our own findings πŸ”—

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Presumably, nobody does. Nice to be unaccountable.

Russiagate: gee, it was a deep state coup all along πŸ”—

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Of course, justice won't come like the Q guys think it will.

Massive collapse of commercial RE valuations πŸ”—

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30-50% drops in most markets.

AussieGov: Lending standards are for losers πŸ”—

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How to not learn the lessons of the 08 crash

Armenian-Azeri war resumes πŸ”—

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Azeris getting creamed, due to the Armenians having better arms and allies.

Converted office blocks to housing: πŸ”—

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Big brain: they were like that before.

BONUS: Students complain COVID restrictions making schools like prison. Again, they were already like that.

Dimezzo gets the Shire Sherriff nomination πŸ”—

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Pretty lulzy. Watch 'em win too.

Leftists think the reality of ads means facebook is fash πŸ”—

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This is the core of "The left can't meme". It's really due to their blue-pill conditioning and old order thinking which doesn't understand how minds actually work. If you don't understand marketing and search engines, you will be manipulated by people who do. Given their entire worldview is already installed by an establishment which does understand this, it's vital to never find out and experience cognitive dissonance.

Import Substitution: working out in Russia πŸ”—

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As always, there is opportunity in exploiting government stupidity.

More analysis of the FINCEN files πŸ”—

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Looking more and more like a limited hangout indeed.

Why the media hates Joe Rogan πŸ”—

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He's not a feminist, and doesn't think masculinity is a mental disorder. That's pretty much it.

TSLA 50% Battery weight reduction is <em>real</em> πŸ”—

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Great to see the firm finally mature past the stunts they had to resort to in the past. Hilariously, this probably means they'll deflate a lot in this coming crash, so I'll probably pick some up. Also good to see the OEM batt mfgrs also capable of similar improvements.

Macho Libertarian Flash: Ep3 πŸ”—

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You are a bundle of copes! Topics discussed below:

India: return to manual labor πŸ”—

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YAAAAY, let's destroy economic coordination and watch as whole classes of occupations disappear!

China 2 US on TikTok: Pound Sand πŸ”—

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Good for them. When US threats prove toothless, the world improves.

JPMoron gets $1bn slap on wrist for Gold, Treasury fut bid rigging πŸ”—

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Feels good to be a bankster

Assange Trial update: they gon' throw 'im in the hole πŸ”—

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Railroading nearly complete.

CA outlawing new gasoline cars starting 2035 πŸ”—

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Straight up insane. Guessing he's balls deep in TSLA. Interesting to see how CA operates based on EO diktats too.

Texas GOP & People have had enough of Abbott's spinelessness? πŸ”—

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The unfortunately non-binding End Lockdown resolution passes overwhelmingly in the party committee. The people have had enough; but the party is probably just doing this to have their cake and eat it too. They'd love to please the karens by continuing the lockdown madness but also secure the loyalty of the thinking people via jawboning.

NASA thinks they've cracked fusion πŸ”—

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Like all fusion claims, I remain skeptical. Nevertheless, it seems that we are getting closer to something real every day.

Why mozilla failed πŸ”—

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Like most organizations, they just live hand to mouth thanks to a raging agency problem.

BONUS: JWZ's take.

Europol thinks they smashed TOR marketplaces πŸ”—

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USG 2 Snowden: Stick 'em up πŸ”—

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Hope he bought crypto.

Britbongs go Lockdown 2 as well πŸ”—

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Climate Lockdown: Revelation of the method πŸ”—

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Now you know what it was all about.

25 most recent posts older than 1600847960
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