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The Doge πŸ”—

Liberals finally realizing recycling is a scam πŸ”—

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Amazing they believed the bullshit for this long. Something literally impossible to do economically isn't gonna be done.

Oracle wins Tiktok bid πŸ”—

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Probably the best outcome, It won't hurt Oracle's reputation beyond where it already is.

Drudge: Payola zone πŸ”—

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Bless your grift

Why Empires fail πŸ”—

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The suckers get wise and quit being subjects in enough numbers the whole rotten edifice flies apart at the seams.
Culture isn’t static, though. As the competitive pressure on a state changes, the cultural rules that helped support the empire’s growth are likely to evolve. An ethos of self-sacrifice or restraint in the name of the common good isn’t necessarily the most appealing, and as a population comes to feel ever more secure younger generations might dismiss traditional ways of doing things as staid and silly. Cultural entrepreneurs might mount sophisticated criticisms of established ways of doing things, and concoct alternative stories of national greatness which prioritize the pursuit of self-interest or the superiority of a mode of thinking which is deeply sceptical of the old cultural norms. It doesn’t matter if everyone in the empire is persuaded or not. If some people feel they have been given permission to do a bit more looking out for themselves and a bit less worrying about what’s expected of them as upstanding members of society, that may well be enough to start to work on the cultural equilibrium.
American women are leading the charge in being out for #1. When men stop simping and start doing the same, it's over for the USG. People need to realize there is "nothing in it for them" in perpetuating the US Empire.

Macho Libertarian Flash πŸ”—

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Init teodesian.net vlog

Wikipedos: this is an MMORPG πŸ”—

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I actually agree, as MMOs are universally cancerous

NKLA: Reaching for the tool of the scoundrel πŸ”—

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Let's prosecute the evil short sellers.

Hordes of mosquitoes in LA now πŸ”—

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Thanks to the 'cane. Sucking livestock dry and carrying off small children.

QNAME minimization: good technique to obscure DNS requests? πŸ”—

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Ultimately just makes it more complicated to piece together the now multi-part DNS queries to know what people are requesting. Not a problem for the actors behind the threats this is supposed to frustrate.

Why the LP Failed πŸ”—

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They didn't build the correct counter-narrative to the myths bought by R&D. The explanatory force of the Double Government hypothesis is undeniable.

Stockman's latest: The bubble is alive and well πŸ”—

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...valuing the market at 51X LTM earnings during the present parlous moment in time – or even nearly 27X if you want to give the financial engineering jockeys in the C-suites a hall pass for $77 billion of mistakes and losses this quarter alone–is nothing short of nuts.
Sure, let's buy companies that will take 51 years to actually earn enough to reasonably profit from our investment. This isn't just betting on share price, no...

This is why everyone says long/short like they are options traders nowadays. It's just gambling, not investment.

Dalrymple on Clout Chasing πŸ”—

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...posing and posturing have become a mass phenomenon, the tattooing of our time. Of nothing is this more true than contemporary Woke morality. Whereas not long ago young people of the middle classes sought to express their sympathy for the lower and supposedly oppressed orders by imitating their tattoos and way of dress, imitation being the highest form of empathy available to egotists, they now express the same desire by making Wokeness the touchstone of their morality. They think they are rebelling when, of course, they are conforming. They do not realize that it is more difficult, and more courageous, to contradict a friend than to criticize a society.
Can confirm 100%. That said it's essentially impossible to "live in a society" completely eaten by this stuff without "making the trend your friend".

While I find most of this social media stuff to be ridiculous nonsense you can make it work for you if you realize it's just there to build your brand rather than anything genuine. That's all Woke, Inc. thinks they are doing -- but brand building is all about reliably demonstrating higher value, not helping people identify with you. Customers want to be more than they are, and do not want to identify with something on their level. They chase "better".

Great article on how the extreme growth of the cities has mostly been malinvestment πŸ”—

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Bingo, it's all about planting your sucker as close to the money spigots as possible. Once that no longer has any value the cities have to shrink back to the level they can actually work. I think that ironically it's the most dispersed cities like those in Texas that will do the best.

Interesting that CHS also put out an article on shrugging; I personally know a few people who have done so recently. This is the biggest sign to me that the current crisis is actually more serious than it seems.

Cait Johnstone with a spicy article πŸ”—

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Lots of great brain droppings here:
Ten percent of my social media notifications every day for the last four years:

β€œCaitlin I’ve noticed you have opinions about the most powerful and influential government on planet earth. As an American, I find this strange and suspicious.”

Gateway back from the dead πŸ”—

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As the whitebox for Walmart. Fitting, since they were little more than high quality whiteboxes in the past.

SSC Update πŸ”—

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Scott figures out why anyone who excels gets pushed into entrepreneurship and the hustle economy.

The Verge's PC Build πŸ”—

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Oh my god, this is better than some youtube poops. If this is the competition from the majors, no wonder it's easy money online.

Great Repression unemployment: Getting worse πŸ”—

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After getting better. We're now entering the hangover of the mania spurred by the end of lockdown 1, as we settle into the permanence of lockdown 2.

Woodward book confirms disloyalty at the pentagram πŸ”—

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It's been well known that if you seriously oppose the wishes of the killer bureaucracies you end up dead, president or no.

Goobers behind Russiagate media hysteria: same goobers behind WMD πŸ”—

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This is why I never believed these twerps; I have a longer than 3 second memory.

Troy on Harry Browne's "Living Free in an Unfree World" πŸ”—

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At the end of the day it's always about freedom.

Happy government failure day πŸ”—

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Red Pill with JP part 2 πŸ”—

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Secession πŸ”—

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Michael Malice mentioned a good post he made on secession 4 years ago to dunk on David French.

This brings to mind an important point which occurred to me over the last few years. If I can live my life with essentially no contact of any meaningful kind with people living in the same city I live in, what business of mine is it that they:

  • Get Fair Trials
  • Don't live in squalor
  • Live in Peace
  • Share my cultural or ideological or religious values
This might seem heartless for people not but 10 miles away (I live in a big city), but if I never ever meet them (and statistically, I won't)... How are they different to my life from people in say, Congo who most certainly don't have any of said things. Should I want the bureaucratic systems which have the power of life and death over me to have anything to do with them? Or would a more sane social order to have an arms-length relationship with them as is common of international relations?

The answer should be self evident. Cities like I live in are simply too large to even pretend anyone has (or should have!) a say in the systems which have power over such huge masses. The same is true of the state it resides in and the nation said state is subordinated to. No amount of voting can change the fact that the dilution of stake disenfranchises as effectivelly as any other type of tyranny.

The only meaningful solution in the end is fragmentation to the point that people have something remotely resembling a meaningful stake in the outcome of politics. Even a 1/250,000 stake such as in the case of most large cities is so small as to guarantee some other means of influence must become dominant for the outcome to be anything but cacophony. In practice this means "political parties", which in reality is just centralization; pledging your votes by proxy to people who you do not know and will never meet. This is little different from having a king, nobility or warlords, aside from it actually being made less effective due to "design by committe".

This insight makes one realize the only meaningful question in politics is one of organization; are we to be:

  • Centralized - Top-Down: This is what the monarchies of the west spent generations making happen, until they caught the virus of "democracy" from the french.
  • Decentralized - Multipolar: This is what resisted the monarchs, but was smashed. It was this network of small polities, the church and the nobility that kept the monster of total war chained for a long time.
  • Distributed - Bottom-Up: This is the actual "Liberal" program; e.g. Subsidiarity. Only the Swiss are even close to this.
So where does secession fit in?

All it does is de-centralize which paints a big fat target on your back to get thumped on by Big Daddy Centralizer. It is more effective to simply sieze local control over enough things the state cares little about influencing until it's too late. This is probably why Agorism has turned out to be the most effective strategy. Just start doing what accomplishes your goals by hook or by crook. The laws, formal relationships and all that are all nonsense anyways. This is actually how the church in the early days actually achieved the influence (and international freedom!) it had.

Enjoy the decline. It is in crisis that the major institutions actually fail to grasp opportunity. Which is where "the meek" (better translation: those who kept their powder dry) finally get their chance at the brass ring.

NKLA: taking a page out of the TSLA book πŸ”—

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Apparently you can leverage vaporware and break delivery promises all the way to being the most valuable automaker on the planet, so why not?

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