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The Doge πŸ”—

Why the Dems chose a loser like biden πŸ”—

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So maybe the radical left's attack on restaurants and looting will knock some out of their anti-cop trance (which is really an anti-civilization) but I suspect that this is what the Marxists behind the curtain want. They want the people to be fearful, so that Trump is re-elected to "fix things." The Marxists know a Trump victory will continue the recruiting of socialists to the cause.
Bingo. Look, there's a reason we generally get 8 year swings. It takes a while to get people fired up enough to lose objectivity and actually get motivated enough to vote, despite the screaming evidence that it has 0 impact on public policy. The entire electoral system is nothing but an elaborate smokescreen giving the bureaucrats the cover they need to keep doing what they want to do.

Serious adverse reaction to candidate COVID vaccine πŸ”—

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This won't stop it from being rammed thru. The zeitgeist is currently "looting is ok because they're insured", so "permanent adverse reactions and killing people with a vaccine is ok because they're insured" shouldn't be a hard pill to swallow for the world-improvers. I hope the neocons take the reductio and start saying "Global Nuclear War is OK because we're insured!!!!"

People starting to do the math on how bad the lockdowns hurt πŸ”—

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10% of UK companies likely to shutter. WINNING

My Career as a White Cop πŸ”—

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A journey of disillusionment. It's interesting how many are coming to a similar conclusion about nearly all large bureaucratic organizations regardless of profession.
As the β€œdefund the police” movement gains momentum, police officers are leaving the profession in droves. My agency is no exception. Soon, very few people, if any, will apply for this job. In order to fill vacancies, agencies will have to eliminate written tests, lower hiring standards, and look the other way on questionable backgrounds. This has all been tried before in the name of β€œdiversity,” and led to incompetent, untrustworthy, corrupt officers. This is a disaster for any society.
It's of course gonna be a self-fulfilling prophecy. The incentives surrounding all bureaucracies guarantee this is the outcome. All police agencies succumb eventually, everywhere. Government is always and everywhere eventually filled by those who simply cannot be employed in any useful profession. That is the essence of the political means.

Malcom X Was right πŸ”—

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Good chaser to Black Lives MAGA. If more people black and white just focused on doing better for themselves and not being world-improvers the would could actually be better.
I have been harmed far more by white people in this country who hold to radical liberal and neocon values than by black people.
Damn straight. The fools empowering Mordor on the Potomac and our local tyrants are a far worse menace to the world. Be they white liberals or race hustlers it's all the same.

Title IX changes: Bureaucrats ignoring laws and doing what they want to πŸ”—

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As always, the bureaucrats are in the drivers' seat

Ernie Hancock has been doing some great anti-COVID-1984 activism πŸ”—

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Continues to be one of the realest libertarians out there

Assange extradition hearing a farce πŸ”—

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As expected. In the interest of justice, the mother country needs to grow a sack and tell the colonies to pound sand. Escobar's Prometheus Bound is worth a read on this.

UPDATE: One of the defense witnesses cuts to the core issue:
Lewis then said that in Stafford Smith’s written evidence paras 92-6 he had listed specific Wikileaks cables which related to disclosure of drone policy. But publication of these particular cables did not form part of the indictment. Lewis read out part of an affidavit from US Assistant Attorney Kromberg which stated that Assange was being indicted only for cables containing the publication of names of informants.

Stafford Smith replied that Kromberg may state that, but in practice that would not be the case in the United States. The charge was of conspiracy, and the way such charges were defined in the US system would allow the widest inclusion of evidence. The first witness at trial would be a β€œterrorism expert” who would draw a wide and far reaching picture of the history of threat against the USA.
This alone ought to be lethal to the extradition. Nobody has a reasonable expectation that upon extradition the USA will restrict itself to prosecution of the crimes for which Assange is purportedly to be extradited for. The record of the USA giving 0 shits about their lawful treaty obligations is miles long.

APD Shows "how the sausage is made" in modern policing πŸ”—

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They're no better than the NSA or FIB using dubiously legal or correct data pervasively.

Floating upside down atop a vibrating medium πŸ”—

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I suspect this has applications in supercavitations.

5400 RPM hdds no longer a thing, but the branding persists πŸ”—

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Why would anyone want one? Coddling bottom feeders like this is stupid; they had to deal with much more expensive drives not but 5 years ago which were slower.

MITRE update πŸ”—

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Still up to no good

Quantum theory wave collapse finally disproven πŸ”—

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Quantum is an edifice of sand. Penrose will not be able to solve his theoretical problem; If they resort to an explanation which cannot be proven without a proof it cannot be proven they have failed. Which appears to be the situation.

Globalist scheming for a great reset continues πŸ”—

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Hopefully they forget by next summer.

Gyms for Me, not for thee πŸ”—

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.gov not locking itself down. That's for plebs.

Grocery choices returning to 1970s levels πŸ”—

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Hooray for massive reductions in standard of living coupled with huge inflation. No wonder Roger Stone is associated with Trump, it's Nixon 2.0! Complete with the failure to get us out of wars until it's too late.

M$ and AMZN beefing over gubbmint Ks πŸ”—

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Gotta have that sweet cheese in these dark times

Yet another shit gubbmint software project πŸ”—

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"How not to regex" banking system edition

Swedish strategy 100% vindicated πŸ”—

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Lockdowns are just a part of the stupid lies we tell ourselves. "We are in control of the natural world." No we aren't.

Pentagram admits they're licked by the Chinese πŸ”—

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Of course, they only admit this to get bigger budgets. There are of course qualitative differences here; "Missile Gap" nonsense comes to mind.

China: Back to normal πŸ”—

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Sounds freer to me

Ex-Im bank sewer of corruption continues πŸ”—

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So JPMorgan Chase makes money off these transactions while sustaining zero risk.
Yeah, that's kinda the point of all GSEs

Why Remote work will be suppressed πŸ”—

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As a government stimulus to the cities. The large institutional landlords holding commercial RE are baying for blood politically right now.

Taibbi on "In Defense of Looting" πŸ”—

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So this is a 288-page book written by a Very Online Person in support of the idea that other people should loot, riot, and burn things in the real world.

Style-wise, In Defense of Looting continues the impressive streak of the woke movement having yet to produce a single readable piece of literature.

India continues to strategically Plaxico πŸ”—

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Being too hard on the USA dick ride: hazardous to one's health

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