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The Doge πŸ”—

USPS Shenanigans in lead-up to election πŸ”—

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Electioneering? In MY America? Say it ain't so. Oh wait, the elections have always been bent. My bad.

BONUS: USPS Capo In Bezos' pocket.

Beirut Blast caused by welding attempt to secure explosives πŸ”—

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Heckuva Job

Feds find that Yale discriminates against Whites, Asians πŸ”—

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What has been known for years.

UAE Breakthrough on The Palestine question πŸ”—

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Got them to stop the annexation thru normalized relations. The UAE have been really hitting it out of the park and punching far above their weight these last 5 years.

Mozilla getting creamed πŸ”—

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People think tech isn't touched by this. They are wrong -- corporate charity vaporizes in hard times.

NZ: Concentration camps for COVID victims πŸ”—

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More "Facility" than camp, but essentially the same rationale. The better to control you, my dear.

Majors throwing in the towel on NYC πŸ”—

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So are their people, in droves.

UK: 20% Economic loss due to lockdown πŸ”—

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Don't hold your breath waiting for a 20% reduction in tax obligations

Nigeria #1 in crypto adoption πŸ”—

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I'd do it too; you'd be a fool to use anything controlled by their oil kleptocracy.

USD Purchasing power at all-time low πŸ”—

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Jim Bovard: Why I write πŸ”—

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When it comes to our satanic government, it's a target rich environment.

Resistance by Business owners to this tyranny slowly rising πŸ”—

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Nobody should be forced to immolate themselves and their business to keep busybodies warm.

Turns out the test for COVID being used most commonly is bunk πŸ”—

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PCR tests are indeed a waste of time for Viral detection. One does not use a manufacturing technique which is unsuitable to duplicating simple RNA fragments like Viruses to test. When an RNA fragment denatures there is 0 guarantee it will be remotely in the sort of state de-natured DNA is expected to be in the annealing step. You could produce practically any outcome, or even all of them at once. And guess what, all coronaviruses are RNA viruses.

ANZAC jumps on the Lockdown 2 party train πŸ”—

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We didn't crush our peasants hard enough, so let's dunk on 'em some more.

Ceres: Large saltwater deposits πŸ”—

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Sounds like a great candidate for colonization then.

Supersonic Air Force One? πŸ”—

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Bunga Bunga

Taibbi's Latest: The new puritans πŸ”—

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the most grotesque part of the story is the obsessive/delusional misunderstanding of β€œpower,” which after years of intersectional propaganda has become the primary lens through which young progressives see the world. Constant preaching that all human interactions are political contests, with one side always getting the better of the other, has made a whole generation phobic about adulthood.
Throw your inner child down a well

Sweden: Doing just fine despite no authoritarian lockdown πŸ”—

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Voluntary measures as usual prove superior to Involuntary.

The Feds come after Drew Dreschel πŸ”—

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The thought-terminating allegation of CP. Naturally his life will be destroyed regardless of the outcome. A shame for such a talented athlete to be ground up this way.

Jim Bovard's Latest πŸ”—

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On how 2020 has further destroyed the legitimacy of FedGov.

Russkies hacking NATO propaganda outlets πŸ”—

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All's fair in love and war as they say.

Sanitizer madness hitting home πŸ”—

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Hooray for methanol induced blindness thanks to government action, just like last time. God forbid you ever wash your hands, getting jake leg is much better.

The medical coding for COVID epidemic πŸ”—

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Daddy government well aware that "you get what you pay for", and subsidized the fool out of COVID diagnoses so that they could pump them numbers up.

Lockdown: Resulting in more TB deaths than COVID deaths πŸ”—

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And as we saw not long ago, lockdown countries have more COVID deaths per capita, so it's killing more due to COVID too. Lockdown can be seen as nothing more than deliberate national suicide.

Electrocatalysis of Carbonated water into Ethanol πŸ”—

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Cheapest Vodka ever

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