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The Doge πŸ”—

Serbia situation update πŸ”—

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Handing over claim on Kosovo permanently in exchange for EU membership. Pottage.

People surprised that physical attractiveness helps in the courts πŸ”—

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They need to look up "impossibly hungry judges". Then read Hasnas' "Myth of the Rule of Law".

Lira rates hit 1000% πŸ”—

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Insane inflation

CDC Head: Lockdown killing more than COVID πŸ”—

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As planned.

6-Week lockdown in Ausfailia πŸ”—

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Long enough to build a bomb on a month long timer without any evidence to trace back to you. Be careful what you wish for AusGov.

Stockman's Latest: The catastrophe πŸ”—

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That's what I've begun to call it too. May these n'wah promulgating these restrictive edicts all feel the wrath of god sooner rather than later.

Germans have had enough of the COVID Tyranny? πŸ”—

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Let's hope these bureaucrats all get choked to death with molten lead masks poured down their gullets.

ATM Industry gets how bad the cashless society is πŸ”—

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E.G. it's satanic tyranny.

Florida COVID propaganda breakdown πŸ”—

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As expected it's nothing but lies

Isolation/Lockdown is a MKULTRA mind control technique πŸ”—

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Isolating your victim. BTK government indeed.

Yet more realize the empire always comes home πŸ”—

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People wonder why things are so stupid here, this is why. It's the army way, hoo haa

South Yemen making overtures to Hadi/Saudis once more πŸ”—

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Buying time. They have no serious intention of not being independent.

Trump: Delay Election? πŸ”—

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Hey it works for Netanyoohoo. Why not, they've been able to get away with absolute murder over the COVID hysteria anyways.

Fauci: Wear Goggles too πŸ”—

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Can we just skip directly to the bondage rope that BTK government types want us all to be in 24/7?

The propaganda is working πŸ”—

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Horizontal enforcement getting increasingly aggressive. Protect ya neck

Economic data 33% GDP Contraction so far πŸ”—

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Kill a third of the economy for no reason. Heckuva Job, bureaucrats. Must be nice knowing you'll never face consequences for being this wrong.

FIB still up to their old tricks πŸ”—

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As with all other groups with serious opposition to the status quo, you can take it to the bank that all who openly advocate criminal behavior are straight up feds (or will be informants soon!)

Speaking of Turkey, Erdogan symbolically resurrects the empire πŸ”—

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By re-islamizing the greatest of the roman cathedrals.

Lunatic US policy drives Persians into arms of China πŸ”—

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Does the pentagram really think they can beat 3 world-beater empires, even if they are has-beens? With the Turks increasingly flipping to the Persian side too this does not bode well for US chances in the coming war.

BONUS: Pompeo sticks his fat foot in his mouth again.

Google: We're WFH until 2021 July πŸ”—

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I'll bet "extend and pretend" lasts at least that long too. Get ready for the greatest depression.

More than half of business closures permanent πŸ”—

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80,000 Entrepeneurs totally ruined. Their employees also put in the poor house. And for nothing. Kinda like how a bunch of my young friends died in the sand box for nothing. May the criminals at all levels which have imposed this vicious tyranny be boiled upside down in excrement.

Government cheese clock runs out πŸ”—

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Cue rioting the first of August. Sounds like they are planning another $1200 helicopter drop soon to try and paper over the problem. I like that it's called the HEALS act, congress is fulla heels.

The Covid Can-Kicks quickly brewing into explosive kegs of shit πŸ”—

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Missed payments for everyone! The longer this goes, the worse it gets when we decide to even try to be normal.

Taibbi's latest: Jahr Null πŸ”—

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It’s tragic that this even needs saying, but the sudden reinvention in the press of modern America as a Nazi apartheid state is as phony as the thousands of patriotic campaigns that occupied the news media previously. We’re witnessing an obscene malfunction of the elite messaging system.

The people who run this country have run out of workable myths with which to distract the public, and in a moment of extreme crisis have chosen to stoke civil war and defame the rest of us – black and white – rather than admit to a generation of corruption, betrayal, and mismanagement.
The same pols and pundits who not long ago were waving the flag for wars and insisting that American-style democracy was so perfectly realized that it made sense to bring it to all the peoples of the world, by force if needed (think Friedman’s hypothesis of a borderless utopia of forced wealth creation called the Golden Straitjacket), have now reversed course to tell us our entire history needs to be wiped clean.

Everything is a lie now. CNN even put β€œIndependence” in quotes when describing the holiday today (i.e. β€œReexamining β€˜Independence’ Day”). This revolution will end with Wolf Blitzer pulling a switch to dynamite the Statue of Liberty. Even if America is an idea whose time is past, I doubt it deserves an ending this ridiculous.
God save us from these betas. Fogging nonstop like politicians used to do was literally all that was needed to keep this nonsense together.

Best 'Rona vid so far πŸ”—

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It's always been nonsense on stilts.

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