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The Doge πŸ”—

Communist revolt in Seattle πŸ”—

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Just like at Malheur "Send snacks". lol

NWO's newest: Great Reset πŸ”—

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Communism has died, mommy mommy press the reset button

Styropyro up to his usual tricks πŸ”—

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Lul at the raid shadow legends sponsor

Egypto-Turkish proxy war in Libya heating up πŸ”—

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Russkies like the situation like it is, and both the Egyptians and Turks are irredentists. I see the Russian angle here -- if they just let the chips fall and let this become a full on war between Turkey and Egypt, it'd be a bonanza for US arms...but with Russian intermediation it's a fertile ground for their contractors.

FED: ZIRP until 2022 πŸ”—

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MPD Disbandment passes πŸ”—

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I doubt they've the good sense to "replace it with nothing" and let private solutions abide.

German garrison down to 25k πŸ”—

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Great news. Hopefully comes down to 0.

Illinois gets bailed out πŸ”—

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Many other states and Munis soon to follow. Bunga Uber Alles

Foxes domesticating by themselves πŸ”—

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The soviets were on to something for once

HCQ debunking: bunk πŸ”—

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As expected from the lame ass propaganda twerps.

Trump EO removes liability shield for editorializers πŸ”—

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Actually pretty dangerous for sites like this one. Just accept everything is propaganda, including this, and move on loser.

Also forgotten during the pandemic: failed venezuela coup πŸ”—

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More clownin' from the CIA

Trump abrogates open skies treaty πŸ”—

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Insane. They really want to gin up fake CBs again I guess.

Afghan peace deal holding πŸ”—

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Great news. Glad to see the puppet regime is getting their act somewhat together; this is a sign the administration actually supports the deal.

German analysis: COVID was a false alarm πŸ”—

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Obvious from the get-go.

Hong Kong finally forced to kneel πŸ”—

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Unsurprising. States never understand how useful pressure valves are to them.

Trump steps in it πŸ”—

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Gas a crowd so you can have a stupid photo op. Certainly seems to have shaken out those disloyal elements of the regime. We will see whether he is smart enough to do something about that or not. If not, I imagine an enterprising young colonel might just have the answers soon.

Congress considering using the Tibet Liberation CB on China πŸ”—

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Japan: proves the lockdown was a scam πŸ”—

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The primary risk factor turns out to be living in shit hole countries like New York. Study bears this out.

Pentagram's new toy: microwave power from space πŸ”—

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Used to ensure their high flying tyranny is not easily jammable from terrestrial sources and able to stay aloft indefinitely.

NZ Gun ban: violent crime soars πŸ”—

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As borne out by all the data elsewhere. No, this time is not different loser.

AMLO continues martial law in Mexico πŸ”—

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Back >> to the junta

Curfews prove useless as expected πŸ”—

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Good luck. The entire US army couldn't keep down the Iraqi cities, good friggin luck with American ones once they truly turn on their occupiers (which this is far from).

Trump hints at new superweapons during the SpaceX Dragon capsule launch πŸ”—

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Lockdown fever: crescendo approaching

Strategy of Tension: The empire comes home πŸ”—

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You may have noticed we haven't posted much during the lockdown or about these riots. That's because it's been very obvious this entire time both the protestors and the reaction are right out of the NED playbook; they're even using the OTPOR fist and other stupidly obvious crap. Which means titanic forces are at play; do not kid yourself, one can be run over by this machine easily if you don't protect ya' neck. Rubicons might be crossed.

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