Good luck. The entire US army couldn't keep down the Iraqi cities, good friggin luck with American ones once they truly turn on their occupiers (which this is far from).
You may have noticed we haven't posted much during the lockdown or about these riots. That's because it's been very obvious this entire time both the protestors and the reaction are right out of the NED playbook; they're even using the OTPOR fist and other stupidly obvious crap. Which means titanic forces are at play; do not kid yourself, one can be run over by this machine easily if you don't protect ya' neck. Rubicons might be crossed.
I guess they still pay lip service to the "ignorance is no excuse" lie. Why do that when literally everything else key to american jurisprudence has been thrown overboard? What's the point -- just admit it's the opinion of clowns in robes and get it over with.
Makes sense that it's just propaganda, as there weren't even that many Jews in German occupied Europe at the time. The original estimate around 2 million is much more sensible, and still awful.
Probably 45M or more actually out of a job. If this doesn't result in politicians and their minions being murdered, I don't know what it would take to get people to start dropping hammers on these demons. As I concluded many years ago, I suspect this train doesn't let off until Auschwitz.