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The Doge πŸ”—

Editorial: Our elites are huffing lysol πŸ”—

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Good explanation, they are "high on their own supply", after all. Power Trips are a hell of a drug.

Biden operation spreading conspiracies πŸ”—

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Proving he's a lot more savvy than Bernie ever was. It's lies that win elections, folks.

F-35: subsonic turkey πŸ”—

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FDA study "debunking" Hydroxychloroquine: bunk πŸ”—

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No patients actually seen, few doctors, and what were present all ophthalmologists. Makes no sense whatsoever.

The lockdown in the west explained πŸ”—

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I spent weeks and weeks looking at epidemiological literature, but nowhere did I find any evidence of such a measure. Never in history has an epidemic been fought in this way. Then, a corner of the veil was indirectly lifted by correspondence revealed by Kaiser Health News: this measure had been planned by the Bush administration in 2005-07.
Thierry figured it out! These "Red Dawn" emails are explosive. It's yet another Bush administration monster out of the dungeon.

It really is getting close to time to get out of the USSA πŸ”—

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Just the fact that this nonsense authoritarian reaction has happened in the first place is reason enough.

Latest Iran warmongering πŸ”—

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Let us back into the JCPOA??? PLZ??? WE JUST WANNA SANCTION YOU!!!!

The bust was not caused by the 'rona πŸ”—

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It was just the pin in the bubble.

Economic insanity resulting in reactivation of 1000 year old mill πŸ”—

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There's your sign. Massive waste as we all know much more productive mills are sitting idle.

Post corona: Everyting will be shittier πŸ”—

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As expected after a power grab, just like 9/11.

Japan massively subsidizing wages πŸ”—

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Trying not to experience collapse, American style. Trying to outdo us in central economic planning won't work in the long run -- the USSA is #1 yanno.

Snitch Files πŸ”—

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Good to shame these sniveling worms.

People actually believing numbers coming from the communists πŸ”—

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Meanwhile they discount the numbers from the Swedes. The reality is that there's not a damned thing you can do other than delay spread IFF you quarantine the sickly quickly enough...but this already had spread by the time every country including Vietnam acted, so you can expect their actual "curve" to be identical to everywhere else in the tropics.

And it turns out it's not particularly deadly in the tropics, as India bears out. Mind you, it's not particularly deadly anywhere, just less so in warmer climes.

In-Browser Liero πŸ”—

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Sweden: still just fine πŸ”—

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Making our pols look like the chimps they are.

GDPR: useless πŸ”—

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Like everything else coming out of Brussels. Meanwhile, Trump is rolling back what little privacy protections with ISPs there were.

UKGov trying to gulag Craig Murray now πŸ”—

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For being a general pain in their ass rather than anything of substance.

Haftar collapses now that it's a proxy war πŸ”—

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Sudanese proxies trying to prop him up against Turkish proxies now.

South Yemeni DoI πŸ”—

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More bad news for Hadi. Wouldn't be surprised if the clown prince cuts the puppet strings soon.

WHO DTP vaccine: killed more than the diseases it targets πŸ”—

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Oh, just killing Africans while they get piled up like cordwood by malaria which we do nothing about. Nobody cares.

Nasal Cannulas work while ventilators kill patients πŸ”—

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Mediscare compensation fueling the use of ventilators.

Fauci hasn't even *thought* of the side-effects of lockdown πŸ”—

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Money Supply Growth picking up to at least 08 levels πŸ”—

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Coupled with production taking a dive. Good time to back up the truck on PMs and RE.

Current Unemployment worse than Great Depression πŸ”—

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We're #1!!!!!

BONUS: Less than half of working-age Americans working.

8/10 americans: Harder Daddy πŸ”—

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Well, they support government uber alles all other times, so why not continue to go along with their own BTK.

25 most recent posts older than 1587728660
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