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The Doge πŸ”—

BoJo in the ICU πŸ”—

🏷️ news
If this virus were as dangerous as claimed, it'd actually be a boon to humanity by killing all these geriatric politicians. Supposing we didn't replace them with young idiots, which we would unfortunately.

Sweden: making our pols look like chimps πŸ”—

🏷️ news
No lockdown, everything is fine

Ivermectin also cures the corona πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Not shocking given it's the modern successor to quinine.

Orban gets dictator juice from the Corona πŸ”—

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Like all other governments, it's a power grab, just a matter of degree.

Malls Murdered πŸ”—

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This is sticking the knife into brick and mortar retail, and by extension most commercial RE. It's also a good backdoor into the cashless society.

After the nonsense πŸ”—

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What we can expect is a "national health" gestapo likely as part of DHS; perhaps even a co-equal to. Major re-ordering of the bureaucracy, which very much can characterize this as a coup of sorts.

Some beginning to push back πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Too little, too late as always.

Bureaucracy uber alles πŸ”—

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This strategy does not stem from medicine, which has never practised isolation of healthy people, but from good management of medical resources to prevent a massive influx of sick people so as not to clog hospitals. Few industrialized countries, such as Sweden, have rejected this administrative approach to the epidemic. They have opted for a medical approach and therefore do not practise generalised containment.

The first lesson of the current period is therefore that in developed countries, administrative logic is now superior to medical experience.
Destroy the economy rather than build new hospitals, government logic at it's finest

Another month of this nonsense πŸ”—

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...t.tttrust the plan, guise!!!!1

COVID & Zinc Deficiency symptoms identical πŸ”—

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Lol, no wonder chloroquine + zinc fixed the problem in S. Korea, probably a lot of that undiagnosed complicating the problem.

Britbong update: Full descent into USSR πŸ”—

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Snitch Epidemic

Rhode Island closes borders to New Yorkers πŸ”—

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Unheard of and unconstitutional.

Peter Hitchens nails it πŸ”—

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I see very little evidence of a pandemic, and much more of a PanicDemic, I can witness on my daily round the slow strangulation of dozens of small businesses near where I live and work, and the catastrophic collapse of a flourishing society, all these things brought on by a Government policy made out of fear and speculation rather than thought.

Narrative shifting to "corona truther" BS πŸ”—

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Now that it's obvious the panic is a bunch of horse shit, they're pivoting to demonizing the truth of the situation as a paranoid conspiracy theory.

Excess deaths due to privation quickly increasing πŸ”—

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Not shocked, these will far outstrip COVID-19 soon.

Maduro about to get the Noriega treatment? πŸ”—

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Trafficking charges now.

Yamanaka Factors: Aging Cured? πŸ”—

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Huge if true

The CDC's covert operations wing πŸ”—

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Meanwhile 3 million new unempolyment claims last week πŸ”—

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.gov proving a far far worse virus of stupidity with quarantines which are never effective

The corona has mostly burnt itself out πŸ”—

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According to WHO numbers.

NYPD = bandits πŸ”—

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Not letting a crisis go to waste.

Aussie troops execute afghans gleefully πŸ”—

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Doing what comes naturally to armies

Meanwhile in the navy πŸ”—

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$400k bottles of drano

US not hit hard by COVID πŸ”—

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Unsurprising; despite our problems we're not a socialist hellhole like Italy

Ladies now get drafted πŸ”—

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Mandatory barracks whores

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