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The Doge πŸ”—

The CDC's covert operations wing πŸ”—

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Meanwhile 3 million new unempolyment claims last week πŸ”—

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.gov proving a far far worse virus of stupidity with quarantines which are never effective

The corona has mostly burnt itself out πŸ”—

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According to WHO numbers.

NYPD = bandits πŸ”—

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Not letting a crisis go to waste.

Aussie troops execute afghans gleefully πŸ”—

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Doing what comes naturally to armies

Meanwhile in the navy πŸ”—

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$400k bottles of drano

US not hit hard by COVID πŸ”—

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Unsurprising; despite our problems we're not a socialist hellhole like Italy

Ladies now get drafted πŸ”—

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Mandatory barracks whores

Twins arrested, beaten by cops for burgularizing their own home πŸ”—

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Guess what color they were. People who hurt twins get the rope in my book.

It's official: We're at war with corona-chan πŸ”—

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How you know the .gov response will fail

Duncan Lemp update πŸ”—

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The cops look to be getting away with it, as usual

Update on CDC/FDA bureaucratic sissy fight πŸ”—

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Continuing to kill americans

The Demonic PATRIOT act gets a 77 day reprieve πŸ”—

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Tyranny uber alles

Oh, and there's gonna be FEDCoin too πŸ”—

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Uncle Poisoner's shitcoin. Meanwhile the russkies are banning crypto.

Inside the FED's satanic bailout πŸ”—

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TALF and all the scams from 08 back and worse.

USG to openly track you via phone πŸ”—

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Embracing what they've done illegally forever. Ihre Papieren? AUTOMATED

Jawf falls to the Houthis πŸ”—

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The clown prince's war goes way sour. Also worth noting that the Pentagram hasn't stopped their support for the starvation blockade which has caused the worst cholera epidemic this century. Crocodile Tears for the ill.

Thierry Meyssan also good on the corona πŸ”—

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...never in history has an epidemic been overcome by quarantines, but only by hygienic measures. Quarantines do not protect populations in which the disease is already present, they can only save a little time.
He also understands the only reason to adopt this stance is ulterior motives.

DiLorenzo nails it πŸ”—

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So you can imagine what popped into the head of Yours Truly upon reading that the Trump administration cut the budget of the CDC from $11.5 billion in 2018 to $7.7 billion in the 2020 budget. The CDC bureaucracy responded by very successfully organizing mass hysteria over a cold virus that is inconsequential when compared to the flu or the incidence of tuberculosis in the U.S., among many other far more deadly diseases.

Politicians and bureaucrats at all levels immediately jumped on the bandwagon of totalitarianism, finally proving beyond all doubt that they are all totalitarians at heart -- that is why they are politicians and bureaucrats. "Conservative" Senator Tom Cotton urges us to shut down the entire economy while arguing for the Fed to print up enough currency to give everyone a "guaranteed annual income." Has any self-described communist been so bold?

We are witnessing the Washington Monument Syndrome on steroids, the blackmailing of America, and the destruction of freedom, just so Joseph Stalin, Jr. (a.k.a. Anthony Fauci) can have more of our money to play doctor with. No wonder Fauci always seems to have a shit-eating grin on his face every time he's interviewed on TV.

Wenzel's Essay also spot on.

In case you missed it: FED drops reserve requirements πŸ”—

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Bunga Disease. The weasels are also propping up muni bonds now too.

Corona: 1 in 10 laid off πŸ”—

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Economy destroyed by panic, Cure worse than disease.

IME vuln deep dive πŸ”—

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Great analysis by El Reg

EARN IT act: not letting COVID crisis go to waste πŸ”—

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Outlaw encryption. Like they have always wanted.

Wikipedos: Spooks πŸ”—

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Known for a long time, this is the adventures of Swiss guy who just started paying attention:
The primary goal of these covert campaigns appears to be pushing Western and Israeli government positions while destroying the reputation of independent journalists and politicians.

Phytomining πŸ”—

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This sounds very useful -- especially for removing nuisance metals from ranches, such as molybdenum in the soil.

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