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The Doge πŸ”—

Nasrallah: Solemani was ready for martyrdom πŸ”—

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...But shortly before, I had told him that the American media & publications were focusing on him, that his photo was on the front pages, and that he was presented as β€œthe irreplaceable General”. This was media and political preparation for his assassination. Of course, the Hajj Qassem laughed, and replied that he hoped so, asking me to pray for his martyrdom. When we were talking about Kerman’s failed attack, I used to say to him, β€œPraise be to God, He saved you”, but he replied that he had lost an opportunity (to find martyrdom). This was his way of seeing things.
Further, he states what I suspected would be the case in any Shi'ite controlled region in the ME: Namely that it will become "open season" on GI Joe.

MI6 blueprints "lost" πŸ”—

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Like I said, stupid like a fox. Great way to agitate for swanky new digs.

AMZN exec ran over by own delivery truck πŸ”—

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The Hadal zone finally has been conquered πŸ”—

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Skating while blind πŸ”—

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Presstitutes sad about Richard Jewell film πŸ”—

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Urinalists goebbels-gargling as usual

<s>FEMA</s> ICE camps going as expected πŸ”—

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Age to buy tobacco now 21 Federally πŸ”—

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Time for nullification

France mandates steam game resale πŸ”—

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I have written at length before how Steam, had they done this voluntarily, could have killed consoles long ago. Now they have to deal with regulatory like a bunch of saps because they got greedy.

RIP Butler Shaffer πŸ”—

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Another light of liberty fades, but not before producing many liberty lights himself.

A dose of reality from a militia guy πŸ”—

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A family unit focused on self-protection and survival is your best option. If everyone is trained in survival skills, including marksmanship, and all members are equipped with everything they need, you should be prepared for almost anything coming your way. If society falls apart, or a government, foreign or domestic, imposes itself on the population, your group will have the option of joining with others if you so choose.
Because everyone who isn't family glows in the dark.

History of the KGB πŸ”—

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Despite having loyal spies in high places in governments around the world, whenever an agent provided information which seemed β€œtoo good” or conflicted with the preconceived notions of KGB senior officials or Party leaders, it was likely to be dismissed as disinformation, often suspected to have been planted by British counterintelligence, to which the Soviets attributed almost supernatural powers, or that their agents had been turned and were feeding false information to the Centre.

Further, throughout the entire history of the Soviet Union, the KGB was hesitant to report intelligence which contradicted the beliefs of its masters in the Politburo or documented the failures of their policies and initiatives. In 1985, shortly after coming to power, Gorbachev lectured KGB leaders β€œon the impermissibility of distortions of the factual state of affairs in messages and informational reports sent to the Central Committee of the CPSU and other ruling bodies.”
Makes the ineptitude of western intel services "crazy like a fox" when you realize all governments do this. This is why they are all torture ghouls now -- it's giving the system what it wants. Seems like a good book to grab.

OPCW cover up worse than thought πŸ”—

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Actively deleted all evidence the Douma attack didn't actually happen.

Tracking students with bluetooth πŸ”—

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Loans have so corrupted the system. When it was your own real money on the line, you don't play truant.

Inflation continues to eat away at deductions πŸ”—

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As was planned from the beginning.

No more california blogging for hire πŸ”—

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So now we get the NY-DC opinion rather than the NY-DC-LA opinion. Yawn.

WorldView: the tech behind modern online maps πŸ”—

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I had a feeling .gov wasn't gonna share, and the market would provide.

Turks to invade Libya in the new year πŸ”—

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Cementing imperialism as the new Turkish policy, same as the old

BONUS: And of course it will be done with their Jihadi auxiliaries as their positions in Idleb become overrun. Old Turkish imperialism indeed.

Daesh back in north Iraq πŸ”—

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Unsurprising; USG will continue to coddle them so long as they can be useful.

BONUS: USG blames Hezbollah, and attacks the militias that won the Daesh war in response. lol

Canadian household debt levels insane πŸ”—

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Negative net worth across the entire freeholder spectrum. Dis cant go wrong

Turkish intervention into Libya heating up πŸ”—

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Hoo boy, a proxy war between Egypt and Turkey. Playing for the big marbles now

FED operation dumbo drop: Repo edition πŸ”—

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Hawks freaking out that americans no longer care about the empire πŸ”—

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see what we gotta do is kill a whole lot more Americans! Then they'll return to their stockholm syndrome

Labour Crushed πŸ”—

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Lol "only thing left for Corbyn to do is blame the Russians"

Also, good news for Scottish Independence.

Gaser possible? πŸ”—

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The ultimate in assassination weapons

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