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The Doge πŸ”—

Federal Suicide Hotline πŸ”—

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Help you die

Commies continue getting wrecked at SoHo Forum πŸ”—

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Keep it up guys!

EVIL greek scheme to enforce cashless economy πŸ”—

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I have a sneaking suspicion this turd in the punch bowl will work as well as it did in India.

Turks considering telling USG to take a hike πŸ”—

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Sort of a crossing of the Rubicon. Makes the recent Greek agitation a lot more understandable.

Centrifugal guns πŸ”—

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Miniature Onagers, really. Clever to take propellant out of the mix entirely. Modern motors are now Much, much faster, may be worth another go.

Pentagram: nah, we're not withdrawing from syria πŸ”—

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who cares what the commander in chief thinks? pleb.

Undervolt intel chips to corrupt SGX instructions πŸ”—

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Yet more hardware assumptions falsified. "gee nobody would ever hamstring performance on purpose"

Curing prostate cancer with ultrasound πŸ”—

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wonderful breakthrough.

The WikiPedos get their illusions shattered πŸ”—

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They're all just schmucks working for free to feed Jimbo coke habit
The community is currently blaming the foundation for their own mess, in my opinion,” he wrote, β€œwhich was caused by our abject failure to develop procedures to enforce civility without Foundation intervention.
Since when does stating facts require civility? Answer: when facts don't matter, authority does.

Poettering creates security hole in linux πŸ”—

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Terrorists in their own words πŸ”—

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Pretty consistent with the proven fact that imperialist occupation is the cause of suicide terrorism
we swear by the almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you until you leave us alone

Eliminating the horror of modern policing πŸ”—

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Things like the Shomrim do work, and guess what...it's decentralization in action more or less. That's in fact the core thing about the Free Market. It's the ultimate in decentralized authority.

Meanwhile in Chile... πŸ”—

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The Spanish disease of excessive centralization still taking it's toll.

EU: Turning Japanese πŸ”—

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More like turning Hapsburg Spain

PG's Latest: the lesson to unlearn πŸ”—

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But wasting your time is not the worst thing the educational system does to you. The worst thing it does is to train you that the way to win is by hacking bad tests. This is a much subtler problem that I didn't recognize until I saw it happening to other people.
This is on purpose. The state wants you to think cleverly exploiting the system is the answer, not realizing the system is a scam which serves no one.

This is also why society is infested with beta males. I can hack my way to love!!! Dumbass.
So as a first approximation, bad tests are roughly equivalent to tests imposed by authorities.

The latest in Cop junk science πŸ”—

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SCAN for lies. By looking for police mouth movement

Impeachment: full of Schiff πŸ”—

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Did anyone expect anything less? The Trumpster is nothing but smoke and mirrors; there's no there there.

The Afghanistan papers: Yes, they DID die for NOTHING πŸ”—

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Pentagon papers 2.0; It's obvious to all but the most stupid that they couldn't have been ignorant of the uselessness of the purported mission, and instead pursued the real mission (daring raid on US treasury).

BONUS: The WaPo FOIA Saga prying this from .gov. Guarantee you this isn't even the worst of it. The stuff that will come out later is that they were sadistic and maliciously enjoying it all the way to the bank, not just liars.

Trump's Nork Diplo fails πŸ”—

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As expected, it was all a bunch of big talk, and nothing else. Like the Persians, they will learn to trust nothing uncle satan says.

The Stans see thru OBOR πŸ”—

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But once again, the inescapable factor is always China. Otorbaev, referring to BRI, insisted, β€œyou must offer to us the highest technological solutions.” I asked him point-blank whether he could name a project with inbuilt, top technological transfer to Kyrgyzstan. He answered, β€œI didn’t see any added value so far.” Beijing better go back to the drawing board – seriously.
Anyone paying attention realizes these bridges to nowhere are just a way to let the Han colonize you.

Bouganville secedes from New Guinea πŸ”—

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We shall see if war is in the cards, given the high stakes involved.

Celadon Trucking goes down πŸ”—

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Too much debt and hinky accounting brings them down. Pretty much the story of most US corps right now; just waiting for their downturn.

DC: Fight the Russians to the last Ukranian boy πŸ”—

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Good to know elections aren't robbing the labor pool of anyone with intelligence

First nanotube wafer? πŸ”—

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Huge if true.

Fed Unwind unwound in the last couple of months πŸ”—

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This is 1/3 as big as the bailouts, and of course not covered by the media because #Peach45

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