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The Doge πŸ”—

The Afghanistan papers: Yes, they DID die for NOTHING πŸ”—

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Pentagon papers 2.0; It's obvious to all but the most stupid that they couldn't have been ignorant of the uselessness of the purported mission, and instead pursued the real mission (daring raid on US treasury).

BONUS: The WaPo FOIA Saga prying this from .gov. Guarantee you this isn't even the worst of it. The stuff that will come out later is that they were sadistic and maliciously enjoying it all the way to the bank, not just liars.

Trump's Nork Diplo fails πŸ”—

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As expected, it was all a bunch of big talk, and nothing else. Like the Persians, they will learn to trust nothing uncle satan says.

The Stans see thru OBOR πŸ”—

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But once again, the inescapable factor is always China. Otorbaev, referring to BRI, insisted, β€œyou must offer to us the highest technological solutions.” I asked him point-blank whether he could name a project with inbuilt, top technological transfer to Kyrgyzstan. He answered, β€œI didn’t see any added value so far.” Beijing better go back to the drawing board – seriously.
Anyone paying attention realizes these bridges to nowhere are just a way to let the Han colonize you.

Bouganville secedes from New Guinea πŸ”—

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We shall see if war is in the cards, given the high stakes involved.

Celadon Trucking goes down πŸ”—

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Too much debt and hinky accounting brings them down. Pretty much the story of most US corps right now; just waiting for their downturn.

DC: Fight the Russians to the last Ukranian boy πŸ”—

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Good to know elections aren't robbing the labor pool of anyone with intelligence

First nanotube wafer? πŸ”—

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Huge if true.

Fed Unwind unwound in the last couple of months πŸ”—

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This is 1/3 as big as the bailouts, and of course not covered by the media because #Peach45

BillG actually thinks Aadhar is a good idea πŸ”—

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Fitting that the guy behind the registry also loves the Raj

Big Soda: Bar misdemeanors from guns πŸ”—

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Supposedly only for "violent" misdemeanors. Will quickly escalate into taking your guns over traffic tickets.

More info on Barr the swamp creature πŸ”—

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Trust the plan to invade Panama

Turk-Egyptian-Libyan bloc forming πŸ”—

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To carve up the eastern med. No wonder the Greeks are getting increasingly nervous.

Plex jumps on the streaming bandwagon πŸ”—

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Not a bad way to monetize.

Krauts expel Russian spooks πŸ”—

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For doing too many hits. SMERSH as always is active.

Warren promises to abolish electoral college πŸ”—

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One weird trick to start a civil war when the rural elite realize they have no chance at the levers of power anymore

Prostitution decrim in Northern Australia πŸ”—

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Oceania seems one of the few sensible spots on the planet for this.

9 more nuke subs for the pentagram πŸ”—

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guess they wanna squat on more undersea cables, since they are about as subtle as a rock concert underwater. Long term surveillance is about all they're good for.

Bacha Bazi running rampant in Afghanistan πŸ”—

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I'm sure they feel super liberated by all this, right?

Buttigeg: slavery to cover student loans πŸ”—

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creepy DNC idea of the week

Kurt Nimmo: also tired of this shit πŸ”—

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In an interesting turn, I've got back into a lot of the "Red Pill" scene that originally woke me up to the lies immiserating our culture, which leads me to similar conclusions for different reasons. Like it or not, the welfare/warfare state is here to stay so long as the "guerra de los sexos" continues with the status quo. Blog post coming on this subject is likely to be soon.

Why we need mutual aid / private policing πŸ”—

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I was called into the Lieutenant’s office. I had no idea why. I had a good reputation and kept to myself. When I asked the Lieutenant what he needed he said he wanted to talk to me about the amount of tickets (speeding and other moving infractions) I had been giving out. I told him I had never given out a ticket but gave plenty of warnings (warnings were not logged in and went into the trash). He asked me why I hadn’t given out any tickets. I told him I was an arrest guy. Quality arrests were my specialty. He said that was no answer.
Being mr. revenue man is all that is allowed

Excess deaths keep creeping up in USA πŸ”—

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Capital destruction tends to have that effect. Bunga uber alles

Jacobin rightly fears the productive choosing exit πŸ”—

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No socialism in space, only gulags on earth comrade

FED tripling down on Bunga πŸ”—

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Screw inflation targeting and put the pedal to the floor, we got a re-election to win boys

Mate & Horton on Russiagate πŸ”—

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CIA plot to influence elections? In MY banana republic?

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