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The Doge πŸ”—

American Pravda: Understanding WWII πŸ”—

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Ron Unz has really been on a roll lately. When the foundation myth of our current system (WWII) is well and truly broken I'll know the mandate of heaven is finally lost. Thanks to Ron and people like him, perhaps that day draws ever closer.

Bunga back on πŸ”—

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25bp cut by the Fed. Party on dudes

Productive Canada has had enough πŸ”—

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Wants to secede. Watch the mask (blackface? lol) get ripped off in real time

Daily reminder to ditch the indoc camps πŸ”—

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Yet more orwellian newspeak being rolled out to destroy any power center that isn't the state

In which "Bad Boys II" becomes real πŸ”—

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It's eminently reasonable to destroy a man's home and livelihood to arrest shoplifters. I'm sure it's also reasonable to blow the heads off of hostages to apprehend kidnappers. No woosah needed by the police chiefs here.

Invisibility cloak update πŸ”—

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Interesting footage. Would have good applications for aircraft, as you would have to design any vehicle around it rather than retrofit existing things. Only obscures things a certain distance behind the lens, which means things such as fuel tanks and so forth would have to be offset (thus reducing massively operational range). Even then the attachment points would result in imperfect invisibility, unless you made it a sort of unibody thing where the skin is the frame.

This would make a sweet gimmick glass table.

BAP on the popular review of BAM πŸ”—

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More or less the same sort of discussion in Malice's "New Right". Essentially the internet is as corrosive as perestroika was to the USSR, and for the same reasons. Mostly posting because I enjoy the modern left being referred to as the interhamwe.

Assange update πŸ”—

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All aboard the federal railroad

Google makes a useful Quantum Computer πŸ”—

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quite a breakthrough. Now nobody's secrets are safe without one time pads.

That said IBM throws cold water on the claims. The improvements are not nearly as exciting as claimed by google, which is even more worrying.

Speaking of Hoppe... πŸ”—

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In which the Muscovites are enlightened

MoA on the Trump administration πŸ”—

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In which the interests of the permanent state prevail over the fleeting interests of the elect. This might actually be considered a moderating influence in the hoppean framework; this is probably *why* things have worked out this way practically everywhere -- without a "deep state" you have "one man, one vote, one time" and African style democracy.

Marijuana Breathalyzer: coming to an orc near you πŸ”—

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Trump kiboshes Afghan peace πŸ”—

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Ferenet with a healthy dose of salt on Argentina πŸ”—

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Not quite as lulzy as reading Bhandari on India, but it will do. As in the states, they are their own worst enemy.

India busy building gulags for Muslim Assamites πŸ”—

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Hinduvata up to it's usual tricks

FDA bans flavored E-Cigs πŸ”—

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The moral panic reaches it's crescendo

Ivermectin: Cures malaria too πŸ”—

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Great news.

UAE back in control of Aden πŸ”—

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Looks like the fighting over that has more or less degenerated into outright hostility by these previous allies.

On the current Sex Panic πŸ”—

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Nice to see playboy still delivers with good articles. It'd be nice if the rest of the left would realize title IX is in practice yet another excuse to clap niggers in irons, as all calls for discarding due process in this country tend to be. Also gets the impact of this on the workplace:
Should low barriers of proof and unchecked claims of violation continue to be publicly classified as legitimate, one fear, Sokolow says, is that we could find ourselves in situations where β€œmen on campus don’t want to mentor female faculty. Hugs are absolutely prohibited in the campus workplace. And while there is good reason for concern about lecherous colleagues who cop a feel or physically abuse their positions of power under the pretense of an affectionate hug, this prohibition cuts two ways. A workplace so sterile you can’t express affection for your co-workers is not a place people want to work.”
This is already the case in corporate America. Workplace used to be the source of 75+% of relationships, now less than 20%. Government oppression looks exactly like that.

Gene for less sleep isolated? πŸ”—

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Huge if true. Would be a huge boon for productivity if it could be made into a gene drive, or as TFA suggests a drug sleep subsitute.

Review: "Official Secrets" πŸ”—

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It’s funny to read mainstream reviews of Official Secrets nowβ€”they seem to still not fully grasp the importance of what they just saw. The AV Club review (8/27/19) leads: β€œVirtually everyone now agrees that the 2003 invasion of Iraq was a colossal mistake based on faulty (at best) or fabricated (at worst) intelligence.” Well, β€œmistake” is a serious understatement, even with β€œcolossal” attached to it, for something so fervently pursued, and you just saw a movie about the diabolical, illegal lengths to which the US and British governments went to get everyone in line for it. So, no, β€œfabricated” is not the β€œworst” it is.
Yet more tales from the Iraq War Crypt

FIB continues to inflate and distort protest groups πŸ”—

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It wouldn't shock me to find out most of the violent shitheads in Antifa militias are feds.

Margolis on Tarriff Man πŸ”—

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Trump’s ultimate objective, as China clearly knows, is to whip up a world crisis over trade, then dramatically end it – of course, before next year’s elections. Trump has become a master dictator of US financial markets, rising or lowering them by surprise tweets. No president should ever have such power, but Trump has seized it.

There is no telling how much money his minions have made in short or long selling on the stock market thanks to insider information. America’s trillion dollar markets have come to depend on how Trump feels when he wakes up in the morning and watches Fox news, the Mother of Misinformation.

FED still clueless πŸ”—

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what else is new

Breakthrough in Lithium anodes πŸ”—

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Method behind their explosive madness clarified.

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