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The Doge πŸ”—

Raper Cop Roundup πŸ”—

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Cops rape women in lockup, bribe heavily to cover it up, get proven guilty by rape kit, plea out and get 6 months. Good to be the king, eh?

Also, another cop gets no time for raping a 5 year old. Protect and Serve!

Portugal: we will not tax crypto πŸ”—

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They continue to be a voice of sanity.

Ideologies of Delayed Informatization πŸ”—

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This is probably the most important essay to read of the year. The knives are out for those of us making hay on the internet.
When I look past the ideas to the ideologues, all I see are representatives of old institutions trying to prevent powerless people from testing their worth in a new space. I only hear a command to kneel and continue to accept their rule and the disagreeable status quo. If you want my advice, whether you lean left or right, ignore the ideological hair splitting, the calls to action, and keep doing what you’ve been doing – keep exposing inconsistencies and hypocrisies in traditional institutions of power – keep doing what drives these ideologues to dedicate massive tomes to their experiences of being challenged online.

Aden returns to control of Hadi/Saudi forces πŸ”—

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I'm sure the UAE is upset by this setback. Will be very hard to hold on to Socotra without Aden.

Afghan Peace Treaty finalized? πŸ”—

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Hope so.

Israel now bombing Syria, again saying they only bombed Iran πŸ”—

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They really do want a coalition to form against them, don't they? Certainly their actions seem tailor made to get an Iranian-Turkish alliance war against them sometime this decade.

The latest train of abuses πŸ”—

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Cops prove to be the slave patrol, as always.

Flipping off cops illegal as "disorderly conduct". There's always an excuse.

Robed ones show how little respect they have for discussion that isn't in their loony religious framework.

CPS trying to steal kids over 22k in debt, won't let philanthropist pay it. It's about the profit they make trafficking these kids.

Cops gun down sleeping man. I feared for my life, your honor.

Cop robs murder victim. He wasn't using it, your honor.

US repeatedly sending F-18s to intercept Shoigu πŸ”—

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Dishonorable behavior and intimidation. They may as well just send diplomatic insults directly, it would be cheaper.

Kirchners back in the saddle in Argentina πŸ”—

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Peso tanks appropriately. Nobody goes to hell in a straight line.

Swiss CB still desperate to destroy the Franc πŸ”—

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Scheming an economic collapse to force the country in the euro, like the rest of the bureaucracy over there seems determined to do. Yet more evidence that public opinion has 0 impact on public policy.

Yet more evidence of US meddling in HK πŸ”—

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While I think the impending revolt is quite real, no place with unrest which can impact the USG's enemies will go without meddling I suspect.

Recent Spanish terror attacks: looks like GLADIO πŸ”—

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Known in advance, just allowed to happen, perps were known to be part of NATO influenced orgs.

Navy Magnetic Accelerator Elevators: yet another bad idea πŸ”—

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Needing perfect alignment to work seems quite ridiculous for a thing that must flex a lot like a ship.

HK revolution cometh? πŸ”—

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Rioting at least for now. HKD trading pretty much tells you market opinion is GET OUT NOW! The emperor will not be pleased, the reaction will be swift and vicious.

Speaking of, plenty of mass shooters this last week πŸ”—

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Even if they aren't MKULTRA'd GLADIO stooges, .gov is absolutely behind the kulturkampf waged by the progressives, without which such violent reaction would not occur. As always, it takes two to tango.

Cloudflare bans 8chan πŸ”—

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Makes it clear that posting manifestos only ok on facebook. Basically uses the same argument used against Ross Ulbricht to give him triple life:
We reluctantly tolerate content that we find reprehensible, but we draw the line at platforms that have demonstrated they directly inspire tragic events and are lawless by design. ...The unresolved question is how should the law deal with platforms that ignore or actively thwart the Rule of Law?
That would be like...ANARCHY???!!! Tiresome idiots who perhaps should read this.

Telomere role identified? πŸ”—

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Appears to be a nucleotide synthesis thing.

Boeing: didn't pass safety regs in the first place πŸ”—

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Waved thru anyways. Corruption, in MY regulatory agency???

Capital one hacked πŸ”—

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Yet more bozo banks. But hey, you need to embrace the cashless society, slave.

Crypto Crackdown Cometh πŸ”—

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This is why one should have done everything OTC in the early days. Much bigger gains now, but screw paying the enemy.

American Pravda: The power of organized crime πŸ”—

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The reason it disappeared from media coverage is because the syndicates control the media, government and MIC. It's why Truman chose to Byzantinize rather than allow MacArthur to become Caesar -- Truman was mobbed up.
there is an even more disturbing possibility that comes to mind. Medical personnel and lab technicians usually wear spotless white coats so that even the slightest bit of potentially-dangerous foreign matter can easily be detected and removed. In a society having very low rates of ordinary street crime or social disorder, public attention would naturally focus upon the sort of business corruption and financial crime that constituted the regular activity of Bazelon and his Supermob circle, who would inevitably become primary targets of law enforcement efforts. But suppose that same society became overwhelmed with the sorts of robberies, muggings, and rapes that evoke the most public fear, along with the chaos and disorder caused by the frightening public behavior of large numbers of the mentally-ill. Surely under such conditions, the citizenry would demand that the authorities concentrate their main efforts on those most immediate threats to public safety, necessarily drawing them away from the white collar crimes being committed in lawyers’ officers.
The judicial corruption here is especially important. It explains much of the current tyranny.

Oliver Stone interviews Putin πŸ”—

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Quite interesting discussion on a number of topics. He nails the culture war:
They live too well. They have nothing to think about.

Ukrocephaly fails πŸ”—

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Pope also turns on the Ukranian regime. The first concrete good move I've seen on the current pontiff's part.

BONUS: Ukronazis out of parliament too. Sounds like they've had enough of what NATO's been cooking. NATO counterattack probably won't be long coming.

Powell admits the Phillips Curve is Hokum πŸ”—

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The failure of central banking continues.

Suit to determine if Pentagram really is behind Lyme Disease πŸ”—

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I doubt they'll come clean, but nice to see someone at least trying to get to the bottom of it.

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