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The Doge πŸ”—

Maggie sums up contemporary politics πŸ”—

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If it’s wrong for Christian bigots to use government violence against LGBT people, it’s also wrong for vengeful LGBT people to use government violence against Christian bigots. But people don’t see it this way; oh, everybody tells their kids β€œtwo wrongs don’t make a right”, but they don’t really believe it. What they believe in is us vs. them, and that it’s perfectly OK to use state violence against β€œthem”…regardless of the consequences to everyone.

FecesBeef makes a shitcoin πŸ”—

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Clearly their bid to become the global government

Stare Decisis versus Double Jeopardy πŸ”—

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As usual the gowned clowns make the wrong call. The reasonable layman will rightly see that, whatever the reason, practically allowing double jeopardy means there is no winning. The state can simply invent as many layers of sovereignty above you as is required to secure conviction. Yet another nail in the coffin of the state's perceived legitimacy.

In the court's defense, this is already the reality with or without multiple sovereignty -- the legion of criminal offenses alone means they can throw the book at you for anything already. It's just not quite so obvious to the uninitiated.

Accounting and Jesus πŸ”—

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Stewardship over charity. Teach men to fish. Don't give away your inheritance for a mess of pottage.

Stockman gets it right on, as usual πŸ”—

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Like Lacey Hunt emphasizes, the story is all about marginal productivity of debt. When that turns negative (like it has), the fed is worse than useless.

There are hopeful signs that Powell may actually know better. Here's hoping.

WL Gore working on artifical cornea πŸ”—

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Waterproof! heh

Trouble in Hungaria πŸ”—

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The labor shortage has grown so acute that the government recently pushed through a contentious bill to address it. Widely referred to as the slave law, it allows employers to require up to 400 hours of overtime annually from its workers, while delaying compensation for up to three years. Mr. Orban’s Fidesz party promoted the measure as good for workers, saying it would let β€œthose who want to work more earn more.”
Lunacy. Simply allow the labor shortage to persist long enough to bring up wages to a level which will attract workers instead. Ultimately, the law could only work were there not a labor shortage; such conditions would likely be tolerated in such a situation -- but no law would be necessary then.

Rio cops out for blood πŸ”—

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Gunning down people from choppers. Cracking down won't fix the underlying problem (uncivilized people).

Tarrif Man kills China trade πŸ”—

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Surely higher prices shall lead to the salvation of the realm

Kid subjected to worst of public school, parents wonder how he got radicalized πŸ”—

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Honk Honk. Don't betray your kid if you don't want them to reject your values.

Reports of Trafficking at sports events: made up πŸ”—

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As with all moral panics.

Mexico going for Decrim πŸ”—

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Encouraging US to do the same. It's the only way to stop the cartels.

Microtransaction ban in Games coming soon? πŸ”—

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Horrible idea. This is only a problem when dumb kids get credit thru fraud, or enter into an invalid contract.

Zillow: More proof the stock market is clownish πŸ”—

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Because revenues jumped like this – no matter that this caused Zillow’s losses to more than triple – shares soared 19% in evening trading on these β€œbetter than expected” revenues and the prospect that Zillow will expand its ruinous home flipping operation to many more markets and boost its losses further. Friday at about noon, some of the excitement of after-hours trading has tapered off and shares are up 8% and heading down.

Trump: The president we deserve πŸ”—

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An overcompensator with a Napoleon complex for a nation with a massive inferiority complex and that is in deep denial about so many things.

A bad thing happened! We Germans were defeated Trump was elected! The Jews Russians are clearly to blame!

That the left doesn't see this is what they are saying tells you everything you need to know about this country. The Right is ensorcled by their Q fantasy and are literally no better.

Carrier Battle Group to Hormuz πŸ”—

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I guess the goal is to park in the Trucial states across the way from Gombroon to see whether they bite at the provocation, or whether a new gulf of tonkin needs be arranged.

Jap entrepeneurs make it into space πŸ”—

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Unlike Musk, they're probably less of con artists too.

Japan: the counterexample to the vaxxers πŸ”—

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Sounds like they have a sane approach. Let kids take what they need when it's a sure thing they're healthy, not pump 'em full before they even have a damned immune system like here in the USA.

Thought Criminals banned from Facebook πŸ”—

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Getting ready for 2020. Domestic election meddling A-OK.

Majority of Swiss refugees on the dole πŸ”—

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Unsurprising. One should expect refugees to require assistance of one form or another for some time to get on their feet. Trouble is "some amount of time" is stretched into "permanently" in most cases, bankrupting the country.

The end of selective service? πŸ”—

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Promising signs from recent hearings. Even the former director knows it's useless. Congress will probably replace it with something worse though.
The report of the NCMNPS, including a yes-or-no recommendation on whether draft registration should be continued (and if so, a separate yes-or-no recommendation on whether it should be extended to young women as well as young men) is due in March 2020. Congress will probably take up the issue in 2021, after the 2020 elections and after the government has exhausted its appeals of the court ruling that the current registration requirement for men is unconstitutional.

Venezuela Update πŸ”—

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Intelligence service coup foiled (this was the real coup, alongside Guaido's fail/fake coup the other day). Anyways, the new CB/Lie is that the Cuban military is now propping up the government over there. The idea is now that we'll go over there to topple Cuban imperialism (hah!) to establish our own imperialism.

Mastodon now integrating with keybase πŸ”—

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Ok, maybe I should get around to hosting a mastodon instance before too long.

CPS update πŸ”—

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Half of all black kids in the U.S. will receive a visit from child services, according to one study by the American Journal of Public Health. The state's coercive power to separate children from their parents is most often experienced by those with scant ability to fight back.
Still insane.
"We never thought this kind of thing could ever happen," Adam told Reason. "We assumed that law enforcement was competent and we assumed that they obeyed the law. That was a wrong assumption, but that was our assumption."
Thank you for red pilling these folks you damned tyrants

Notre Dame: Cui Bono? πŸ”—

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Thierry rightly sees the lack of investigation coupled with major movement around a "Revamp the Isle" campaign as highly suspicious.
In addition, knowing that the majority of large fires occur in the context of real estate projects, the hypothesis of a voluntary act to allow the transformation of the Ile de la Cite must be examined. These questions are all legitimate, but in the absence of investigation no definitive answer is.

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