Half of all black kids in the U.S. will receive a visit from child services, according to one study by the American Journal of Public Health. The state's coercive power to separate children from their parents is most often experienced by those with scant ability to fight back.Still insane.
"We never thought this kind of thing could ever happen," Adam told Reason. "We assumed that law enforcement was competent and we assumed that they obeyed the law. That was a wrong assumption, but that was our assumption."Thank you for red pilling these folks you damned tyrants
In addition, knowing that the majority of large fires occur in the context of real estate projects, the hypothesis of a voluntary act to allow the transformation of the Ile de la Cite must be examined. These questions are all legitimate, but in the absence of investigation no definitive answer is.
The widespread international condemnation of the annexation of Crimea by Russia in March 2014 is at odds with the strong local support for the transfer of territory in the peninsula. Though regarded as illegitimate by most governments as indicated in a UN General Assembly vote, the Russian government argued that the transfer was justified since it reflected the majority opinion in Crimea. The examination of attitudes in December 2014 through a representative survey in Crimea confirmed the support for territorial transfer and indicated that most residents believed that their well-being would improve as a result.They've got the right attitude:
For example, in a Ukraine-wide survey conducted in 2013, Pop-Eleches and Robertson found that a majority of Crimeans responded to the question "what is your homeland" by naming their region (i.e. Crimea) ahead of Ukraine, the Soviet Union or Russia.