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The Doge πŸ”—

Cali: impose ex-post-facto tax on texting πŸ”—

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Lunacy from Sacramento, as usual

Superconductivity at -23C πŸ”—

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Getting closer to commercial viability. At least those are temperatures achievable on earth naturally.

USG beginning to go after confucius institute πŸ”—

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While coddling less than peaceful stuff like Gulenite and Wahabbi mosques.

May survives no-confidence vote πŸ”—

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Brexit betrayal back on course

Banks continue to get creamed πŸ”—

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Countdown to "They have no idea"

Luke has good coverage of the Gilets Jaunets πŸ”—

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As always, good work.

USG getting ripped off by Sauds for help in Yemen war πŸ”—

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As always the person footing the bill for all the military gravy train is the US Taxpayer. This prompted a vote to end the support by the senate; however it's motivated by greed rather than humanitarian concern. They don't care about starving kids, they want money; and this vote is a convenient club to hit Al-Saud over the head with.

BONUS: Conveniently, a terror attack in Strasbourg has distracted the media.

New type of FET should allow even simpler, higher density semis πŸ”—

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I suspect heat dissipation will be a real problem, however. Clock rates will probably not improve without better transistor materials such as graphene or gallium arsenide.

Jeff Sessions: Ruthless Anti-Gunner πŸ”—

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Predictably, the gun laws are primarily a racist bludgeon (as they have always been).

May found in contempt of Parliament πŸ”—

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For lying about the proposed Brexit deal. Here's hoping the No Deal - Hard Brexit is a little closer than ever.

Corbett's WW1 series is good πŸ”—

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Basically lays out the impact of the Rhodes Roundtable, the Milner Group, the Pilgrim's Society and their vicious brainchildren (The anglo-american establishment). Modern counterparts would be things like Chatham House, CFR and the Bilderbergers. The real structure of the Anglo empire's power elite is laid out pretty well.

BONUS: Thierry Meyssan correctly realizes the mounting unrest is precisely a referendum on the Anglo world empire, otherwise known as "globalism".

Yield Curve Inverts πŸ”—

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Crash Flag at full mast

The Imam of Peace πŸ”—

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Sounds like he's got his head screwed on mostly straight. State Islam is indeed a vicious cancer.

Free Shit Army continues its' march in France πŸ”—

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Lootstravaganza on the disarmed helots

BONUS: Hey, Macron's just fulfilling his campaign promises to deliver a revolution!

Assange Update πŸ”—

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Plainly the government of Ecuador is releasing lies about Assange to curry favour with the security establishment of the USA and UK, and to damage Assange’s support prior to expelling him from the Embassy. He will then be extradited from London to the USA on charges of espionage.
Most unfortunate.

UPDATE: The passport stamps have already been proven phony. That was fast.

Great new Lincoln haterade book out πŸ”—

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Review of European contemporary opinion, which largely vindicates the revisionist perspective.

Edit by Teo: Not actually a new book, point of fact. Odd that Abbeville review publishes a review from over 10 years ago today. This book was published in 2007. Looks like a good book nonetheless.

Texzon: The next Nathan Stubblefield, or something more? πŸ”—

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I'm inclined towards the former.

Roger Ver wins BCH "war" against fraud Craig Wright πŸ”—

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Apple/Samsung fined for kneecapping old devices πŸ”—

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By bloatware. Seems like a sketchy ruling unlike the one about battery life stuff.

Chinese Expats starting to flee the sinking ship πŸ”—

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GCC moving to bring Syria back into the fold πŸ”—

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Great news for peace in the region. That leaves only NATO meddling to worry about.

Hodeidah, Yemen nearly surrounded πŸ”—

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Currently getting pounded into paste by artillery. Not good news for the Yemenis.

Rees-Mogg votes no-confidence on May and her "Brexit" πŸ”—

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Good on him.

Latest .gov toy: gait analysis πŸ”—

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They break your leg and then give you...a limp by which they can identify you forever!

"Respected Scientist" AGW loonies wrong again πŸ”—

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This time with a math error an undergraduate in a stats course could figure out.
A quick bit of mental arithmetic indicated that a change of 23.2 between 1991 and 2016 represented an annual rate of approximately 0.9, well below their 1.16 value.
That difference feels like "Fudge Factor". These people are not to be trusted.

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