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The Doge πŸ”—

The Absolute denial of Shit πŸ”—

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Great article on how the rainbow puritans are busy ruining everything with their Kitsch.

SAC (now STRATCOM) more dangerous than ever πŸ”—

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This new world of multiple threats has sparked public alarm among the military leadership. General Hyten and other powerful officers, for instance, have spoken ominously of the Russian and Chinese hypersonic weapons, maneuvering in unpredictable fashion as they flash toward us at up to five miles a second. Blair has heard the same worries expressed by his sources, and not just about the hypersonics. β€œThere are all kinds of missiles going off all the time now,” he told me. β€œWe’re regularly picking up these launches and trying to figure out what the fuck’s going on.” Presuming that the paths of these supposedly maneuverable weapons are unpredictable, an β€œimminent” threat no longer necessarily means that enemy missiles are already on the way. Today, the mere suspicion that something is about to happen could be enough for the general in Omaha to phone the presidential bedroom. Hypothetically, given the torrent of incoming and necessarily ambiguous information, intelligence reports that the command crew of a Chinese hypersonic missile squadron have canceled their dinner reservations could prompt such a call and a hurried, lethal decision. The jamming of the president, in other words, can begin earlier than ever.

Kurds quietly stepping up oppression of Christians πŸ”—

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Extra Jizya in the KRG, Conquest of Christian villages in Syria

The Blue Pill Presidency πŸ”—

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Post-Trump, we will never question the tentacled Master Race again, or doubt their wisdom. Eternal warfare and worsening poverty will be viewed through a β€˜blue pill’ haze of relief. The nightmare ends. We are none the wiser, having taken the option to forget and move on. An escape back into reality, as the metaphorical β€˜red pill’ suggests, would require a brutal confrontation with truth and the permanent discomfiture that comes with knowledge. Instead, we will once again swallow the same pill that transformed George W. Bush a beloved and unfairly maligned statesmen a few short years after his presidency unleashed those still burning hellfires across much of the earth. Her Majesty will once again be properly genuflected to by a visiting American head of state with better hair plugs.
Working as designed #WOKEAF

Cody Wilson vindicated πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Defcad.org back up. Great news.

Trump NATO agitation shows it's true face πŸ”—

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Gangsterism for the MoD, as expected

US throws down the Gauntlet to Iraqi Parliament πŸ”—

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Be our puppet or else.
These are Washington’s four demands to recognize the next Iraqi Prime Minister:

30% of all the oil in Iraq should be American-controlled – and it’s up to the US do what it wants with it.

Washington must have full access and control of Iraqi banks.

3. All business and trade with Iran must cease right now.

4. The Hashd al-Shaabi, known as People Mobilization Units (PMUs), instrumental in the victorious fight against Daesh (Islamic State), must be immediately disbanded.

This comes from a top Iraqi official present at all the meetings who told Asia Times sources what happened in these exact same words.
Good luck with that. I guess we can look forward to Iraq War IV in the lead-up to the Iran War, eh?

Magnier Breaks important Syria News πŸ”—

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A deal is in the works for a US withdrawal? Amazing news if true.

Shock and Awe looks great πŸ”—

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A movie about John Landay (and others') reporting about how Bush II ginned up the Iraq War II CB. Great to hear a movie got made about their good reporting on the subject.

Gospel of Wealth now an official Heresy πŸ”—

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A shame they can't realize the liberation theology the papacy is captured by is also heretical.

Hammonds Pardoned πŸ”—

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Great news. Obvious miscarriage of justice; that anyone can trust the FIB or DOJ after these antics is beyond me.

Ecuador loser prez Lenin folds like cheap suit RE Assange πŸ”—

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With a name like Lenin, betrayal is what should be expected. Assange gets to look forward to rotting in an oubliette forever now, I suppose.

Trump starts cutting off his enemies from the tit πŸ”—

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Revoking security clearances. Expect the 360 head spinning to seriously intensify.

RE market slowing finally πŸ”—

🏷️ news
About damned time, given 76 straight months of price rises.

UKGov "Porn Age Requirement" going like expected πŸ”—

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Targeted to benefit the large monopolies exclusively, of course. There's this though:
It's also very interesting – and not at all surprising – to see that MindGeek made AgeID to monopolize on the new age verification law, but, of course not wanting to lose their own under 18 viewers, they have now created their own VPN! VpnHUB will allow underage users in the UK to bypass the age verification controls by avoiding being detected as a UK viewer.
At least they have the decency to make .gov look like the schmucks they are.

Trump starts playing hardball on Tarrifs πŸ”—

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Offers no tarrifs to EU, they prefer to protect their useless "industries".
β€œUltimately that’s what you want. You want tariff-free, no barriers, and you want no subsides because you have some countries subsidizing industries, and that’s not fair. So you go tariff-free, you go barrier-free, you go subsidy-free. That’s the way you learned at the Wharton School of Finance,” said Trump.

That's correct. But Wharton also teaches that it's best to have no tariffs regardless of what the other guy does.

Israel adopts Apartheid πŸ”—

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Did somebody tell them the only guaranteed effective counter-insurgency is genocide?

DNC Doubles down on failure πŸ”—

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Tainting leftish candidates as Putin stooges is the ideal tool for Democratic centrist to defeat them. Tuition free colleges, single-payer health care and $15 minimum wage are obviously Russian conspiracies designed to destroy the United States. This scheme is effective and will therefore be widely used by the centrists during all primaries and the next federal elections.

It also guarantees that Trump and the Republicans continue to win.

Guide to fixing bufferbloat πŸ”—

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Great stuff.

Privation: why behind the decline in birth rate πŸ”—

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UHHH DUUUUUUH! May the satanic federal reserve and their minions be boiled upside down in excrement.

Commies smearing the EFF now πŸ”—

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You see the corporations are all corporation-y, and... Don't worry about .gov, they love you -- corporate surveillance is really what you wanna worry about!

Yeah right. When was the last time Facebook bombed people? This is why .gov is the threat to focus on, dumbass.

Uganda taxes social media πŸ”—

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Good luck with that.

UK Torture Report comes out πŸ”—

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As expected, UKGov drenched in blood.

Novichock 2: Electric Boogaloo πŸ”—

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Obvious and moronic fake

Finally, a Gold Standard bill returns to Congress πŸ”—

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First since Jack Kemp's bill in '84. Great News, but probably won't get traction.

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