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The Doge πŸ”—

Winning at soccer by not hustling πŸ”—

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Whether Messi consciously decides to go against the run of play with his movement is difficult to ascertain. β€œCan we say Messi gets a lot of his space by not chasing the play? Yes, that’s precisely what our research shows."
Just being in the right place at the right time makes a big difference.

Cop marksmanship: try to kill dog, kill 9 year old girl instead πŸ”—

🏷️ news
These home invasions need to be stopped.

Epstein gets a slap on the wrist πŸ”—

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Meanwhile, the trumpaloes are smilin' like the fool.

Aztec tzompantli discovered πŸ”—

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Their apologists are now confronted with the actual towers of skulls.

Sea uranium mining πŸ”—

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I suspect you could use the same techniques to extract PMs from the sea as well.

11 Genes that control metastasis πŸ”—

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A start, but surely not the whole picture.

The collapse of Bell Pottinger πŸ”—

🏷️ news
Being a propaganda firm has it's risks.

Curing the sugar with gastric bypass πŸ”—

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Or, try cramming fewer groceries into your maw.

DNA "Libraries" πŸ”—

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I had a feeling a lot of code was re-usable.

A scent-based self-awareness test πŸ”—

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Interesting theory.

WHO: video games are a disease πŸ”—

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Yet another classification as an excuse to control the young people.

Cross play finally coming to consoles πŸ”—

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Not cross-PC play of course, because the superior control scheme almost always means PC players wipe the floor with console players.

Robot Orchestra πŸ”—

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Boston Dynamics Update πŸ”—

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NASA bungling as usual πŸ”—

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No end in sight for the Orion or SLS projects.

The internet Tax man Cometh πŸ”—

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Most unfortunate. Means you can't operate a business without using a publicani to figure out how to pay taxes to the morass of jurisdictions with sales taxes.

DC's moronic social life πŸ”—

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Politics is poison

The dangers of Ultra-Orthodox Judasim and Kabbalism πŸ”—

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Very interesting the parallels to some of the more wicked Islamic sects. Like there, it's all the commentaries and "jurisprudence" that came after which justifies the most monstrous criminal behavior. And likely has the same ultimate pagan sources.

Greece gets bailed out again πŸ”—

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So another ten years of dysfunction until it all has to happen again.

Taliban Ceasfire collapses πŸ”—

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Afghani govt + NATO resume their losing streak.

Enron Musk: SolarCity Self-Dealing πŸ”—

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Bail yourself out by shamming investors & customers. Pretty much the Tesla story from start to finish.

USG playing a dangerous game in Syria as usual πŸ”—

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E.G. being the Jihadis' air force.

China in a Vise: No real way to respond to further tarrifs πŸ”—

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They're boxed in by their existing problems with capital flight due to money printing. If they dump T-bills, it makes their goods less competitive. If they devalue, capital flight resumes. Nowhere to go but war.

Meanwhile, the Russians did the sane thing in reaction to sanctions, and preserved the value of their currency by Dumping half their T-Bills.

And here's the smart case for what should be going on: Unilateral free trade.

Bad day πŸ”—

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Roger Stone got shammed by an FIB informant πŸ”—

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it is notable that Russians and their partners have used so many former informants...
The author should consider the possibility that this is because the FIB is deliberately trying to entrap the Trump campaign, as they do with everyone else.

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