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The Doge πŸ”—

Greece gets bailed out again πŸ”—

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So another ten years of dysfunction until it all has to happen again.

Taliban Ceasfire collapses πŸ”—

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Afghani govt + NATO resume their losing streak.

Enron Musk: SolarCity Self-Dealing πŸ”—

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Bail yourself out by shamming investors & customers. Pretty much the Tesla story from start to finish.

USG playing a dangerous game in Syria as usual πŸ”—

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E.G. being the Jihadis' air force.

China in a Vise: No real way to respond to further tarrifs πŸ”—

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They're boxed in by their existing problems with capital flight due to money printing. If they dump T-bills, it makes their goods less competitive. If they devalue, capital flight resumes. Nowhere to go but war.

Meanwhile, the Russians did the sane thing in reaction to sanctions, and preserved the value of their currency by Dumping half their T-Bills.

And here's the smart case for what should be going on: Unilateral free trade.

Bad day πŸ”—

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Roger Stone got shammed by an FIB informant πŸ”—

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it is notable that Russians and their partners have used so many former informants...
The author should consider the possibility that this is because the FIB is deliberately trying to entrap the Trump campaign, as they do with everyone else.

258,000 fake BAC tests for DUI in Australia πŸ”—

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TX gold depository open for business πŸ”—

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I'll have to check it out.

Trade war official πŸ”—

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It can only get worse from here. But I think that's the whole point.

SA mining ruined πŸ”—

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The xhosa kleptocracy continues...

Mugger tries to steal domain name πŸ”—

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How to get caught

More figuring out Q is a limited hangout πŸ”—

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Comey the hypocrite πŸ”—

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Of course he couldn't Lock Her Up, given he was doing the exact same shit. Oh, and as expected, he's a partisan hack, like every other bureaucrat (read between the lines in the report supposedly exonerating him from political bias -- there is no other reason for insubordination at that level in Washington).

USG taking hostages to coerce Immigrants πŸ”—

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Hey, Caesar did it to coerce loyalty too. I guess they've really arrived RE being an empire.

Populism caused by low birth rates??? πŸ”—

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Confusing cause and effect. They think immigrants then occur, creating rayciss populists. Nope, people stop having kids because life has become a grinding no-win game thanks to the feds stacking the deck against everyone. It's too damned expensive just to have a friggin' social life these days, much less kids.

UK finally taking it's lickings? πŸ”—

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They'll cry uncle and elect labor loonies soon.

Chronic Arsenic poisoning in Bengal πŸ”—

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And of course the government doesn't give a shit. The problem is their existing bodies of water became open sewers, forcing everyone to drill wells into arsenated aquifers.

Sy Hersh's memoirs sound great πŸ”—

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I'll have to order it:
One of my quirks," he writes, "has been to keep track of the retirement of senior generals and admirals; those who did not get to the top invariably had a story to tell in explaining why."

He even watches for obituaries, which often let slip surprising information about the pasts of, say, deceased CIA operatives. And he will call wives or relatives and search for information that way.

Hersh, in other words, works from the edges inward, developing a grapevine of faceless sources that in turn generate rumors and stories of things he isn't supposed to know...
Another great review at the Intercept.

GASB requires disclosure of tax abatements πŸ”—

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A step towards more sanity, but GASB is still stupid -- going GAAP makes infinitely more sense.

Potential Alzheimers Cure? πŸ”—

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The role of Leukotrienes is quite interesting.

LessWrong idiots invent their own Satan πŸ”—

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Believing in Roko’s Basilisk may simply be a β€œreferendum on autism,” as a friend put it.

The Indian Serial killer πŸ”—

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And of course the Feds don't care their Women were being killed. "The less of 'em the better" is their policy.

Iran stops executing (most) druggies πŸ”—

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A step in the right direction.

Growing Carbon nanotubes on steel? πŸ”—

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Remarkable and cheap technique.

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