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The Doge πŸ”—

TX gold depository open for business πŸ”—

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I'll have to check it out.

Trade war official πŸ”—

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It can only get worse from here. But I think that's the whole point.

SA mining ruined πŸ”—

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The xhosa kleptocracy continues...

Mugger tries to steal domain name πŸ”—

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How to get caught

More figuring out Q is a limited hangout πŸ”—

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Comey the hypocrite πŸ”—

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Of course he couldn't Lock Her Up, given he was doing the exact same shit. Oh, and as expected, he's a partisan hack, like every other bureaucrat (read between the lines in the report supposedly exonerating him from political bias -- there is no other reason for insubordination at that level in Washington).

USG taking hostages to coerce Immigrants πŸ”—

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Hey, Caesar did it to coerce loyalty too. I guess they've really arrived RE being an empire.

Populism caused by low birth rates??? πŸ”—

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Confusing cause and effect. They think immigrants then occur, creating rayciss populists. Nope, people stop having kids because life has become a grinding no-win game thanks to the feds stacking the deck against everyone. It's too damned expensive just to have a friggin' social life these days, much less kids.

UK finally taking it's lickings? πŸ”—

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They'll cry uncle and elect labor loonies soon.

Chronic Arsenic poisoning in Bengal πŸ”—

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And of course the government doesn't give a shit. The problem is their existing bodies of water became open sewers, forcing everyone to drill wells into arsenated aquifers.

Sy Hersh's memoirs sound great πŸ”—

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I'll have to order it:
One of my quirks," he writes, "has been to keep track of the retirement of senior generals and admirals; those who did not get to the top invariably had a story to tell in explaining why."

He even watches for obituaries, which often let slip surprising information about the pasts of, say, deceased CIA operatives. And he will call wives or relatives and search for information that way.

Hersh, in other words, works from the edges inward, developing a grapevine of faceless sources that in turn generate rumors and stories of things he isn't supposed to know...
Another great review at the Intercept.

GASB requires disclosure of tax abatements πŸ”—

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A step towards more sanity, but GASB is still stupid -- going GAAP makes infinitely more sense.

Potential Alzheimers Cure? πŸ”—

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The role of Leukotrienes is quite interesting.

LessWrong idiots invent their own Satan πŸ”—

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Believing in Roko’s Basilisk may simply be a β€œreferendum on autism,” as a friend put it.

The Indian Serial killer πŸ”—

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And of course the Feds don't care their Women were being killed. "The less of 'em the better" is their policy.

Iran stops executing (most) druggies πŸ”—

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A step in the right direction.

Growing Carbon nanotubes on steel? πŸ”—

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Remarkable and cheap technique.

Labour: We will abolish the Lords if elected πŸ”—

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Deranged and Dangerous. The Lords are the only things that have prevented the ravages of democracy from destroying all English property rights.

A Brit laments their new Gendarmerie πŸ”—

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If we had a proper patrolling police force of the old kind, many of these incidents would never happen. Such a force would apply the boring laws on drug possession which our armed and scowling gendarmes, and their soppy, pseudo-intellectual chief officers, think are beneath them. Through their intimate knowledge of their beats and their frequent contact with the law-abiding, they would be aware of the strange behaviour of such people long before it became a danger.

For an unarmed, modest, old-fashioned police force, which walks quietly among us, has millions of willing eyes and ears, in the shape of a friendly and supportive public.

But an armed state militia, dressed for combat with its face set in a rigid frown and its hands ever reaching for gun, club or handcuffs, such as we now have, is a stranger to the people. And as well as making us look like a foreign despotism, it will fail in its task.
E.G. being a real peace officer like advocated by the Detroit threat management center, and other private police forces. As always, I advocate for privatization, as they have little to no incentive to become this vicious occupying army like the cops are.

NYC's latest con artist πŸ”—

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Interesting tale of a lady that got away with quite a lot.

Oxygen doping: how to squeeze out more Mhz πŸ”—

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Yet more things pleasing to me.

Mind-controlled robotic hand πŸ”—

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Amazing new tech.

Doctorow figures it out RE Trump πŸ”—

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Though from a different angle than Scott Adams. It's all about getting nonvoters snookered in, and most of that is traditional hypnosis techniques.

Deep sea fishing economic analysis πŸ”—

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Our results suggest that fishing at the current scale is enabled by large government subsidies, without which as much as 54% of the present high-seas fishing grounds would be unprofitable at current fishing rates. The patterns of fishing profitability vary widely between countries, types of fishing, and distance to port. Deep-sea bottom trawling often produces net economic benefits only thanks to subsidies, and much fishing by the world’s largest fishing fleets would largely be unprofitable without subsidies and low labor costs. These results support recent calls for subsidy and fishery management reforms on the high seas.
Lefties shoot themselves in the foot as usual. Destroy the environment to "help workers". Idiots.

Sandstone: good source of natural nitrogen πŸ”—

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Good info for farmers.

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