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The Doge πŸ”—

"Things I learned 15 years in the Gulag" πŸ”—

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I discovered that the world should be divided not into good and bad people but into cowards and non-cowards. Ninety-five percent of cowards are capable of the vilest things, lethal things, at the mildest threat.

I am convinced that the campsβ€”all of themβ€”are a negative school; you can’t even spend an hour in one without being depraved. The camps never gave, and never could give, anyone anything positive. The camps act by depraving everyone, prisoners and free-contract workers alike.

I realized that the thieves were not human.
Damn straight.

Intel joins the GPU wars πŸ”—

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Will be interesting to see if they have a competitive offering.

The FSP fight against Bears πŸ”—

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This is one of the lulzier articles I've read in a while.
Word had gotten around about the questions I was asking, and an omerta was in effect.
Glad to hear they're being smart up there.

IQ nosediving since the 70s πŸ”—

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Thank you socialism.

The Vice Magazine scam πŸ”—

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On why they were good on stuff for maybe 2 years, and then promptly imploded. That was the plan from the beginning.
In 2016, Variety reported that more than half of the traffic Vice claimed as its own on Comscore came from β€œthe digital equivalent of mortgage-backed securities”: The company had struck deals with a number of spam-y websites like OMGFacts and Distractify β€” along with The Awl and Modern Farmer β€” that allowed Vice to count their traffic as its own in exchange for selling ads on their behalf.

Einstein the Racist πŸ”—

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Ammo for the lysenkoist left

Monbiot is actually good on something πŸ”—

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All laws should sunset.

Kashmir heating up again πŸ”—

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Let's hope cooler heads prevail.

Seattle commies back down πŸ”—

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Realize they went too far.

Mueller ordered to turn over names of unindicted co-conspirators πŸ”—

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yanno, for discovery. This is where it gets revealed he's got nothing. Meanwhile he cynically tells Russian Indictees you can only have discovery after I arrest you.

ATT buys Time Warner πŸ”—

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Meanwhile the Chinese jump on the Stealth bandwagon πŸ”—

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Schmucks. Stealth doesn't work, which is why the Russians rightly have back-burnered their 6th-gen fighter.

Senate figures out they've been leapfrogged by the Russians RE hypersonics πŸ”—

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This is the admission. Meanwhile the media has been acting like "oh the Russian weapons don't exist".

California to vote on getting 4 more senators πŸ”—

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By splitting into 3 states.

Hodiedah siege begins πŸ”—

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The lives of 15 million Yemenis on the brink of starvation hang in the balance. May god have mercy and allow food in somehow.

Italy drinks the MMT Kool-Aid πŸ”—

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I'm sure when it fails it'll be #NotRealMMT

Pompeo's statement on Iran is what you would expect πŸ”—

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Filled with lies, red meat for hawks in Iran, and calculated to have unacceptable demands as a bogus CB.

Ontario: banning anarchist symbology πŸ”—

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Ripping off the mask

Trump Tarrifs crucifying Newspapers πŸ”—

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That's one way to shut down "fake news"

Brexit betrayal complete πŸ”—

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More or less complete capitulation by May. Agreement to remain in the trade agreement, which means also staying infested with eurocrats and their rules & taxes.

Putin goes for No guns, just butter policy πŸ”—

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True Statesmanship. Would that our own warmongering POS rulers could see the light.

FOSTA/SESTA: The pimps are back in charge πŸ”—

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Every morning I’m stressed because I have to choose between paying for my room or eating. Days when I used to be able to live comfortably and enjoy life, days that I was actually working through parts of my PTSD, now I’m barely making room money. I’ve had to go without things such as eating in order to keep a roof over my head. Or go back to my pimp who has stayed on my phone since this happened, promising me clients and his β€œprotection.” What’s worse is the johns now know about this stupid bill and with Backpage being closed, they are taking full advantage of the situation, and it’s not right!
The statists proceed to cream in their jeans

As usual, the enlightened bureaucrats are morons πŸ”—

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While Scott Pruitt takes a retinue of armed guards on double overtime just to take a dump and then charges it to taxpayers, Ben Carson turns his office into an even tackier Versailles with public funds, and Steve Mnuchin behaves like…well, Steve Mnuchin, Wilbur just goes about his short work day talking about how tariffs are dope and the moon is a gas station.

Kerch Strait bridge complete πŸ”—

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Great news for commerce.

Baroque composers: Thug Repellent πŸ”—

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Great news that this is catching on.

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