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The Doge πŸ”—

E. Coli in the colon: cancer causer πŸ”—

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Gotta get that vitamin C & starve those suckers out

Syrian-Israeli war? πŸ”—

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While it sounds like Israel was backing down yesterday, it sounds like they're still retaliating. I suspect different factions in the Israeli state are having something of a power struggle here.

UPDATE: There's now suspicion that the timing of the US attack last week is not coincidental. Meanwhile, the Russian fleet moves into Lebanon. A very, very dangerous game is being played -- but hey, I suspect they'll need a war to keep people's mind off the coming crash & recession.

Culturing new eggs from ovarian tissue πŸ”—

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This could help a variety of barren women.

RBS takes customer abuse to new heights πŸ”—

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Forging customer signatures to screw them over. Real bunch of winners there

The gold bucket thief's story πŸ”—

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Had been practicing for quite some time, and made off with the heist of a lifetime. Hard work pays off.
Nivelo’s lawyer told him there was no fighting it; Ecuador wouldn’t extradite him back to the U.S., but due to an existing treaty between the two countries, Nivelo would have to serve time for the gold heist. Counting on his clean record in Ecuador, Nivelo figured his time in prison would be short. He got a year, and with good behavior, he was released after nine months.

β€œListen, if you commit crime, you gotta pay. So I didn’t complain about that,” he said.

USN Command ship: party barge πŸ”—

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Should be renamed the USS Fat Leonard

Man smashes up DPD cruisers πŸ”—

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The cops escalate, as expected.

More info on why Seal team 6 whacked a green beret πŸ”—

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They were dipping into the informant till

Pentagram bombs Syrian forces again (on purpose) πŸ”—

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Yet another criminal act of war.

Why the Sanhedrin really wanted Christ dead πŸ”—

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He got in the way of the revolution they were planning. I think this is a correct interpretation of events, and serves as a valuable bulwark against the religion of revolution. Violence can only transform society into a worse place.

South Front starts making Yemen war videos πŸ”—

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Not bad, hopefully there are more of these coming soon.

ISIS morphs with organized crime into the White Flag Army πŸ”—

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Very interesting in the context of Elijah Magnier's piece in al rai, Iran is losing influence in Iraq. It sounds like the Iraqis have more or less figured out through the PMU that they're gonna have a permanent insurgency on their hands if they just let Solemani have his way on everything. Listen to Scott Horton interview him in the audio above; it's worth listening to.

SpaceX's Falcon Heavy fails re-entry πŸ”—

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That core booster approached the platform as planned, but it unfortunately hit the water going 300 MPH and was lost, because some of its return engines failed to light. Video feeds of the attempted landing cut out upon approach, and in the live stream SpaceX provided of the launch, you could hear someone say β€œWe’ve lost the core” but it wasn’t clear whether that indicated just the feed, or the booster itself.
2/3 ain't good enough. They'll keep at it though, the landing of the two other boosters was great.

The onion nails it πŸ”—

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β€œIf we take away the people’s faith in this shadowy monolith exempt from any consequences, all that’s left is an extensive network of rogue, unelected intelligence officers carrying out extrajudicial missions for a variety of subjective, and occasionally personal, reasons.”

The bounties of rent control in Mumbai πŸ”—

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E.G. privation.

Gubbmint Mandated electronic records in Medicine still a hit, I see πŸ”—

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Old docs mostly retiring early because they weren't trained to be data entry clerks. Basically .gov is creating this future:

The VASMIR story πŸ”—

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Let's hope things work out.

Study: Elderberry does shorten the flu πŸ”—

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Been taking that stuff when I get sick since I was a kid. Helps a lot.

Germany brings the snitch system back to social media πŸ”—

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I'm sure many blockvalters will find glee in reporting people's posts they don't like for censorship.

Toys R Us: the latest victim of asset stripping πŸ”—

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Shuttering many stores in it's process of becoming a debt zombie.

Biden spills the beans on Ukraine πŸ”—

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E.G. they're our puppet government. Not that we needed Biden gaffes to figure that one out.

Blowback in Sweden: Migrant edition πŸ”—

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These idiots need to get off the US/EU/NATO imperial dick ride yesterday. It's not enough to just not be a formal member. You have to understand why what they are doing is bad and oppose it.

UKGov mulling crypto crackdown πŸ”—

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Sounds like the global elite have finally figured out the threat it poses to them. Unfortunately, it's mostly too late -- the cat is out of the bag with ZK-Snarks. It's forever gonna be a black market canker in their side.

The drawbacks of our socialist GPS πŸ”—

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Our socialist military decides to knock out GPS for much of the western US.

More retarded libertarian drama πŸ”—

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Provocateurs causing trouble in the liberty movement? Say it isn't so. This is another "I'm not saying fed, but..." kind of guy.

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