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The Doge πŸ”—

Congress: A-OK to keep secret chemical weapons tests on troops πŸ”—

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Really supporting the troops there

The end is nigh for Soundcloud πŸ”—

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Idiots didn't realize Youtube is already the youtube of music.

Even more anti-NK sanctions πŸ”—

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Making war more likely, and accomplishing nothing.

Saudi demands of Qatar crumbling πŸ”—

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Good on Qatar for calling their bluff.

Yet another CIA whistleblower goes thru the 'system', gets nowhere πŸ”—

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Go public immediately is the answer.

Wal-Mart turning rabid on their suppliers πŸ”—

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How not to turn things around

100 Kg maple leaf thief nicked πŸ”—

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Schmucks stayed in Germany

Political Illustration πŸ”—

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Breakthrough 44% efficiency solar cell πŸ”—

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Awesome development

Gordon demolishes the latest anti-libertarian screed πŸ”—

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As usual, our detractors have clearly not even read the source material.

Quantum teleportation into space πŸ”—

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EU banking union DOA πŸ”—

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Italian banks prove so defective it would wreck the whole system to have them be a part of it.

Yet more bogus russia baiting RE Trump πŸ”—

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As usual, it's not illegal and is totally the pot calling the kettle black.

Meanwhile in Venezuela πŸ”—

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Motorcycle bandits intercepting trucking in the countryside. It's over.

In defense of Waffle House πŸ”—

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Just like with minimum quality standards in cars, people forget that sometimes quality isn't the most important factor. Being able to afford it is.

Crypto Rout continuing πŸ”—

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The opportunity to back up the truck on Zcash will come soon.

Baghdadi confirmed dead? πŸ”—

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Hard to believe anything when it comes to boogeymen.

France to ban non-EVs by 2040? πŸ”—

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Dumb Idea.

Study: Being a hawk lost Hillary the election πŸ”—

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People generally aren't fans of getting their kids killed

Congress: basically a telemarketing scam πŸ”—

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Needs Jolly Roger telco

Good Putin translation RE Trump meeting πŸ”—

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In cipher: β€œSo I think that if we build our relations in the vein of our yesterday’s meeting…”
[translation]: β€œIf is the operative word – there’s no telling what will happen next because Trump is in charge of nothing, not even of his wife, and nothing he says can be relied on. Tillerson is as impotent as his boss.”

In cipher: β€œthere are good reasons to believe that we will be able to revive, at least partially, the level of interaction that we need.”
[translation]: β€œThe best that can be hoped for is that Tillerson can control the working groups to which he’s persuaded Trump to delegate everything of substance. So everything with the Americans is partial. I have gained nothing I need.”

More on the domestic FATCA working through congress πŸ”—

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It would work like this: Like the FATCA legislation in the US, the premise is:

An individual is required to provide a detailed report of his wealth (however small).

The regulatory body chooses to regard the report as β€œin error,” or β€œincomplete.”

The law then allows all the assets to be confiscated, including those portions that were correctly reported.

Of course, we’d like to think that no reasonable government would abuse power in this way. Unfortunately, history shows that any government that issues a license to itself to rob its citizenry, invariably uses (and abuses) that license.

The beauty of such a system is that it need not be enforced often. Once people understand that, at any moment, they could lose everything and have no recourse whatsoever, they learn to keep their heads down and be compliant.

From that point on, fear of government is a constant, and the population is effectively under house arrest.

Crony power companies in NZ hatin' on solar πŸ”—

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Like they have done here in USA.

Good antidote to the latest Climate hysteria articles πŸ”—

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Been seeing a bunch of 'heavens to mergatroid, it's too laaaaaate' articles zipping around lately. They are of course bullshit trying to buffalo everyone into .gov scams.

BATFE helping gun confiscation in Chicongo πŸ”—

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And you thought the Trump feds were on the gunners' side. Hah!

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