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The Doge πŸ”—

GCC turns on the Qataris πŸ”—

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Given they did just steal Aden from the Saudis, and look to be behind the break-off of South Yemen, I can understand why the Saudis are mortified.

Yet another story gets the Millenials wrong πŸ”—

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They mostly eat at home because they are BROKE! It's cheaper to eat at home, dope. Restaurants will have to reduce portions to get even close to competitive.

SCOTUS finds in favor of repair πŸ”—

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One of the rare sensible decisions out of the court, as one of the defendants was not .gov

Trump appoints radical money printer to FED board πŸ”—

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Wants to turn money into bonds, like in Zim:
In other words, the value of a paper dollar would no longer be guaranteed. It may say $10 on the front but if the policy rate were -10 per cent the piece of paper would only be worth $9.
It's not guaranteed as is, man. This just means quicker devaluation. Not good either way.

USG: Standing rock protestors "Insurgents" πŸ”—

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Injun == Unlawful enemy combatant. So OK to put em' in reservations concentration camps.

UK PM: We need police state to stop terrorism πŸ”—

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Gee wherever have I heard this crock before? "Just Let it Happen"

Ethiopia: Turn off internet nationwide rather than let test answers leak πŸ”—

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Moronic. Correct solution is to not use standardized tests, then leaking damage is minimized. Some would say this makes corruption more influential, but they can already change the sheets if they're corrupt.

UBI goobers claiming Iran is the example proving the scheme works πŸ”—

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Knowing nothing whatsoever about Iran, they don't understand this is basically regime propaganda. It works about as well as universal healthcare does -- in the end you get what you pay for. Nothing.

New Flow battery to be the breakthrough for cars? πŸ”—

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Good news if so; May be even more practical than Goodenough's battery system.

Confession + Smoking Gun for the PM manipulation πŸ”—

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Conspiracy Fact. Of course it'll keep going on, however. It's in CB interests to.

France/Belgium issuing letters of Marque against Daesh guys πŸ”—

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A rare moment of sanity in the GWOT, but I'm sure they'll figure out a way to screw it up anyways.

OTC bitcoin trading becoming de-facto outlawed πŸ”—

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How DARE you not go through the crony firms which we control!!!

Removing the GIL from Python? πŸ”—

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Seems like it's not exactly a healthy project given it's that far behind upstream.

USG prepping to fight the SAA πŸ”—

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I expected this eventually

Venus project guy croaks πŸ”—

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A shame his dingbat techno-socialist utopian dream won't go with him.

Koproaches now doing <em>firewood</em> checkpoints πŸ”—

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Land of the Fee, Home of the Slave

.gov destroys 11 block fruit tree row because PERMITS πŸ”—

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HISD copper rapes student, gets away with it πŸ”—

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Why there shouldn't be cops in school

BONUS: OPD jam packed with raper cops too.

NAD+: Miracle anti-aging drug? πŸ”—

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DNA repair is essential for life, yet its efficiency declines with age for reasons that are unclear. Numerous proteins possess Nudix homology domains (NHDs) that have no known function. We show that NHDs are NAD+ (oxidized form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) binding domains that regulate protein-protein interactions. The binding of NAD+ to the NHD domain of DBC1 (deleted in breast cancer 1) prevents it from inhibiting PARP1 [poly(adenosine diphosphate–ribose) polymerase], a critical DNA repair protein. As mice age and NAD+ concentrations decline, DBC1 is increasingly bound to PARP1, causing DNA damage to accumulate, a process rapidly reversed by restoring the abundance of NAD+. Thus, NAD+ directly regulates protein-protein interactions, the modulation of which may protect against cancer, radiation, and aging.
Certainly one to watch.

Yet more protectionist agitation from the Optometric Cartel πŸ”—

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Telemedicine to refract over the phone, while not as good as you can get in an office, probably works "good enough" for people needing that price point. So more people would be helped, not less.

FIB also giving out parallel constructed NSA data to contractors πŸ”—

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Just pass it out like candy X-Pills

Stupidity escalates at the Wall Street Bull πŸ”—

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Statue Wars

Ross Ulbricht kept under the Jail πŸ”—

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The man doesn't just hear cases from political prisoners. GULAG for you!

Eurocrat: EU dead man walking πŸ”—

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No shit. Been obvious for a while; the only way to hold it together is a "Lincoln Moment" where they hold together the breakup by force.

China prostitution ban working like you would expect πŸ”—

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E.G. not at all

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