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The Doge πŸ”—

Top Go player beaten by Computer πŸ”—

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In a real nail-biter; only by a half point.

China downgraded again πŸ”—

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Still not enough; all states with CBs basically deserve FFF at this point

Britbongs get blowed up by the LIFG πŸ”—

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After delisting from the watch list. Schmucks. What they get for meddling along with uncle satan.

India's crony sanitation campaign: a cruel joke πŸ”—

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All of this is particularly troubling given the enormous sums of money involved in the Swachh Bharat Mission. In its first report on the campaign, in November 2014, the World Bank said that β€œover the 1999-2013 period,” India’s central and state governments β€œare reported to have expended INR 150 billion (USD2.4 billion)”—that is, Rs 15,000 crore. By all accounts, much of that money was wasted. The Swachh Bharat Mission proposes to spend around 15 times that in just five years.
I knew this was guaranteed to be a scam when I saw an article a few weeks back with Bill Gates pimping it. As expected, the Dalits and Muslims are shit on by the Hinduvata BJP dipshits. It's all a joke to prop up construction jobs making latrines rather than real sewage treatment. Nevertheless, Indian society is still clinging to it's backwardness:
A 2014 report by the institute, based on a survey of β€œsanitation quality, use, access and trends,” found that β€œover 40% of households with a working latrine have at least one member who defecates in the open,” and that many respondents believed there are benefits to defecating in the open. The report emphasised that latrine construction alone is not enough to change open-defecation patterns, and that β€œIf the government were to build a latrine for every rural household without one, without changing sanitation preferences, most people in our sample states where it is most common would still defecate in the open.”
But hey, change has come to India:
The only clear change in the life of the settlement since the launch of the Swachh Bharat Mission, Choudhary told me, was that the incidence of malaria and dengue had gone up here since a trash-processing project was built in the vicinity as part of the campaign.
And everyone in the government is clearly progressive:
Right at the foot of the mountain of garbage is the Muslim ghetto of Bombay Hotel. The ghetto includes the settlement of Citizen Nagar, home to people permanently displaced by the 2002 anti-Muslim pogroms in Gujarat. On paper, Citizen Nagar simply does not exist. The state government refuses to recognise the existence of settlements of pogrom survivors, and insists that all of them have returned to their original homes.

Another member of Mises Cuba snatched πŸ”—

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I pray for them. May god protect them from the evil they confront.

The CIA & US politicians protected A.Q. Khan πŸ”—

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USG: reverse midas touch

DPR & LPR update: The bounties of Socialism πŸ”—

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High Taxes, Police State and Corvee Labor Camps. This is how most revolutions end up -- Worse than what they replaced...And that's damning, considering how dissipated the Ukronazi regime has managed to be.

Santander: 92% of auto loans NINJA πŸ”—

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Up to their usual tricks, I see

UT San Antonio CURES diabetes in mice πŸ”—

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Here's hoping it works in Human trials.

Ron Interviews Taleb πŸ”—

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The Greatest Show on Earth goes bust πŸ”—

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The eco-terrorists bullied them out of business. Those animals wouldn't even be alive without the circus; I don't see the eco-whackjobs lining up to feed elephants. Meanwhile real peoples' lives and livelyhoods are ruined.

Seasteading Update: Infected by statism πŸ”—

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Barf bag required

Liberland update: Infected by STATO πŸ”—

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Barf Bag required

More NSA/CIA malware πŸ”—

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Why someone hasn't put on the shroud of the prophet and burned down Langley yet is beyond me.

Media becomes self mocking πŸ”—

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Catalonia: If you don't let us vote on secession, we'll secede πŸ”—

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ALL RIGHT! Getting properly rowdy now.

Infowars gets the WH press card πŸ”—

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Hardcore Trolling

Homesteading in Haiti πŸ”—

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This is the fate of all federal land when the USG inevitably fails. Thank god they took their lives in their hands and have thereby improved their lives.

The Fyre festival backstory πŸ”—

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Con artist.

Trump's Transformation into NeoCon Complete πŸ”—

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All it took was cozying up to the USA's "allies".

Grab her right in the...

$350bn more weapons for the Saudis πŸ”—

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So they can keep losing the war in Yemen and Syria, one assumes.

Corzine starts another hedge fund πŸ”—

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The Vaporizer returns

Journos: dumber than the average bear πŸ”—

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You'd have to be.

Gary North on Protectionism: the ultimate safe space πŸ”—

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The feds have painted themselves into a corner with all their "protections":
I think it is likely that by 2030, the discretionary portions of the budget will disappear. This means that politics will be all sound and fury, signifying almost nothing. It will be about who is appointed to the Supreme Court. It will have to do with issues of free speech and rights of non-cooperation. It will be all hat and no cattle.

By the time the Democrats can get back into the White House in 2022, it will be too late for the incoming President to have any effect on federal spending. Yet politics is all about special-interest groups getting their hands into the federal till. Political promises are made to these special-interest groups, but the absence of discretionary components in the federal debt will prevent almost all of these promises from being fulfilled. For all intents and purposes, national politics will be decided in terms of debates over social issues that have no budgetary consequences. All the rest of politics will simply be political rhetoric: sound and fury, signifying nothing.

The welfare state works only as long as the government can get its hands on other people's money. There are serious limits politically on the ability of the federal government collect taxes from the public. That limit is about 20% of GNP. The increase in nondiscretionary spending in the federal budget is going to place the welfare state in a straitjacket. This is good news in general. There is no way that America can grow its way out of the straitjacket. But the straitjacket is limited by the enforcement of federal laws, and without money for enforcement, Americans are going to get out of the federal straitjacket. I won't live long enough to see it, but maybe you will.
He explores the subject in more detail here. While I agree with the general framing, I disagree on the outcome. In general, the army gets stiffed last according to my reading of history. I don't see any reason to believe otherwise, personally -- they'll just print money when they run out of discretionary spending.

STATO institute continuing to be a joke πŸ”—

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They call themselves libertarian scholars, ha

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