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The Doge πŸ”—

Cure for psychopathy? πŸ”—

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Spoiler Alert: No. Psychopaths are very, very good at trying to blend in, but they are like a bull with a flag when in the grips of pleasure -- there's nothing they won't do.

MS azure: now with FPGAs πŸ”—

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That's quite a differentiator. That would be quite useful for optimizing some deployed apps.

More Anti Valve agitprop πŸ”—

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Statists hate that they won't comply with l'etat, and that they serve the consumer. Gramiscian shit from top to bottom.

Household debt back to 08 levels πŸ”—

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Bunga Bunga

Brazil capo nicked for bribery πŸ”—

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HA! I'm loving their presidential politics.

Special prosecutor appointed for Trump Russia probe πŸ”—

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The dems are gonna push their wingnut conspiracy theory all the way to a full impeachment circus. Talk about entertainment -- it'll work about as well as the benghazi hearings did.

Why HTS/nusra isn't on the terrorist list πŸ”—

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For the US to designate HTS now would mean acknowledging that it supplied sophisticated weapons including TOW anti-tank missiles to "terrorists," and draw attention to the fact that the U.S. continues to arm Islamist militias in Syria.
It always explodes right back in their face.

The real reason Trump canned Comey πŸ”—

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At the same time he was exonerating Clinton legally while damning her politically, he was investigating the Trump campaign, about which he quite properly did not say a public word. And he authorized his agents to engage a former British intelligence agent to dig up dirt on candidate Trump and to pay him $50,000 for it. The story the agent dug up was so lurid and unbelievable that the FBI declined to make the payment.
LOL Comey hired that bozo Steele who was peddling the Russia sex party crap. FBI: always up for a trivial sex scandal; forget the real crime.

Simulating neutron strikes on FinFETs πŸ”—

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Apparently our degree of miniaturization has made these previously impervious circuits weak to irradiation.

Two more vault 7 malware dumps πŸ”—

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Murder, Inc. has been busy.

EU: going to implode without British $$$ πŸ”—

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Politics expands to eat 100% of the money allotted to it.

What's up in Idlib πŸ”—

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Nusra running buck wild

Breast Milk: kills tumors dead πŸ”—

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Remarkable. The cure may have been under everyone's nose all this time.

Ivory Coast mutiny πŸ”—

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Possibly a big shakeup coming soon.

YPG Floods Raqqa πŸ”—

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I suspected they would do as much after capturing the dam. It's the sensible strategic move.

Kraut gov stealing houses for migrants πŸ”—

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Talk about "blockbusting"

Gravitational lensing for interstellar communication πŸ”—

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But as Maccone told the crowd at Stanford, we do much better still if we set up a bridge with not one but two FOCAL missions. Put one at the gravitational lens of the Sun, the other at the lens of the other star. At this point, things get wild. The minimum transmitted power drops to less than 10-4 watts. You’re reading that right β€” one-tenth of a milliwatt is enough to create error-free communications between the Sun and Alpha Centauri through two FOCAL antennas. Maccone’s paper assumes two 12-meter FOCAL antennas. StarShot envisions using its somewhat smaller sail as the antenna, a goal given impetus by these numbers.
Of course, with a latency of a year, it ain't great but it sure as hell beats nothing, which is what you'd get without it.

Lowes trialing passive exoskeletons πŸ”—

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Hopefully it reduces the workplace injury rate.

Smartphone calculator apps beginning to be approved for tests πŸ”—

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TI's racket is slowly unraveling as I suspected it would.

Child arrested for burping πŸ”—

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Authoritarianism uber alles

Oregon Gov: forcibly spray organic farms to control weeds πŸ”—

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Authoritarianism uber alles

Cholera raging in Yemen πŸ”—

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Your tax dollars at work

FARC Peace deal FINALLY done πŸ”—

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Anti Ex-Im bank guy appointed as capo πŸ”—

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Watch the transformation into ringwraith happen faster than you can blink.

Propaganda: Ransomware from the norks!!!!1 πŸ”—

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Bullshit. It's likely from skiddies like most of this shit.

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