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The Doge πŸ”—

Guess who took a bath on Puerto Rico πŸ”—

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A whos' who of bailout queens

True quantum communication achieved? πŸ”—

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If so this is the biggest news of the century. Truly non-interceptable information and hence energy transmission.

Signs the Russians would side with the Norks in event of a war πŸ”—

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Likely in a covert fashion, as before.

Yet more Washington Monument syndrome πŸ”—

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Pay for corruption, shut down the library. NY Slimes of course is incensed the helots just won't pay more taxes forever and never question their wise overlords.

ESR on the latest culture war BS πŸ”—

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Great discussion that sort of hits Walter Block's point in that "you don't own your reputation or what others think of you". The thread is great too, as it gets down to brass tacks:
The bigots are scum, to be sure. But their scumminess pales in comparison to the radical evil for which the the Gramscians are greasing the skids. A boot stamping on a human face, forever, with β€œdiversity” and β€œtolerance” spelled out in the studs on the boot sole.
Damn Straight. These neo-puritans are as bad as the original utopian nutcases of Plymouth colony.

The Man Trap πŸ”—

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An article from the Economist that isn't totally anti-family and man hating? Impossible. You mean even men have problems like everyone else???

Judd Weiss on the disaster that is the LP πŸ”—

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All kinds of terrible skullduggery. Of course, you could have asked Ernie Hancock about that and he would have been like "how could you not know???"

What you weren't taught about the Korean War πŸ”—

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β€œWe Killed Off – What – Twenty Percent of the Population. We Burned Down every Town in North Korea…”
Curtis LeMay

Very interesting China Watch πŸ”—

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Newsbud just keeps getting better. Lots of corruption in both china and it's opponents.

United continues to abuse passengers πŸ”—

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The insanity never stops until you abolish the cartel and establish free markets. Crush the FAA.

Yet more Syrian CW propaganda πŸ”—

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Bogus lies provided by yet another refusing to be named intelligence agency source. Put up or shut up when lives are on the line, losers.

Dome Sweet Dome πŸ”—

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Dome housing. Neat stuff, especially when bermed.

The FIB's Jihad against MAD magazine πŸ”—

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This time it wasn't MAD being a gang of idiots.

Yet another "good guy with a gun" stops a mass shooting πŸ”—

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This time in Arlington. Perp DRT. Good job.

NSA Zerodays behind ransomware epidemic πŸ”—

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The NSA is a menace to public safety and should be immediately abolished and it's assets razed.

Monetarists all wet RE demand for money being stable over time πŸ”—

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Great video chaser too:

South Yemen looking to break away once more πŸ”—

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Probably the best outcome from the war one can hope for at this point.

Brit PoPo: Hiring hackers πŸ”—

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Coproaches are the same everywhere.

Local media consolidation continues πŸ”—

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With the UHF discount reapplied, the companies cover 42 percent of the country. To comply with FCC ownership requirements and antitrust regulations, Sinclair may sell certain stations in markets where it currently owns stations, according to the statement.

Evidence once again explodes luddite hypothesis πŸ”—

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Automation causes more and better jobs, not less.

Marxists: Oh no, they hate Piketty!!! πŸ”—

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Maybe because he's completely full of shit like the rest of you commies? Picketty made the correlation is not causation error; he completely missed the cause of inequality which has risen even faster than the capitalization level. The State.

Trump: Americans don't worship .gov πŸ”—

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...in America, we don’t worship government, we worship God.
Not in my experience. Statolatry seems the most common belief system that I've found in the USA.

Coming Soon: Ubuntu, Suse, Redhat for windows πŸ”—

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It will be interesting to see if these mean that linux specific products could be installed as well; could be a nice shortcut into the windows market for some firms.

More progress reverse-engineering the IME πŸ”—

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Hopefully we get all the way there soon.

Barrett Brown update: Free again πŸ”—

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The BOP is mad as hell about his exposing their criminal behavior.

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