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The Doge πŸ”—

Right and Left: pretty much equally intolerant πŸ”—

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They're at least united in their authoritarian desire to remake the world in the image of their god, the state.

MX drug war: 23k dead last year πŸ”—

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I'm frankly amazed they aren't characterizing this as a civil war or rebellion already.

UK SecDef: Saudis "defending themselves" against Yemen πŸ”—

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Talk about being embarrassingly full of shit

Aussie internet central plan a complete failure πŸ”—

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As if central planning produces anything else.

Tesla getting into the solar shingle game πŸ”—

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I certainly like the idea of using gorilla glass to resist hail.

Saudis slowly liberalizing πŸ”—

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Female guardianship quickly is weakening as they increasingly move towards market processes and away from rule by brute force.

Photolith Li-On batteries πŸ”—

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Quite the upgrade from traditional production. Company seems like one to watch.

Obama used NSA against electoral enemies in 2016 πŸ”—

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The searches ultimately resulted in 3,134 NSA intelligence reports with unredacted U.S. names being distributed across government in 2016, and another 3,354 reports in 2015. About half the time, U.S. identities were unredacted in the original reports while the other half were unmasked after the fact by special request of Obama administration officials.
Not shocked.

Meyssan on Macron πŸ”—

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As usual, the public has been scammed by a puppet of the Cheka.

Sex offender registry continues to be monstrous πŸ”—

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South Carolina can continue to require some teens convicted of serious sex crimes to appear on the state's public sex-offender registry and wear an electronic monitor for the rest of their lives, the state Supreme Court ruled Wednesday.
Exile would be better than turning their life into a prison.

No-knock wrong house raids for prostitution now πŸ”—

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police told her "shut up, you have no rights"
Finally, an accurate "miranda warning". The SWAT virus infects more of society.

Aetna dumps OCare πŸ”—

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Because it's untenable. No need for a new healthscare bill, just let it fail on it's own.

Sessions: Throw the book at everyone πŸ”—

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Piece of trash.

Trump: I invented Keynsian pump priming πŸ”—

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Arming the Kurds: Playing with fire πŸ”—

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Taking sides over there has worked so well for us so far...

Trump ticked about railgun plane catapaults πŸ”—

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As he should be; it's totally over-complicated, more expensive and takes more power; furthermore the drone aircraft of the future will not care about the high g-forces caused by steam launching.

Exercise in a pill? πŸ”—

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Y'know like amphetamines? Guaranteed to have side effects.

BONUS: Age mechanism behind slowing metabolism discovered. I strongly suspect usage of this would reduce your lifespan; reduced metabolism seems a necessary mitigant to senescence.

Fmr. LA county sherrif goes to the clink πŸ”—

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He is the ninth person to be convicted and sentenced to prison as part of what Fox convinced several juries was a cunning conspiracy to interfere with FBI agents as they worked to gather evidence for a grand jury investigation into allegations of widespread abuse by deputies working in county jails run by the sheriff’s department.
Like most PDs the place is rotten to the core. Disband, not prosecute is the proper remedy.

Tabqa falls to YPG πŸ”—

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Expect the assault on Raqqa to begin within a month or so.

Buppert on the FBI πŸ”—

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Who cares about the clown Comey? The organization is the #1 purveyor of junk science to railroad the innocent and the premier entrapper of idiots. The whole sordid mess is only good at blackmailing politicians should be scrapped; free people don't need a Cheka.

More Sabre rattling by the by the De-Facto king of Saudi πŸ”—

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This guy's really writing checks his ass can't cash. He can't even take over the world's poorest nation with the world's greatest empire's help!

Cooler heads prevail in Syria πŸ”—

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A rare bit of good news. The cooperation to prevent an accidental us-russia shoot down is smart.

WikiPedo bureuracracy continues it's trudge towards hell πŸ”—

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As expected.

The truth of Piracy πŸ”—

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Sure enough, pirates were everywhere. But they were not who we thought they were. They were not anarchistic, antisocial maniacs. At least not in the seventeenth century. Like Moses Butterworth, many were welcome in colonial communities. They married local women, and bought land and livestock. Pirate James Brown even married the daughter of the governor of Pennsylvania and was appointed to the Pennsylvania House of Assembly.

The expansion of commercial trade, particularly the slave trade, cemented a colonial social order increasingly threatened by instability at sea and less tolerant of social mobility on land. This change in attitudes led to the period we call the β€œWar on Pirates”—roughly 1716 to 1726β€”and the advent of sea marauders who, with little hope of ever resettling on land, attacked their own nation. This is the era of characters like Blackbeard (Edward Teach), Bartholomew Roberts, and female pirates Anne Bonny and Mary Read, colorful rebels who lived dangerously and fit the legend. Where for centuries pirates had sailed under the flags of their own nations or of foreign princes, they now sailedβ€”and were hanged underβ€”flags of their own construction. No longer welcomed by the colonial elite, outlaw vessels were routed from shores that once harbored pirate nests.
As always, .gov made the problem worse. Eventually state navies became an even greater menace to trade.

Suspicious NATO-Russian naval collision πŸ”—

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