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The Doge πŸ”—

Very interesting Saker interview on "Guns and Butter" πŸ”—

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Good to hear the guy's voice.

OathKeeper v. Antifa confrontation coming in NOLA? πŸ”—

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Lord I hope not.

CA pols looking to tax space travel πŸ”—

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Good luck with that bozos.

Drive by goes way wrong in N. Houston πŸ”—

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Homeowner defends himself, hitting all three assailants! And without a scratch on him. 2/3 banger trash DRT. Good shooting.

Communism: A dangerous cult πŸ”—

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Based on superstitions like the labor theory of value, and chock full of emotional appeal for those longing for 'solidarity', not having family, property or religion.

Punters now Betting on Le Pen πŸ”—

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Interesting... Considering how many punters lost their shirts over DJT and Brexit though, this may be a counter-indication.

UPDATE: Confirmed for Sucker's Bet

History of Socialism in Venezuela πŸ”—

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It's pretty much been downhill since adopted in the late 50s. While there was political repression before, they got tripled taxes and central planning under democracy. Doesn't sound like a good deal.

Venezuela: Defections en-masse beginning πŸ”—

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The beginning of the end for Maduro.

Yet more evidence Netanyahu was involved in Krytron smuggling πŸ”—

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How the Israelis got the triggers for their H-Bombs.

Why the Head Shrinkers are all wet πŸ”—

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In the 1970s, prior to the domination of the biopsychiatry-Big Pharma partnership, many mental health professionals took seriously the impact of coercion and resentful relationships on mental health. And in a cultural climate more favorable than our current one for critical reflection of society, authors such as Erich Fromm, who addressed the relationship between society and mental health, were taken seriously even within popular culture. But then psychiatry went to bed with Big Pharma and its Big Money, and their partnership has helped bury the commonsense reality that an extremely coercive society creates enormous fear and resentment, which results in miserable marriages, unhappy families, and severe emotional and behavioral problems.
It is not a sign of health to be well adjusted to a sick society. Coercion is emotional Poison.

Bacteriophage therapy: life saving, prohibited by FDA πŸ”—

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Abolish this murder agency.

The story of NESTicle πŸ”—

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Neat writeup.

UAE to tow icebergs to get drinking water πŸ”—

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Sounds like it would work. Ice was shipped even in the age of sail.

Asprin: retards metastasis πŸ”—

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Yet another wonderful effect.

Speaking of that, here's how the propaganda campagin in FR is going πŸ”—

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They are therefore absolutely right to elect a personality whom they hate, but who will protect them from a woman who pretends to be the incarnation of the Nation, when in the past, she betrayed France and is responsible for the millions of dead from the wars of 1870 and the First World War.

According to sociologist Jean-Claude Pays, the vulgarity of these accusations, supported by every one of the daily newspapers without a single exception, has provoked an effect of stupefaction in the French public. Numbed, they march towards the ballot box to vote as they have been ordered to do.

The cruder it is, the better it works.

FR gov blatantly siding with Macron πŸ”—

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Threatening jail time to all who publish details on his offshore accounts.

Brief history of Prostitution in USA πŸ”—

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Good overview.

Corruption: primarily benefits the poor πŸ”—

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Duh, you have to cheat to get ahead in a system stacked against you.

USG: We'll bomb who we want when we want πŸ”—

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Ignoring Syrian no fly zones set up by the Russian Entente, as expected.

Oil in them heights πŸ”—

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Golan heights, that is

Safe Zones in Syria πŸ”—

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Safe from the US that is.

Why syria is a dictatorship πŸ”—

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Cause the CIA overthrew their democracy.

Feds going after Uber now πŸ”—

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Keep sticking and moving, guys.

Vault 7 : Archimedes πŸ”—

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Tools to penetrate secured LANs like those used at corporations. I have long thought much of the intel services time is spent performing corporate espionage for crony firms.

Euro youth ready to revolt, supposedly πŸ”—

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Most people are mighty brave when asked the question, as they don't really know what hardship such would cause. Nevertheless the underlying dissatisfaction is real; but it's likely sunshine patriotism everywhere but Greece, in which case they already have little to lose.

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